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Lady Mercury
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Middle School student
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4.0 student, creative writer
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Inuyasha, Sailor Moon
Take on career as anime artist
swimming, internet surfing
drawing anime, writing
| Lady Mercury
Hello and welcome to Lady Mercury's site.While reading my posts,you may or may not come across the name "Bob". If you do,I just want you to know that Bob's real name is Sheridan.And yes I was obsessed with him for a while.As creepy as that may sound,I could care less if Sheridan reads this because even if he did feel the same way about me,I still wouldn't date him.He is totally after this other girl at our school.So until I find another guy to chase after,I'm going to be obsessed over anime guys.Because in anime,even though most of the time they have their own romantic interest in their show,no one cares if you are obsessed with them,not even they themselves.Well,now that my little episode is over, tomorrow is New Year's Eve and then there is only a couple days until school starts up again. Rats! After that I'll most likely not be posting for a while, because my teachers this year are strangling me with work. I don't mind the learning extra, but my brain needs time to absorb the stuff, but they just keep shoving it down my friggin' throat! I'm actually kind of grateful that these teachers take their lives and waste them trying to install knowledge in the slimy lttle punks running around my school.I believe that if you don't have a good education,you are doomed to a lower middle class, mundane life in the suburbs watching gang members exchange drugs for a living. I wish my life could be exciting like an anime,but I'll settle for upper class regular life. Enjoy! Lady Mercury
Saturday, January 15, 2005
The radio just keeps on playin' all these songs about rain...
Sadness. It is a terrible thing. My reviews keep getting rejected. Sad. That's not all, but I doubt you have much interest in my social life, so I won't so into that. I have to change the song so it is sad. I hope you all read my resview of Sailor Moon S: Hearts in Ice! And to Banyou, and that other guy, who said that Sailor Moon wasn't very good, well, you know, you don't have to go and tell me that, or you could at least say it more politley. I mean really, you must have family issues of something, because I, personally, would never say that to anyone, because i was raised better than that. Notice my name is "Lady" Mercury? Yeah, so there. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. That is all i have to say.
Lady Mercury
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year, Everybody! Got any resolutions?
Hey! Have the best anime New Year ever, and keep smiling. Anybody got any New Year's Resolutions? I sure do. Lose this damn weight! I'm not a balloon, and everyone says I don't look half bad, but I am totally unsatisfied with my body. So if it's the last thing I do, which I hope it won't be, I am going to lose this weight. So there. Also, I'm going to try and keep my room at least kind of clean. Speaking of, my new Inuyasha calendar looks great on my wall, but Inuyasha and any anime, short of hentai, looks great anywhere. Hmmmm, let's see, oh yeah! This year I'm totally going to find myself a boyfriend. I really do need a boyfriend. When you spend Friday and Saturday night watching anime and anime movies every week, it's like getting a jump on life as an ugly secretary. Or a 30 year old with no husband and no boyfriend. Either way, I want a boyfriend this year, and sadly he can't be anime. I thnik that's all of them. Do you have any? If you do, feel free to post yours in the comments box, though unfortunatley you get less space than me to write them out. Anyway, I also want to say that I hope my review of Sailor Moon S: Hearts in Ice the movie makes it. I really liked that movie, and I'm not sure of my reviewing abitlities. And doees anyone know what an OAV is? They had a review opening for Read or Die the OAV, but I don't know what that is. I hope if you know, you'll put it down in the comments box. I'm proud to say that in the past year, I have gotten sucked into 7 seperate anmies. I'm so proud! I wish they would of kept up Trigun, though. One of the other animes I have begun watching is Rorouni Kenshin. You know, that must mean something kind of obscene in some language, because whenever I go looking for Kenshin pictures for this site or to make into cards, it comes up with not only Kenshin pictures but also hentai type stuff, too. I have learned to read the description before I visit the site from that experience. Despite the trouble it is to get them, here are some Kenshin, and other pics to help bring in the New Year!

Wow! Pictures from this years animes and some from beyond that. Like real life, there are some goodbyes, but also some new beginings. So as sappy as that sounded, don't be sad if you're anime is cancelled, because they have to replace it with something, and that something might be as good as what its replacing. And don't forget this year that life is not an anime. Sad as that is. So, even though some of us forget that here and there, don't forget it altogether this year! And a Happy New Year to you!
Lady Mercury
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Friday, October 22, 2004
I get to sit next to Sheridan in Career Ed....
I'm so happy. I'm sorry it's Friday. Today my Career Ed. teacher switched our seats, so now I sit next to Sheridan( ). Yay! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I doubt anyone missed me. But sorry if you did. My computer was screwing up all week. All of last week, too, in fact. We decided to just get a new one. Now ours is all new and stuff. It's cool. Anyway, I love Sheridan! In Career Ed. we're learning how to type correctly, with all your fingers. I got into the habit of it so now I'm typing right. Anyway, I type really fast so I was way ahead of everyone else. Sheridan was still typing when I was done, and he skips a line and goes back and does it later, so he was like, "Whoa you type fast!" and being the lady I am I'm like, "thanx, but you aren't that far behind me" because then I didn't know he was skipping a line and doing it later, then he said, "I'm skipping a line!" So, that was funny, but when I finished and put my laptop away, I got out an assignment from another class and worked on that until I finished it. Around the time I finished the assignment he finished the typing and I was counting the words to make sure I had all I needed, because I had to have 350 words or I would get docked points, and even though I have an A in English I want a good grade! So I was counting the words and Sheridan comes back from putting his laptop away. He takes a little bottle of that Purell hand anti germ stuff out of his pocket and uses some and offers me some. Me and him aren't strangers, we're actually pretty friendly, though not near as friendly as I would like, so I asked him why he was carrying Purell and called him a germaphobe. It's actually understandable that he woud want to wash his hands, because the laptops are used by everyone in all 7 periods in the day, everyday so I did't blame him. Actually I kinda agreed with him, so I accepted and got back to couting my words. Then he brought out one of the fifteen puzzle things, where you have to try to arrange the tiles from 1 to 15 but you can't pick up the tiles cause they're in this board thing so they can slide from side to side but you can't take them out. He plays with it for a while and even6tually asks me if I want to try. I do, but I want to make sure I have enough words in my essay. But while I'm thinking about that, In lose count and have to start again. The room is really quiet because everyone wants to hurry up and finish so they can talk with their friends, so I try not to raise my voice by not saying anything. I think he got the message though, because he waited until i finished and put away my paper to ask again. After that we had a lot of fun, we timed each other to see who could solve it faster and who could put it backwards faster and a couple otrher people wanted to try. It was the best Career Ed. I ever had! That's all for today. I'm already sick of typing. Later!
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