Personality cocktailFrom
I command that all of my friends do it too! *evil overlord pose* If you don't, face the wrath of uhm...*hunts for a feather* TICKLE TORTURE!! Mwahahahahahahaa!
I'm sugar high. Can you tell?
Anyway, I got a different comments form that works a lot nicer than the one I was trying to get to work. For now, at least.
I'm also in the process of writing a song, but I'm having writers block. Here's what I have so far:
I hear you find yourself lost
These days, they seem sepia-colored
And the days slip through my fingers
As I wish they would linger
So I close off my heart for a while
Just to hear the beat of those around me
I've been like this awhile
How about you?
I'm a little bit afraid
Of years from now
Tell me, do tears fall when no one sees?
What is the seperated emotion?
Passing time, I want to cradle it
And keep it forever to one day go back
The many days until I notice
Ha ha, not so good but I tried. I might finish it, I might not. It depends. Welp, going to play Tales of the Abyss! (jeez it's long)