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myOtaku.com: Lady Shadowfox

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Judgement day has arrived...
Hey eeveryone! Well lately... i have been doing a LOT of art work.. so much that i dont even have time to talk to many on msn!! :( Well, its all due in today and they are going to mark what we have got.. O man, i really feel bad at the moment, i have not felt so nervous before, maybe because this all depends on whether we stay on the course or not.... Somehow that last line did not comfort me.
Well its all go go go over here, so much work and so little time...

O, i would like to take this oppotunity to thanks those who have joined my forums. I found that it is rather big and the more members we have it will be better.

Sorry Kitabug69, i did not get back to you yesterday, but i recieved your message.

Take care everyone!


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