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That would be on a need to know basis
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Alchemist, Queen of chaos
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I'm suppossed to have achieved something?
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Fullmetal alchemist, wolf's rain, trigun, inuyasha, ruruoni kenshin, hellsing
Ummmm.. no wait i've got something... oh just forget it
Killing people... oh wait i shouldn't have told you that now i have to kill you
Too many to list but trust me i do have talents
| ladyalchemist22
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
yay for rain!
well today wasnt too bad it was rainy,foggy, and colder so it was nice. im still in a really good working on a story titled "Ed Elric vs. the yard gnomes" lol Ed may very well have met his match those yard gnomes are evil perhaps more so than the raccoons lol. i might post the story if you guys would like to read it. well thats it for me ttyl!
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Monday, April 25, 2005
yes once again yayness is a word because i said so. ok well my mood has greatly improved since yesterday im not saying why though.but theres a full moon tonight so yay since im a lycan i get to go hunting again. *evil grin* you people might wanna stay indoors if im on the loose j/k while im out hunting im gonna take care of some of those evil raccoons and yard gnomes. well im off to cause chaos . ttyl !
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
i hate people.
im in a really bad mood today i feel like killing everyone who crosses my path. i have once again been foolish enough to trust people and all they wanted to do was use me for something. thats ok because from this day forward no one will ever use me again.its my own fault for trusting people after i told myself not to. the queen of chaos just got more evil than she already was. which is good it means now nobody will ever want to get close enough to me to try to use me.
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
it finally rained, well actually it stormed which was really nice and i watched as those evil lawn gnomes tried to sneek across my yard and attack me during the storm then suddenly a big tree branch fell on them crushing them ah ha take that stupid gnomes lol ok yay im in a better mood because it stormed and ill work on those wallpapers you guys requested today on one condition, i will make the wallpapers if you tell me where i can find the philosophers stone lol j/k ill try to get those done today. and i guess thats it for me ttyl!
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Friday, April 22, 2005
where is the rain that was promised to me?
*sigh* i have yet to see any rain, the sun is still shining (stupid evil sun) *screams at the sun "i hate you leave me alone"* ok i feel better now ,well actually i dont. anyways i think ill work on some more wallpapers if you guys have any specific wallpapers you would like to see just let me know and ill make them. im bored i really, really need to go destroy something i havent been causing any chaos lately. well im outta here ttyl!
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
well im in a slightly better mood than yesterday
and its supposed to rain today which is good the rain always cheers me up. and maybe the rain will keep those evil raccoons away. oh and those yard gnomes those things are being controlled by the raccoons so watch out for them they like to sneak up behind you and attack and the rain doesnt stop them thats why the raccoons use them. lol ok so im in a much better mood than yesterday but im begging you please dont trust the yard gnomes i watched one chew a guys leg off once *shivers* it was horrible ok you have put up with enough of my crazyness for one day ttyl!
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
scary ,but these results sound exactly like me
 Your inner soul is calling for help! You always seem so depressed, lonely, and feel like an outsider. You may have a cold, sad exterior, but in all reality you are hurt inside and bottling up all of your anger. Everyday you wonder why are you still here when there is nothing left? You use to once be a happy, loving soul, but it was damaged by 'them' and seems like it never can be fixed again. However, you have yet seemed to realize that there are people out there that deeply care for you. They secretly have a thing for you because they find you to be dark, mysterious, and full of secrets, not to mention being the prettiest person in the world! You like to enjoy your time by yourself expressing your feelings through forms of art, and enjoy nice quiet scenaries that just dazzle your mind with awe. Your bedroom is basically your sanctuary where you can hide out, hidden from those who gave you all of the pain. Try to loosen up and have some fun! Never start frowning because you never know who's falling in love with your smile :)
What Is Your Inner Soul Trying To Say? brought to you by Quizilla
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im in a very bad mood today, well actually im in no mood at all i feel no emotions , is it just me or does anyone else think that life is just pointless? each day i wonder what reason do i have for being here when nothing good ever happens no matter how hard i try im still making someone unhappy.oh well i guess it doesnt really matter.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
ok im working on a documentary titled " when raccoons attack" if you or someone you know have experianced the horror of being attacked by evil raccoons please share your story with me. i will add it to my documentary. the world must know of the evilness and destruction those raccoons are causing. please share your story so others can understand your pain and together we will put a stop to attacks . we cannot allow them to take over the world. (no im not crazy lol) ttyl!
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Monday, April 18, 2005
ok i decided to stay oh and beware long post
so many people asked me to stay , i was actually amazed that you guys would miss me but i know i cant leave i would miss everyone way too much. so with that in mind im doing something different today im hyper so just deal with my craziness. ok this is titled "how you can tell if you are overly obsessed with fullmetal alchemist" 1. you think everyone just called you shorty (even if they didnt) randomly tackle people screaming" tell me where i can find the philosophers stone" tell your friends "i cant go out in the rain ,i have an automail arm and leg. what you want me to rust?" 4. you enjoy setting fire to everything then dance around yelling "yay im the fire alchemist" before realizing you just burned down your own house. 5. someone breaks something and you run up saying ill fix it with my power of alchemy ,then you remember you are not an alchemist. 6.for no apparent reason you start talking about the first rule of alchemy and equivalent exchange, then you wonder why the person you were talking to has walked away. 7.people ask you your name and you scream out"IM ED ELRIC DAMMIT" truly believe you are scar and you try to kill everyone because they are state alchemists 9. you get yelled at for drawing transmutation circles on everything. believe raccoons are evil and they are plotting a world takeover ,ummmm.... wait that has nothing to do with alchemy, sorry. yes i know this is a long annoying post but like i said im hyper and if you agreed with any of the above statements you are a overly obsessed fullmetal alchemist fan. lol ttyl !
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