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myOtaku.com: Lady Shadowfox

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Mood: Depressed, annoyed and bored
Listening to: Hard-Fi: Better do better
Time: 19.21pm (Uk time)

Urgh, another one of those days. Woke up with a headache, was late for work, was late finishing and now doing an art reveiw which really sucks!

Im getting sooooo distracted today. Well, had a kind of average-ish day at work today, it was boring basically.
You wouldn't believe but i just stumbled across my diary that i keep on my computer.. but i accidently.. almost forgot the password.. but then i found out out of the two passwords i use.. hehhee.
The amount of rubbish is wrote in there.. it made me laugh when i read it now. Talking about reading...
I just want to know whats your favourite shakespeare play? Mine is Midsummer's night dream and Macbeth. Sorry for all you romeo and juliet lovers.. but that not my thing..
I know this may sound odd, but apparently 1 out of three says Romeo and Juliet.. i think its 1 out of three...

well i better be off to do my work..
see you around!


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