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My thoughts. ^_^
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Staying alive for 22 years.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon at the age of 4.
Favorite Anime
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, Yugioh!
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Lots and lots of things...
Being me?
Monday, April 24, 2006
Current Mood: Tired. Extremely.
Currently Listening to: Reptilia by The Strokes
Current Time: 3:53 pm
*waves lethargically* Hey everyone. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm SO tired right now. And, it just hit me about two hours ago. Not only that, but my throat feels swollen and my nose is runny. I hope I'm not getting sick (again). I seem to be very illness-prone this year. -_-'
Despite all of this, my week seems to be going off to a good start. I don't have much homework at all tonight. I have a test tomorrow in History, but I'll be missing it because of driving lessons. So far, stress-free. Now if only it could stay that way the remainder of the school year.
Yeah. Right.
Unfortunately, due to my exauhstion, my brain has sort of shut off. I can't really think of anything to say. >_>;
How about something anime-related for a change? It's random, I know, but I'm going to state my favorite characters from my favorite animes and why I like them. You don't have to read this if you don't want to; I'm just trying to make this post not completely pointless. ^^;;
Sailor Moon:

Name: Chibi-Usa
Why I like her: I like her because, even though she is just a child, she is very wise--wiser than even some of the adults around her. She's also very kawaii. Although she can be manipulative and a smart-ass at times, she really does care for almost everyone around her. She's able to make friends easily and is very outgoing. She also puts up a very tough frontal assault and instead of running away from her problems, deals with them directly.

Name: Malik Ra Ishtar.
Why I like him: First and foremost, he is absolutely gorgeous. XP But more importantly, I love his personality. He's very deep, and although he puts up a sinister front, he's very gentle underneath. I also like the fact that he was hurt while he was younger. I can relate to him more, and it makes him more interesting of a character.
Cowboy Bebop

Name: Faye Valentine
Why I like her: She's not only very feminine, she's tough as well. She can keep up with the best of the roughest guys, but still manage to look beautiful at the same time. That's how I want to be, too. I'm really into strong women who can kick ass but still be beautiful at the same time in their own way. (That's one of the reasons why Sailor Moon is my favorite anime) I also like her because she's a bit of a sleazy badass. XP Hah.

Name: Himeno Awayuki
Why I like her: I can relate to her very much. She makes a lot of mistakes, but she tries not to let that bring her down, and she continues to push onward and try her best. She's not your typical girly-girl, and can even be loud and obnoxious. However, she's not ashamed of that fact and does not try to be someone she's not.
Love Hina

Name: Kaolla Su
Why I like her: She's just plain weird. And mysterious. And that's cool. And, since she looks so much like Malik-kun, I've decided to make her my future anime daughter. XP

Name: Chii
Why I like her: Her lack of common sense is just too kawaii. ^_^ She's also very pretty. And mysterious. (As you can tell, I like deep, mysterious characters) I also love how she has a darker side. Sweet.

Name: Genjo Sanzo
Why I like him: Although he's a priest/monk, he breaks away from society's boundaries by not acting like your typical religious suck-up. I like people who aren't afraid to rebel and be their own individual. And, like most of the characters I tend to be drawn to, he has a rough past, which, of course, makes his character that much more interesting. Last, but not least, he's just SO DAMN HOT.
So...anywho, I think that's all. I hope you enjoy the pointlessness of this post!! ^_^
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