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My thoughts. ^_^
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Web Developer
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Staying alive for 22 years.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon at the age of 4.
Favorite Anime
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, Yugioh!
Find as many active people on MyO as I can, complete my Fan World.
Lots and lots of things...
Being me?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Just got around to everyone who has updated since my last post. Which, it seems like everyone on my list did. I really need to get my butt in gear and get on MyO more often. It's not that I don't want to. It's just that by the time I get home from my job I am totally exhausted and don't feel like doing anything except vegging. >_>;
Only two more days till I see Ru.
*laughs* You'd think it's been months since I've seen him instead of just two weeks. It's just hard for me to be away from him because I am insecure, and a worrywart. As my nightmares have indicated.
But thankfully, they've gone away. Probably because I know deep down I am the one who is creating these feelings and uncertainties in my head. I just wish I would stop so I could feel normal for once and not such a basket case. -_-'
And ugh, my cold has gotten so much worse. My throat keeps getting sore and I feel like I keep catching more with each passing day. I don't think I will ever get over from being sick.
I just want tomorrow and the first part of Friday to be over and done with, please and thank you. >_<#
Anyhow, thanks for reading!
Nessa: OMG NESSA!! *glomps and tackles hardcore* You're back!! At least, for just that one comment. But still, its wonderful to see your shining face again. I've sorely missed you!! And Happy Belated Birthday my love! I really wish you would start posting regularly again, it's so not the same without you. Glad to see you are still alive and well. ^_^
DFD33: Oh man, we will have to have another sleepover and stay up till 3 in the morning making a layout for you like we did that one time in High Hool for your other random knock-off account. And those Roba bros are doing pretty awesomely. They can be really bad sometimes. But I would take playing with them over my previous job any day. I mean let's face it. I'm getting paid to watch TV, go to the library, and play in the snow with little kids. What could be better?
Belinda: I have crazy dreams almost every night. I'd love to know what they really mean. Thanks for the tip. ^_^
Lute: Unfortunately, I have no solution for nightmares. Lately my dreams have consisted of me not being able to breathe or me having asthma because I have a cold and my nose will stuff up in the middle of the night making it literally impossible to breathe. And I will wake up gasping for air. It is horrible.
corn: Yeah, it seems like the backend of MyO is royally fracked. Which sucks. If we can't really customize our layouts anymore, it takes a lot of fun away from MyO. :(
Brit: Thanks for the positive advice! I just have to keep telling myself that they are just dreams and that there is no truth in them. I know that Ru feels as strongly about me as I do about him. He just doesn't show it the way that I do. And I am just a huge worrywart. I know everything will be okay. ^_^
And as for SM...DO IT. I'm soon going to be 22, and Sailor Moon (the Japanese version of course) still brings me as much joy as it did when I was 4. There is just something about that anime that will never grow old. :3 |
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