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myOtaku.com: Lady Shadowfox

Monday, November 28, 2005

ITS FINALLY COME!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! MY PRINCE OF TENNIS CALENDAR CAME TODAY!!!! The time here is 10/15am and i am sooo happy!!! woohoo!!!
Sorry about the late update, i was at a wedding this weekend and my legs still hurts from standing in heels all day.. ouch!! and then all the dancing.. man.. i am soo tired!!!
Oooooo.. have another bit of good news!!! I HAVE A JOB!!!! Yes!!! Finally after 11months of waiting!!! I got a job!! Woot!! I started yesterday (sunday) and i am working in a clothes store and being trained up as a Supervisor!!! Woohoo!!! So, i wont be updating as much.... I will cram as much as i can before i go on holiday!!!
Soo.. i hope everyone is good and take care of yourselves!!!!

Take care everyone!!!


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