Lady Mercury
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Why do I always add posts so late? You'd think I would learn....
*yawn*I'm gonna go to bed soon, I can't wait for it to be tomorrow. I get to see Sheridan tomorrow. Yay! I'm incapable of expressing too much happiness because it requires energy. *yaaaaaaawn* I'm listening to "Sound of Life" from Trigun. It's that song Rem always sings. Speaking of Rem, yesterday's episode of Trigun showed what happened to her. It turns out, Vash has an evil twin, kind of, and Rem and 6 other members of a project called Seeds--well, I'll just start from the start. Anyway, Rem and 6 other members of a spaceship called SEEDS were leading a fleet of other ships to a new planet in the distant future when Earth is destroyed by humanity's lack of care about what happened to it. At that point in the series, Vash and his twin brother Nives, were 7 or 8 years old. SEEDS was a project to get humanity to a new home to prevent it's extinction. Each ship carried numerous people, frozen until a new home was found. Well, fights between crew members broke out, and one by one, each was killed except Vash, Nives, Rem, and the captain, Joe. Nives had been acting negativley lately, talking about humanity's imperfection, and why they were like that. When it came down to it, Nives shot and killed Joe and set the main ship to crash on a near planet. Of course, if the main ship went down, they all would. Rem, Vash and Nives escaped to an escape pod. Nives hadn't told Vash and Rem that he killed Joe, but just told them that Joe would try to repair the ship's trajectory. Rem didn't want to leave Joe alone, so she sent Vash and Nives in the escape pod and went to help Joe. As he flew away, Vash watched the SEEDS main ship explode from top to bottom. But Rem had managed to fix the other ship's course, so only hers went down. After that, Nives revealed his true colors to Vash. That's so sad! I was so close to crying!>_< Before his escape pod closed, Rem told Vash to take care of Nives. And at the end of the episode it went back to normal time in the series and showed Vash with his gun, saying, well, I forgot the exact words, but Vash said something like, don't worry Rem, I will take care of Nives. In case I'm not being clear, Rem meant the good kind of "take care" and Vash meant the "he's dead" kind of "take care." Okay, fatique is getting to me. Bedtime! Later!
Lady Mercury
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Content. I'm in love but tired. Sweet. I like 'em both.
I'm still in love! But I'm tired! But I won't be sleeping till eleven tonight. I have four animes lined up in a line. or in a row. Row workes better. First there's an all new Inuyasha, Then Premiere episodes of Wolf's Rain. Then repeats of Cowboy Bebop, but that's fine with me! I like that show enough to watch the same episodes over and over. Then Trigun. Those are repeats too, but I just started watching it a couple weeks ago, so they're new to me. *Yawn* I'm gonna go look for Inuyasha Halloween costumes on the internet. Someone's gotta be selling them. I'm gonna be Kikyo. I don't like her all that much, because she's always pulling Inuyasha away from Kagome, but she's got a cool costume. Later!
Lady Mercury
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I'm in love! Even though I still haven't asked him out yet....
That could be a problem. But I just...LOVE HIM! It's like that song, I'm Walkin' On Sunshine! I'm Walkin' On SunshiiiiIIIIIIne, I'm walkin' on sunshine, ooOOOOH, and don't it feel good! Yeah!I'm so happy I could sing! But that would probably make him avoid me because I can't sing. At all. But that doesn't matter! Unless we go out for kareoke. Then it gets ugly. But that won't happen! I have to tell you all about him. It's times like this I'm happy I don't post my name, because then if he read it I would most likely die of embarrassment. Anyway, he's totally hot! To me anyway. To you he might be ugly. But I doubt it. He's so cute! He's just taller than me, he wears glasses, but only sometimes cause he has contacts. He's not real popular, but I wouldn't want to go out with a popular guy because they tend to be cocky and only have one thing in mind. You guessed it. Sex. It makes me sick and angry. Anyway on with my perfect guy. He has a really cool name too. Sheridan. I love it! But I love everything about him so that's no surprise. I feel so lightheaded! It's like I'm gonna float up to the clouds. I always feel like that when I'm around him. And it's not like that with other guys. There's this hottie in my other class, but even though he's nice and polite, I would take Sheridan any day. Literally! HA! Okay, done with that kind of humor. But I don't know if he likes me or his last girlfriend, Ree. I don't like her much. She's nice, but she's a goth, and she always makes me feel depressed. Sheridan isn't goth, hell no! I couldn't fall in love with a goth guy. Too scary. I think he might like me, but if he doesn't, I'd make a total fool of myself and beat up my own heart if I confronted him on it. And the last time I wasn't sure and waited too long, Ree got him. I don't think I could take either one. Sometimes life sucks, but at the same time is great. I have no freakin' idea what I should do. Ideas? Comments? Click on the link under this post to leave your opinion. Please! I need someone else's view on this point. It reminds me of Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha and Kagome love each other, but Inuyasha can't get over Kikyo, nomatter what she does or how she tries to kill him. Later!
Lady Mercury
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
Wolf's Rain was so sad yesterday! I can't believe Cher died...
Last night, Cher died on Wolf's Rain. No, not Cher the immortal by plastic surgery Cher, there's a different one on this one show. Before I start crying again, here are today's pics, which are dedicated to Trigun. First there is, of course, Vash the Stampede.

    Then there is Rem. We never meet her personally in the series, but Vash recalls memories of her, and that's all we see of her, so far as I know. 
  Then there's my favorite, Nicolous D. Wolfwood, or Mr. Priest. I love him! Trash the vow of chastity! He's mine! 

These next pictures are of Millie and Meryle, the insurance ladies that follow Vash around for the whole series. Millie is the tall, brown haired one, and Meryle is the short, black haired one.
Here's some villain pics for you sinister peoples out there.   

And last but not least, here's some group pics comin' at ya. 
Here's some of the nameless black cat who followes Vash around.

Whew. That's all for today. you'de be suprised how long it takes to write these posts when you put pics on.Later!
Lady Mercury.
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Angelfire and Tripod suck! I'm never taking pictures from their sites again!
Whenever I take pics from THOSE two providers, they expire or something, and the pics turn into advertisements! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Anyway, I'm gonna be gone for two weeks starting TOMORROW, Sunday. I get to stay in a motel for one night! I know that sound like kind of a wierd thng to be happy about, but I don't get out much. Here are today's pics. In case you don't recognize which song I have available on my site, "tajiya sango", it's background music from Inuyasha, and is kind of slow and somewhat depressing for most of it, but is fast and upbeat towards the end. I don't know you all personally, but I bet you'll like it. Here are today's pics!

There I'm done till I get back. Sign my guestbook! I'll get back to you when two weeks is up! Later!
Lady Mercury
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
I'm tired. I've already had enough computer time for one day.
So I'll make this post short. Or try to. Anyway, in respect to SesshTaisho's request that I put up more Uranus pics, I'm going to dedicate today's post to her. But mostly because I'm too lazy to go to every scout's section of this site I found. Here they are!

Be happy! Later!
Lady Mercury
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Happeeeeeeeeee! I'm, HAPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I'm happy! I have three new friends! You can visit them! Down in the options column. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Anyway, I have too much energy now to stay on the computer, so here are today's pics. Oh, sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I didn't have very much extra time. I somehow doubt anyone is going to kill me over it.

That's all for today! I'm off to work off this energy!
Lady Mercury
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Monday, August 16, 2004
La, la, la...I wish would put my greetings up.
I submitted a bunch of greeting cards the other day. They were not THAT bad! At least one should have been put up! WAAAAAAAAAH! Oh well. There are others. Anyway, off I go. Feel free to add me as a friend! Sign my guestbook if you want me to add you as one of mine. Sign my guestbook anyway! Anyway, here are today's pics! 

I'm done for today. Enjoy the pics. Please sign my guestbook!
Lady Mercury
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
I doubt anyone missed me yesterday, but sorry if you did.
I went to and stayed there the whole computer day. I my mind a computer day is the time of you spend on the computer. Mine is very long and routine. Anyway, I really don't want to be loading pictures all day, so here are the pics of the day. 

That's all for today.
Lady Mercury
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Friday, August 13, 2004
I'm mixing it up a bit today...
Instead of just posting Inuyasha and Sailor Moon pictures, I'm gonna put up some Cowboy Bebop, Yuyu Hakusho, and more. I won't say whichmore, but there will be more. Definitly Trigun pics. And more.  

In case you don't know, those pictures are from Cowboy Bebop. It's only on Saturdays now, but I always watch it. 
These pictures are from Card Captor Sakura. This anime is about a girl named Sakura who finds an old book in her basement, which contains a deck of strange cards. She looks at the top card, when suddenly all the cards fly out. If any of you find something wrong with my narrative, sorry, but I haven't watched the first episode in years, so I'm doing the best I can off memory. She also releases the guardian of the cards, which is this little yellow teddy bear with wings that talks. And has a lion tail. Anyway, Sakura becomes a Card Captor to find the cards she lost. But each card comes alive when you say its name, like the Shot card or the Water card, and the all have powers, so it's more complicated than just picking up a card. But it's cool! Going on.

This is Yuyu Hakusho. Like so many good animes, it's banished to Saturdays. Sad, sad. Anyway, better than nothing. In this series Yuske gets hit by a car and dies, but the Spirit World people weren't expecting him to die that day, so he got to come back to life. Once he was ressurected, He was immeidiatly drafted as a Spirit Detective. His job is to fight demons that escape into the human world and prevent demons from getting into the human world. That's the summary, so I'm going to go ahead and continue my post. 

Okay, Trigun, ummmm...I just recently started watching this show, but it's about this guy named Vash the Stampede who everyone thinks is this crazy hyped up, violent guy 'cause he destroyed an entire town, but he din't hurt a single person. At least, that's what it said in that one summary I read. Going on.

This anime is called Tenchi Muyo. It's about this boy named Tenchi who lives with his Grandpa on the family shrine. Over the series, Tenchi ends up living on his shrine with several women, ranging from alien princesses to intergalactic police officers, to wanted outlaws. On top of that, they all have crushes on Tenchi. It gets really interesting. Anyway, I haven't watched it in years, so that's the best I remember. That's all for today, I have other things to do.
Lady Mercury
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