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Monday, November 7, 2005
Over and out.
 You loved me touching your boobs! And I loved it too! You feel no shame in exposing your self. Good for you! your beautiful body should be admired, not hidden anyway.
please send me a message. Include a picture of your body and boobs (nude please!), and your bust size and we can chat. :D
Can I touch your boobs? (girls only!) brought to you by Quizilla
Just because that was really funny.
I'm going to go to bed, as my room mate just walked in and set herself to severely pissing me off. She just blew up at me for no real reason, and I've usually been able to keep things in check when it comes to her; ie not let what stupid things she says or does let me get angry, but for some reason, it did this time.
Like honest angry, or at least annoyance to the highest degree.
*sighs and shakes head*
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
Don't blink; I'm already gone. ^_~
Infamous last words written from almost forever ago, indeed. *shakes head*
- My room mate went home this weekend, and thus gave a certain particular Aleia time for honest relaxation, amongst other things. I miss that so much; the last time I was able to do anything was the last time she left for home, which was midterm break. Oyeh, don’t even bother asking when that was; just know that it was (waaaaay too) long enough that I honestly don’t remember. (And it feels like forever ago, so yeah =P )
- About a week or two ago, two friends, my room mate and me were playing a card game and eating pizza. The one girl had her lap top on and was showing us some Ramstein songs. She is studying German, and is advanced enough to translate the songs, and she was playing some of her favorites. She was translating some of the lyrics when my room mate started to look honestly terrified and actually crossed herself a few times over, repeating what I realized to be a prayer spoken in Spanish for the saving of her soul.
... I had never seen her like that, and.. it was freaking hilarious. I was the only one out of the group that had noticed, as the other two had gotten into a discussion about various other Ramstein songs. Even after it was figured out what I had found so funny, my room mate was still in a sort of shock, which only made things even funnier/worse. *snickers and giggles*
- I got dragged to a UTSA party, which was fun, but not for what you would think. There were six in all, including me. The party got really stupid when most everyone at the party was either in the extremes of drunkenness or stoned off their ass; but worst was when they were both. The one friend that I knew from before, the designated driver and me ended up chilling in my room mate’s car in and out, but more so after the stoned gate keeper/money collector guy grabbed a handful of curls and then grabbed my boob. -_-
The chilling in the car part was really fun; the curl grabbing/hair pulling/boundary pushing was not. That actually hurt. >:|
Eh well. One cop came to the party to investigate, and the three of us had to rush in to locate the other half of our party. It was unspoken that I was to go after my room mate, and that itself was a job/hassle for more reasons than I have fingers on one hand, so I’d rather not get into it. *rolls eyes*
15 minutes after we left, a whole bunch of cops came and broke up the party, so we had good timing.
- A while back, sometime between my last full post and this one, I was persuaded to go to a club, and that was an interesting experience all in itself. *grins and shakes head*
- A friend invited me to her house almost a week ago to meet her family and eat dinner, which was home made macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, steak, seasoned french fries, vegetables….
Her dad is an incredible cook. *drools*
And then everyone watched a movie called High Tension, a bloody French bloody gory horror film that had an extremely unusual twist and plenty of blood and blood. The dubbing was terrible, and at times made me laugh at very inappropriate moments. XD
Did I mention that it was bloody? =P
Memoirs of a Geisha looks pretty interesting. *nods*
I’ve been prone to getting sick lately. It’s just the weirdest thing, honestly.
On a completely unrelated note, the campus nurse urgently referred me to the emergency room when I told her stuffs about my period, and she had asked particular questions.
It’s at this point that I have to thank a certain dorkboy for sitting (pretty much mostly ;P) patiently in the waiting room for and with me for about 3-4ish hours strait; and a 5-6 hour adventure in all and just for taking me to the ER to begin with. He is greatly appreciated, and I dunno if he fully realizes just how much. But yeah. *sweatdrops*
Diagnosed with excessive bleeding/being rather close to anemia, ect ect. Later was referred to another doctor, and to make that story short, me and a friend ended up stranded there for quite a few hours, for… certain… reasons. Shut up.
What really really really really sucks is now I have a rather large bill that I need to but can’t pay, and certain procedures that are urgently wanting to be done, but can’t be even scheduled until I finish paying, so yeah.
Time and time will do and tell. I went to the Human Resources office, just as I said I would, and they were so iffy about the job position it was honestly irritating. I am going to try to catch up with some connections, and see how that works out.
I’m rather positive that I am going to be put on academic probation from this semester, but I’ve gotten things strait enough so that I feel grounded and confident that I can pull myself out of that status next semester, and on to the better ways of things. *smiles*
- Game on the 17th; San Antonio Spurs vs. Houston Rockets. I’m possibly a chaotic good luck charm. ^_~
- The reasons that I’ve had to be concerned about certain peoples have kinda become true, which isn’t helping my worryness.
- ....I dunno. I’ve been kind of afraid of being pushed aside and forgoten by someone, friend wise. Had a dream about it too. =\
Ehhh... >.<;;;
- Friday, was invited by a few friends to go to a gay club with a whole group of people from our school, but decided to hang out with the D&D group of guys instead. Not everyone in that group plays that game; they either don’t like it or prefer to watch. The guy that had the necessary books for some reason failed to show, but we still had a lot of fun anyways.
Earlier that day, I was in the one gym/gaming building, and was hanging out with that group in the gaming and tv room, the side where all the couches are. To make a long story short, a notoriously oddly weird guy discreetly jizzed on a couch cushion, and it was then that for the first time in my life that I saw what sperm stuff looked like.
And it was... uck. No. I said I was going to make a long story short.
I was just.. suprised.
In the end, after all the ogling from other people and ews! and yuuucks! and suggestions of burning the whole couch, one of the guys picked up the tainted couch cushion by the corner and started chasing people around the room with it.
Ah, it was so freaking hilarious. XD
Today... ok, I guess last night, considering I didn’t go to sleep yet and I’m typing this up at 6 am-ish, I ended up spending a few hours talking to a friend, we both went grocery shopping with a walk, along with pizza (with MUSHROOMS, biatches!) and ice cream and two movies in a row, both in her room. Left her room with full intentions of going strait to my room and going to sleep, as I had finally went to sleep around 7am-ish yesterday morning and made myself wake up around 1pm-ish and was muchly on the sleepy tired side, but I sighted a few people I hadn’t seen in a long while and ended up involved into discussion and adventuring out at around 3am for fajitas (yes, I freaking know how to pronounce that word >:O ) at this really incredible Mexican restaurant and now my belly is very round and very full and I feel comfortable and sleepy tired. *grins*
And I feel like a piggy, cause that… was a lot of food. And kinda guilty, cause I found out I gained a few pounds. *falls over* X_=
Today, whenever it is that I wake up, I plan on working on meh English paper (research on how to instigate a national healthcare plan; I’m not gonna tell you the worst part about all this, lol ) and just enjoying my last most day of freedom, as my room mate is prolly gonna be back later tonight.
Oh yeah. She’s been telling other people for weeks that she wants a new room mate (I know because I over heard her quite a few times, as she never made a point to make or keep it secret, with the loud way she talked). She finally announced to me herself last Thursday. I was laying on my back in my bed, with my window open, staring at the beautiful sky while a wondrous breeze brushed across me. I didn’t acknowlege or reply to her anouncement; like I had said before, I did know this was comming, and I really couldn't care less. She started acting like she was awkward and started flitting about her side of the room in an anxious flutter, half picking up and just messing with things in general. She finally just huffed out of the room with a slam, and I grinned.
I dunno why, but that was funny.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Wouldn't you know it
Mhm. With my hair this way, I feel… conceited. No, not conceited, but complacent, confident. *half grins and shakes head*
As much as I really like the way it looks now, I wouldn’t want it to be permanent, like in the way where I would go and get it chemically straitened, for all different sorts of reasons, a few of them being it would get expensive, seeing that I would have to keep redoing it whenever it grows out and starts to look weird, and… I am pretty content with the way I look normally/naturally.
It’s just really nice to know that I can look like that whenever I want to. Well technically, only if I have a hair iron handy, but you know what I mean. XD

Yeah, last one, honestly. I just think that picture is one of the better ones. =X
(Maybe conceited was a good word XD )
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Better than any ID photo ever taken

*half grins* Even this morning, I still have small dark red/purple spots on my face, from... being sick. Mhm, it's a habit I need to stop exercising, yeah? ;P
It could possibly be in my best interest. Maybe maybe.
But today, I gotta run to both classes, grab food (OMG FUD), stop by the one office to see about the job I dont have that was promised to me about three weeks ago, schedual my classes and declare my major as undecided (a story all in itself *rolls eyes*), write a paper for my 5:30 class, and after that, finally write a paper that was due last Thursday and turn it in tomorrow.
So. More of a summary of the past few days, but whenever I actually have time to... write it.
And so I am off and away. Catch you guys later. ^_~
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Waiting for the other boot to fall.
"The beauty of blogging, as compared to writing a book, is that no editor will be interfering with my random spelling and grammar, my complete disregard for the facts, and my wandering sentences that seem to go on and on and never end so that you feel like you need to take a breath and clear your head before you can even consider making it to the end of the sentence that probably didn't need to be written anyhoo."
Things that have been happening:
- Went to a club Thursday night, for the first time. I have to admit, the male strippers were much unexpected, and kind of threw me off. XD
Anyways. That night was a long night, for many more reasons than one. *falls over*
- Went to a Japanese culture festival on Saturday, as the Anime Club had to organize and run the anime table (Haha, common sense to the rescue!)
I stayed at our table for only a few minutes, and left to wander about when an old guy stopped by, as I was getting funny odd/weird vibes from him. I had discovered about how people who were volunteering for the festival were given free sushi and rice (I think it was vegetarian sushi with flavorings stuff, so yeah); got a bowl and came back to the table, to do my part and help with the distributing of information about anime. I thought it was odd that for the long amount of time that I was gone, the old guy was still there. As I sat down, Daryl and James (the only two people left around) said that they had to go get their parking tickets stamped somewhere, so that the parking would be free, as it was a part of the deal for volunteering for the festival, and asked me if I minded doing the table by myself until they came back. I said I didn’t mind; and they assured me that they would come back quickly.
It was really windy out that day, and so a lot of my dried seaweed was drifting off to all over the table and the old guy kept picking up the little bits with his fingers and putting them in his mouth, looking over at me while he was doing it. The whole time I was picking at my food, the guy was leaning waaay over the table and kept making comments to me about how I was very pretty (thank you very much, but I did hear you the first, second, and even the fifth time); how I handled my chopsticks very well (alrighty! 0_o); compared my skin tone to those of models, and then made comments about my body figure and the ways of dieting.
Daryl and James did not come back soon enough, in my opinion.
Soon after they came back, the old guy left. Just as he left, I turned to Daryl and James and asked them who he was. James’ face was bright red, as he was holding back his snickering. I looked over at him and he informed me that right as I left to wander about, the guy announced to him and Daryl that he wanted to draw me. I punched him on the arm and yelled at him for leaving me alone to fend off the guy, and he finally burst out laughing. Whenever he finally calmed down, he said he didn’t figure on the guy coming on so strong, let alone hitting on me. He pointed out how humorous it was, when after they came back, the old guy was trying to figure out my age by asking my classification college level wise (freshman, junior, sophomore).
Right as we were packing up and temporarily shutting down, the guy came back. He turned to me and told me in person that he wanted to draw me sometime. I… honestly had nothing to say to that, and involuntarily squeaked a noise and left very quickly. Whenever we finally got a safe distance away, someone laughed at my expression and joked that the old guy prolly meant to draw me in a "Titanic" sense, and I told him in plain language and a smile to stfu afore I popped him one in the face.
Ew. *shudders*
Of course, to my dismay, the story is spreading around school. I’m surprised, considering there were two or three people who had witnessed it in all, and I sure hadn’t told anyone from school.
Just today:
“Ah Aleia, you can’t help it that dirty old perverted men are attracted to the innocent young girls with a pretty face ^_^ ”
Aleia: Stfu, I’m not that innocent! >:O
Manny: Whatever you say, Aleia. *pats my shoulder* You’ve already been stereotyped as innocent, so you’re pretty much stuck. ^_^
Aleia: *puts head in hands and makes her noise*
The story is spreading like a wildfire. *makes a face*
Maybe I need to do something really stupid, so people will shut up. XD
They had a martial arts demonstration of sorts, and I'll be putting piccys up maybe tomorrow, as for now I have to go off to financial aid to settle a disturbing email I received; something about how I owe the school +2,000.
Ha hah hah. Heh.
I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night a few days ago, and figured it would be neat to see at least my first name in binary code.
I honestly dont know why I thought that, but I did.
*smacks forehead*
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Cause we're all a little crazy inside, ya know? ^_o
The past four days have been eventful and yet really odd, like a weird vivid dream. In all honesty, that could be the reason why I’ve felt/still feel funny-odd, like there is a piece of reality missing somewhere. But that’s been an off and on feeling, and it mostly stayed when I was introduced to a certain aspect of the internet. *raises eyebrow*
Random happenings in no particular order that the weekend entailed:
Someone giving me signals that are contradictory to their situation (Not limited to the weekend, but one of the instances still happened Wednesday night, which is when break started). A few people I’ve talked to about that say one thing, but I refuse to believe it. I mean, I don’t think it would be right to go into detail at the moment, cause the people I talked to could be wrong/I could be wrong. But this situation is a bit on my mind, so yeah. Not even counting that someone suggested I take advantage of it... and I can’t. I mean, my morals won’t allow it. So how come it still weighs heavily on my mind? Heh, and I have to see them in class tonight... >.<;;;
Rewatched the movie The Notebook, and events afterward were already mentioned (Being... sang... to; helping a friend who was heavily intoxicated.)
Japanese food (OMG FOOD *drools*), a mall trip in which I tagged along for, and my acquiring of good music. *grins*
I’ve already chalked up Saturday as a lost day, completely. And I mostly blame it on one person, but let’s not get into that. Really. You don’t wanna know, trust me. *shakes head*
Tried to shove some common sense into someone. Dunno if it was successful.
... Ah well. I prolly have more chances in the future? *sweat drops*
An expected event occurred a bit sooner than I had figured, concerning religion. It was both slightly amusing and.. disappointing. But oh well. *half grins*
Sunday was more or less a lost day as well, because the funny odd feeling that visited on Saturday pretty much didn’t know when to leave. I have a paper due Monday, late morning, and it’s extremely difficult to make myself do something I don’t wanna do, when I am like that.
Which is why I am up on Monday, early morning, to try to finish it up. It isn’t a hard topic, but the form is time consuming, to say the least.
I noticed that instances where bomb threats are called in, there usually isn’t anything there. Am I the only one that sees that if a bomb threat is called in prior, it was done only to cause chaos and fear? I mean, of course you have to have precautions when handling such situations, as there is always the possibility that some dumbass out there will try to defy that logic, so yeah. -.-;;
Whenever it was cold outside, it reminded me of when I lived at my mom’s house, when my mom would come inside the house from the cold and in a good mood, she would stealthily come up behind an unsuspecting person and put her cold hands down their back/on their neck and laugh at them and their reaction. She did it to me a lot of times. Apparently, I have a tendency to... zone out? Off in my own little world, I am. =P
Mhm. My room mate got back late last night from home, and so all is...
Would it be contradictory of me to say normal? Yeah.. yeah, I believe it would. I’ll just finish off with... Something similar to “as usual”.
So. My room mate got back, and all is as before.
\lack-uh-DAY-zih-kuhl\, adjective: Lacking spirit or liveliness; showing lack of interest; languid; listless.
Oyeh, try and throw that somewhere into your daily conversation. *grins*
According to sources, I broke my blanket.
*sad face* =(
Watching The Hunt for Red October in English class.
*Goes off to study for a midterm*
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Friday, October 14, 2005
At the end of the world; or the last thing I see...
Things learned recently:
Some people make really bad drunks, and thus really shouldn’t drink if they know what’s good for them. *shakes head*
Honest trust seems to be a rare thing among friends; thus has heightened value for me.
They like me here. *Grins*
I seem to be attracting the religious zealots lately. No, honestly, you don’t understand. *raises eyebrow*
I kind of realize how it’s neat how seem to get along and fit in with very different cliques of people.
I had been up until really early in the morning yesterday, talking to the friend that was going to visit. I was talking to her through IMing, cause her husband was awake and he can be really stupid most of the time, so text messaging with her phone was much safer. She was supposed to leave for the airport around 8-9ish, for her plane to leave off around 10am-ish, so yeah. It was during the time that we talked that I found out that she had never told her husband that she was leaving; she had been planning to sneak off and then tell him whenever she got here, because he wouldn’t let her go if he knew ahead of time. With the way he is, plus the fact that she would be going back home in only a few days, seemed a really stupid thing to decide. It was around 6:30 in the morning that I felt I really couldn’t stay up any more, so I told her to have a safe trip, and that I would see her later in the day. I put up an away message and went to bed.
I woke up around 2pm, and found a message by her saying that she couldn’t come, she has to reschedule and for me to please not be mad at her; that she will explain later. I was disappointed but not really surprised, so yeah. I tried calling the house cell phone; someone picked up and immediately hung up on me. After a few minutes, when no one called me back, I figured it was her husband who did it (He isn’t a fan of her talking on the phone/isn’t fond of me), and then I realized that it was Thursday, so of course her husband wouldn’t want her to use up the minutes during the day (Heh. I have break Thursday till Sunday, so of course I had forgotten and figured it the weekend) It made sense; no big deal. I’d get the story and talk to her whenever the airtime became free, which is of course at night.
I called around 10pm their time, and I got an automated message telling me that by request of the subscriber, their phone is not accepting incoming calls.
Her husband… *gestures* He has proven himself unstable with more than a few actions, and so I am seriously worried. *sighs*
Last night, a few friends and me helped another friend who was really drunk. Dealing with her, and all the responsibilities that we had to take on, because the way she gets when she’s drunk (very quick to anger; extremely unstable emotionally/balance wise/thinking patterns, ect), plus the fact she was around other people (a lot of them notoriously being of a certain type of guy; subspecies Taketh-Advantageous), it was then that I realized that I never want to drink enough to get drunk. It’s stupid; it doesn’t serve any good purpose, real or imagined, and you can easily get hurt. One of the friends that was helping told me about how she had gotten drunk at someone’s house, and her good friend of five years was sober and drove her back to campus. He had walked her to her dorm room, and then tried to take advantage of her. A good friend of five years, and he tried to do a dumbass thing like that. It made me feel a little funny, because the girl lives right on the same floor as me, and all this was happening and either no one knew/cared. It made me think about the amount of trust I hold in certain people, and it was then that I realized well founded trust might be a rarer commodity than I had ever realized.
Maybe maybe.
How I even realized my friend was drunk was when I walked outside towards the courtyard between my dorm building (Flores) and the one next to it (Centennial) and she came towards me in a squiggly line, hugged me (mostly fell on me) and told me she loved me. The strong smell of some sort of alcohol that I picked up off of her was another clue, but yeah.
The funniest thing was that she remembered my name. For the longest time she had been calling me Ariela or something, but I really didn’t mind, so yeah. *half grins and shakes head*
(Uh yeah. Forgot to mention that this be an AIM conversation. *sweatdrops*)
Someone-I-know: i deleted myspace
Aleia: Why?
Someone-I-know: cuz
Someone-I-know: religious reasons
Aleia: Like what?
Someone-I-know: i was flirting with several girls
Someone-I-know: and im dating
Someone-I-know: and so i deleted my accoutn
Someone-I-know: account
Someone-I-know: cuz i believe
Someone-I-know: that satan was tempting me in it
Aleia: Well
Aleia: Couldnt you flirt with girls using AIM, too?
Someone-I-know: yea
Someone-I-know: but i can't find girls on aim
Aleia: Yeah, you can do a search.
Someone-I-know: i wont
Aleia: How come you just couldn’t lay off the flirting, and keep your myspace account, if you had wanted it?
Someone-I-know: it was too tempting
Aleia: Why?
Someone-I-know: dont ask
Someone-I-know: lol.
Aleia: How come?
Someone-I-know: because
Someone-I-know: im tempted and influenced easily
Someone-I-know: and the devil tempts me hard because i have come closer to God
Aleia: So the further away you are from God, the less the Devil wants to tempt you?
Someone-I-know: yea
Someone-I-know: your righ
Someone-I-know: right
Someone-I-know: the devil wants our soul
Someone-I-know: you, me
Someone-I-know: everyones
Aleia: Does the devil eat souls? XD
Someone-I-know: but Christs truth and spirit sets us free
Someone-I-know: if we accept it
Someone-I-know: he puts souls through torture
Someone-I-know: for eternity
Aleia: How come he would want to do that?
Someone-I-know: Well
Someone-I-know: its simple
Someone-I-know: if your not saved
Someone-I-know: or baptized
Someone-I-know: and your a bad sinner
Someone-I-know: your going to hell probably
Someone-I-know: if you choose to obey the commandments that would set for us as humanity
Someone-I-know: we choose that is
Someone-I-know: and ask
Someone-I-know: Christ into our hearts, to renew us with faith in him, and his truth
Someone-I-know: we will be saved for the kingdom of heaven
Someone-I-know: make sense
Aleia: Eh.
Someone-I-know: its a serious thing
Someone-I-know: did you know the bible is an acronym for another meaning
Someone-I-know: Basic,Instruction,Before,Leaving,Earth
Someone-I-know: now that is awesome and freaky
Aleia: You do know you can make an acronym for and from just about anything, yeah?
Someone-I-know: yea
Someone-I-know: i know
Someone-I-know: but it falls into place
Someone-I-know: lol
On the same note, a completely different person sang to me a (confusing) religious song about spam; then explained to me that the word spam was an acronym for Spirit/Peace/And… something. I forget. It was almost 3 am when they told me this, and it’s almost 2 am now, so yeah. XD
Methinks someone is trying to subtly convert me.
I guess I’m a sinner and I’m going to burn in hell.
So who’s coming with me? =D
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Lonely Rolling Star
Highlights of my day:
1) Got shampoo in my eye ( o.- )
2) Got black pepper up my nose ( >.<;; )
3) Ate something for the first time since Saturday ( =X )
4) Saw what a half hour Mass was like.
It was then that I learned that the Catholic religion seems a little... violent. Gory? Morbid? I was invited by a friend, to see what it was like, so yeah. *shrugs*
Recovering from being sick. Yes, again. It seems my body chooses the weekends to get really sick. >.<;;
My friend is defidently coming Thursday! *does a dance*
The Mars Volta/Demons & Wizards > You.
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Colored the same as sorrow.
Last night around 9-ish, my room mate told me she was going to go downstairs to a drinking party; so if I fell asleep before she came back, don't lock the door cause she can't find her keys.
It's 9-30ish in the morning, and I highly doubt she ever came back (On another note, this has to be the earliest I've ever been awake/woken up on a Saturday in almost forever =X ). She most certainly isnt here now, and her bed still has the same books and papers it did before, so yeah.
Sorry to her, but whenever I get done showering and brushing up on the earlier lessons from my Logics text and notes, I am going to have to lock the door, when I leave. The absolute latest I can begin the midterm today is at 1 pm (as it is alloted for two hours, and the center closes at 1pm), so she has untill 10 minutes before then. She didnt call me or anything, so that's her fault, yeah?
I dunno. I've never been in this kind of situation before. Results will tell me if I handled it wrong or not. Unless one of you guys has any suggestions (Clicky on the comment box <.<;; )
Oyeh. I very well cant leave the building, and leave our door unlocked. *shakes head* There's school policy and rules regarding that anyways. If a door is found unlocked and no one in the room, school officials have the obligation and right to lock the door. School officials including our RA (Resident Assistant; person in charge of dealing with the dorm residents in their alloted hallway), or even housekeeping, which sweeps the hallways and stocks toilet paper in the dorm room bathrooms.
So yeah. If it wasn't me, there would be a chance someone else would do it.
After the midterm, I figure on studying a bit for the midterm on Monday night. I was invited to hang out at the mall and watch a movie, but the movie doesnt start till 7, so I have no idea when we're leaving.
It is still freezing cold outside, honestly. In my dorm building/room they still have the air conditioner on at full blast, and combined with how cold it is outside, I am always in a constant state of shivering coldness. I feel like a freaking popsicle >.<;;
The friend that helped me with finding a monitor, he also got me a keyboard and the two wires that I lacked...
So now I have my own system. No more bumming off my room mate.
It has a DVD player, but when my aunt had ownership of it, when Windows had to be reinstalled, the computer had refused to acknowlege the DVD player part of the drive existed. I dont see why I wouldn't have that same problem, but I think I know people who might be able to fix it, so yeah.
All I gotta do now is save up for some speakers. >:D
In my possesion I have the complete Evengelion series, plus the movie (DVD's). I've watched most of the series so far through the anime club, and because of break, I have two weeks untill I have to give it back to the owner, so yeah.
Oyeh, gonna go get my constant-state-of-freezing self to the shower and finish studying, to take the silly midterm.
My room mate came back about 15 minutes before 12, which was 5-10 minutes before I was gonna leave. She spent the night with a guy I know (His room mate is a friend of mine), but her telling me that had me feel a bit odd. *shrugs*
Took the midterm. I dont think I failed it, so yeah.
Mall/movie got reschedualed for Wednesday night.
Been cleaning/defragging the computer.
But yeah. Don't think I have anything to do for the rest of today.
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Friday, October 7, 2005
My room mate needs to stop making comments about our bathroom. I'm not easily offended, don't get me wrong, but never in my life have I ever met somone who could gross me out with such ease, with only a slight phrase. o.-
^ Not much to comment there. Walked by the exteriors of a few in Manhattan. They oddly caught my eye for some reason. XD
Teh horror!11!!
^ Kind of cool, in a yucky gross morbid sort of way. Honesty; click on the picture to get a better look.
As I was making my way towards my dorm building, I noticed a group of people surrounding a TV. Yeah, this was all happening outside. TV’s and people in the outdoors. Apparently, I had just missed the pizza (They had just thrown out the boxes as I had arrived), and that made me kind of sad. *sad face*
... Hey. I was/am really incredibly hungry. Like how I seem to be more than not. <.<;;;
Oyeh, there was an outdoor videogame tournament. I was standing out there, and I realized there was a sharp contrast between me and everyone else outside, as I was the only one with short sleeves. I went up to my room to drop off my book bag, and my room mate was up there with her friend, and she was acting a bit testy towards me, as she was studying. I had a funny feeling that if I stuck around, things wouldn’t be all very good, so I just left my stuff and went back out.
A friend I know from English class was hanging around the outside gaming tournament. After we talked for a few minutes about general stuffs, he excused himself, telling me he was going to be right back. I was laughing at someone who couldn’t stay alive for longer than 15 seconds (Halo 2) when I felt something warm being wrapped around me.
Turns out he had gone to his room to get a blanket. (Dur =B)
But yeah. It was really really sweet of him. ^_^
I retract my statement from last night. It was only chilly out then; this morning, it was freezing cold. I figured it would only be cold at night, but nooooo, it had to go and get extra windy/really wet and rainy and stuff.
Oyeh. I woke up and I was shivering mad crazy. I think the school still has the AC going, even with as cold as it is outside. XP
I only mind the cold a bit because I don’t have a coat, much less a jacket. Oddly enough, inside I feel relived, as my biological clock feels like it’s finally fall; like everything is ok now. I do realize it’ll prolly get warm again, as I was told that was predicted for the end of this weekend, but at least it was cold once. (Haha, I was told that in Southern Texas, if you don’t like the weather, just wait 10 minutes.) The cold kind of signifies that summer is more or less officially over, so yeah. *Grins and sighs*
*does a happy fall dance*
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