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hmmmm.. *thinks* i think 1999..
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Weiss Kreuz!!!! Bleach!!!! Saiyuki, tsubasa, Prince of tennis!! Fruits Basket, Angel Sanctuary, Yami no Matusuei.... And the list can go on...
to design and build my own house with AI!!
drawing, making wallpapers and amv's
drawing... most manga and houses.
| Lady Shadowfox
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Its all overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Mood: Relived...
Listening to: Girls aloud- Biology
Time: 22.08pm
Lets start with my new fan fiction on weiss kreuz. Due to kitabig's writing it has inspired me to put my one up. Let me warn you that this is the cut ersion, the other version is not quiet for the faint hearted.
So here it is:
The Night Weiss Crossed
Chapter 1: part 1
The darkness surrounded her, consuming her, engulfing her; she had nowhere to run. Her breath was getting shorter, her eyesight was fading out, sweat was running down her face but she couldn’t allow herself to stop running; she had to escape them. They were getting closer; she could hear their voices gaining on her. She ran into the nearest alleyway, thinking that they wouldn’t follow her…she was wrong. They followed her right into the alley; she took cover behind a grubby big dumpster and held her breath.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” one of the male members called out, mirth evident in his tone. He was looking around for her and noticed a blue scarf behind the dumpster. A smug smile grew upon his face, as he began to take small steps towards the dirty looking rubbish bin.
“There’s no point in hiding, I can see you, we won’t hurt you…” he cajoled, “…promise,” the smug smile turned into a sneer as he stood beside the dumpster, “Come out darlin’…I can smell your scented perfume,” The guy was twisted, he’d do anything to get what he wanted, even if it meant going to extremes and using force.
The torn up girl put her arms over her head, trying to block them out, but to no avail. Being delirious, she started to think it was a nightmare, but she was very wrong. She could hear his footsteps coming closer. All of a sudden she felt his hand grabbing her hair and pulling her out from her hiding place. He pushed her violently against the wall, smacking her head into it, sending her world spinning before her eyes. He smelled her hair and started playing with her top, unbuttoning it, while his gang members stood guard at the end of the alley.
“Don’t worry honey, this will be over soon,” the man whispered into her ear, then chuckled, his intentions evident. She tried to push away, as he began to caress her neck, but was completely out of energy. She couldn’t even put up a decent fight, let alone anything else.
“Please…please…stop…I haven’t done anything to you,” the girl managed to say in a choked whisper, as his lips continued to play with the soft flesh of her neck. Being weak, she was unable to stop his hands from exploring her, running along her body and travelling upwards. Their expedition was interrupted by her bra, and so he changed tactics, pulling her away from the wall and holding her close. He continued to grope her soft body, his head hanging low upon her shoulder, as one hand fondled her chest and the other moved south.
Hot tears trickled down her face, as she was unable to fight against the horrors he was putting her through, then suddenly his pace changed. He man-handled her, pulling her to the cold, hard ground of the alley and started to tear her clothes apart, bit by bit.
“Please stop…” her plea was helpless, barely audible. No one could hear her and no one would help her.
“Hey boss,” one of the gang members shouted out, “there’s someone coming!” The leader of the gang stopped upon hearing this and then lightened his force. He grabbed the poor girl close and placed his lips near her ear.
“You had it lucky girl, normally someone doesn’t survive the night,” he whispered. He ran his hand along her neck and left her, left her there to suffer on her own in the cold night. He stood over her and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He stood there staring at her and then turned around, his long grey trench coat flowing out behind him as he made his exit.
Once he was out of sight, the girl pushed herself up into a sitting position, gasping for breath. She was left trembling in the aftermath; the cause, a mix of the violation and the cold that bit into her skin, tearing it apart, slowly, just like the twisted man had done to her. She could hear their voices fading in the distance, her vision was a quest for her; she couldn’t make a thing out that was in front of her. All she knew was that they had disappeared and had left her there like a discarded toy.
“What have I done wrong?” the torn up girl asked herself, as tears started flowing from her eyes, “That’s the thing…I haven’t done anything,” she could feel the darkness swarming about her, she could see her vision fading out form the outside, she could feel herself falling asleep. Unable to stay up, she felt herself fall to the ground before her. She lay there, in the bitter cold, waiting for someone to save her.
Moments later a mysterious young man appeared; he was dressed in a white polo neck with a red cross on it and black trousers. His short brown hair flowed with the wind’s direction. The young lad stood over her and knelt down to see if she was okay, despite the story her appearance seemed to tell.
“Hey, are you ok?” His soft voice called out to her, but she was too fazed out to even respond, “Can you tell me your name?” He went to touch her face, to move her hair out of the way. His soft voice called to her again, “Here let me help you” he picked her up and held her close to him, “everything will be okay, you hear me?”
Thats the end of chapter 1 part 1. I will be posting tomorrow!!!
The other days lyrics were:
Todays lyrics are:
No, wanna sell your soul, shareta kiiroi [tacchi] de
No, forget smile again, odotteitai dake
How easy can this one get, its from a shonen-ai smash hit manga and anime!!
O!!!! I PASSED MY PATHWAY STAGE FOR MY COURSE!!! YOU KNOW.. i was going on about my deadline.. well i passed!!! woohoo!!!
good luck!! and see you around!!
shadowfox |
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