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myOtaku.com: Lady Shadowfox

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Demonic-Soul (03/01/06)

I like your site.Its awsome!^-^
Do you want to be friends?Please e-mail me or sign my guestbook.I hope we can be friends.^-^


Alizara (02/28/06)

Hi nice site

kintaro25 (02/28/06)

Bleach!!!! Saiyuki, tsubasa fan sweeeeet...Me liky ur site...stop by my lame site somtime aright...me add u as friend...ANIME

AngelKOS-MOS (02/28/06)

(*02/28/06. Tuesday*)

---Just wanted to tell you that I really like your site and just wish that you could come and check mine out. Perhaps...even sign my guestbook so that I know that you came by. Tell me what you think about what's on my site. Comment as much as you like. I'll be sure to add you as a friend. Just let me know if it is okay with you, just private message me. I have tons of quizes if you are interested. Just go to my Quiz Rezults and take your pick.(*Grins and shows fangs...*)Hope you have a pleasant stay at my home site...and a kick ass day too!
AngelKOS-MOS..(*Remember...it's just a name.*)

MysticFlame (02/20/06)

Nice site and kickass wallies!! I really like the recent Bleach ones that you made, they're great! Love the scans that you got of them too ^^ Yay Bleach! Anyway, hope you have a good day! Cya around!

DeViL InSiDe (02/20/06)

i love ur site!! really cool ^^ will u come by my site plz? i promise to comment as much as possible! the only time i usualy don't comment is when i don't update or when i don't get up ealry enough in the morning ^^ but i get to ur site in the afternoon. well ja ne! X3

sakura girl101 (02/15/06)

i like your site. ^-^

Kaiz Dark Angel05 (02/14/06)

Gosh you're guest book makes me feel like I'm the only Beyblade fan here. lol. like your site. never really watched Bleach sorry.i have a one anime mind and that anime is Beyblade so yeah. i saw your beyblade desktop you made. oh dude how the hell did you make 90-somthin wallpapers!? it takes a lot of work for me to make the 22 i've made. lol. I was like O.O when i saw how many downloads you had. lol. once again i like your site. come to mine sometime. addin you as a friend!!

A Very Pissed off and Heart Broken

Dragonball3000 (02/14/06)

What's up

Like your site and wallpaper's too. I added u om my list. add me to your if u want. Checkout my site sometime.

Happy VAlentine Day!!

Take Care!!

Inuyashawolf (02/09/06)

Hey! Nice site it's cool, as for Cry me a river, my teacher won't stop listening to it in class so i don't like it that much any more! >_

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