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South Carolina
Member Since
hit woman
Real Name
Lots of Stuff, i just defeated the Great Lord Ayu. He stole my domain, and now i have it back, obviously :) *cheers*
Anime Fan Since
I dunno
Favorite Anime
Inu Yasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in Shell,(Cartoon Network, 12a-2a, saturday?)
Fixing this g*& d@#% site, Ah F*%$ it
Reading, Watching daytime tv (ER, Yu-Gi-Oh, crap like that), eating chocolate, riding my bike. Any outdoor activity.
Humpty Dumpty was PUSHED!! Why is a parkway something we drive on and a driveway something we park on? If you notice any of these strange idiosycracies, please tell me, send me a message, and remember, friends don't set friends on fire!
My name is Rach, I have black hair and green eyes, i am approximately 5 ft 9 inches, kinda tall, oh well. I like heels, dogs, horses, fantasy books, and conspiracy theories, but sometimes they give me headaches. If you want to chat, send me a message, i promise i'll read it. but i won't promise i'll answer. *cackling darkly*
Monday, February 7, 2005
Hello all! monday morning, stuck in school, per usual. and doing nothing, again, per usual. Idiocy annoys me. Don't know why, so does bad grammer. Bad grammer speakers is not appreciated.
"i used to have super human powers, but then my therapist took them away."
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Monday, January 31, 2005
lo all. just back from Fla. sorry, my hotel room didn't have internet hook-ups *sucky, punk-ass...~continues to mutter darkly~* Oh well! *cheery smile*
What has everyone else been doing? Having fun at school? weight-lifting. blah. does anyone take that course, aka PE II, it sucks big hairy monkey balls, but oh well. It's good for me an all that, so whatever, and it's not as if i didn't have a choice, i mean, i could have taken psychology, ...
Excuse her while she rambles, please. i just wanted to say thank you for all the people who've signed my guestbook, and i will honestly try to keep in touch, but i am a notoriously bad "pen-pal" in snail-mail terms. i'm going back to my den now...
... and i don't know what the hell he was talking about, but, what? what's that? okay, coming! well folks, i gotta go, Ciao fur now!
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lo all. just back from Fla. sorry, my hotel room didn't have internet hook-ups *sucky, punk-ass...~continues to mutter darkly~* Oh well! *cheery smile*
What has everyone else been doing? Having fun at school? weight-lifting. blah. does anyone take that course, aka PE II, it sucks big hairy monkey balls, but oh well. It's good for me an all that, so whatever, and it's not as if i didn't have a choice, i mean, i could have taken psychology, ...
Excuse her while she rambles, please. i just wanted to say thank you for all the people who've signed my guestbook, and i will honestly try to keep in touch, but i am a notoriously bad "pen-pal" in snail-mail terms. i'm going back to my den now...
... and i don't know what the hell he was talking about, but, what? what's that? okay, coming! well folks, i gotta go, Ciao fur now!
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Monday, January 24, 2005

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Another quiz...
 You are a Ballerina. You are the classic princess between all, you have an opinion about almost everything, your friends respect you and see you as a role model cuz you are always in your way up. Your ideal man is someone who respects the successful and intelligent woman you are.
What kind of dancers are you? (Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
i like the pictures! *helpless giggle*
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My hands are like ice, sitting at the front of my connection to the outside world.
It seems, my life is spent in idle concentration, meaningless blather and impressions.
The things i hear make no sense, if you think, which is not something we are prone to do.
What is age? why is it important? what we wanted to do, we have already done, and if we haven't, well it's only a matter of time.
Rhyme, Time, oh Sublime Limes!
Anyone confused yet?
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Apparently, none of my pics want to show up, they were nice, but i don't appear to have them.
By the way, has anyone read Tithe? by Holly Black?
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i don't think this really deserves a title, but here it is...
helu again! when you visit other peoples sites, do you bring your own rating down? Hmmm, whatever.
Has anybody read the eyre affair, by Jasper Fforde? Alternate reality, and all that crap. Really good storyline and conflict, if you get a chance, i recommend you read it, and he has like, 2 other books in the series, so...
does anyone know how to get those cool little arrow thingymajiggy-bobs?
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 You are a quiet maid. You do what you have to and that's all. You are distant and almost seem dark to most.
What kind of maid would you be???? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Hello all, found this quiz on some really kick-ass site, so i tried it and this is what i got, and here's a link if you want to try it, ttyl!
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