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myOtaku.com: Lady Shadowfox

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The day story....
What a lazy day!! Well not really... i was busy doing art work.. still busy doing art work.. im drawing pictures of FINDING NEMO!!! woohooo!! Come to think of t.. i actually woke up early today!!! 2hrs before i normally wake up!!! What a record!! hehee. Well, i did say in my last post that i would post the pic of rymoa i did.. its him chibi form!! I love it when he is like that.. sooo cute!!!
Heres the pic....

Chibi Ryoma!!!

What you think? Its my first attempt so its not going to be that good..

The sun is out to play today!! Me is sooo happy!!! But it is freezing outside!! Im all warm in my room, i dont want to leave it.. Talking about room.. i cleaned my room today!!! Ok, so i have not been that lazy today.. i had so much art work around i couldnt even move to get to my drawers!!! hehehe!! I dont keep t that messy but because of deadlines and that.. i have not been able to clean it..
O, looks like im going on holiday soon.. well next month. So i get a break, but will be back in time for the last week of college.. sad na? And i will make sure i put up a few more wallapapers before i go.. lol!!

Well, can't keep typing my day story up, i have to go and do some art work!! :( :(
Take care everyone!!

O, thanks to the people who write the comments on my posts!!! I really appreciate it!!!!


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