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South Carolina
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hit woman
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Lots of Stuff, i just defeated the Great Lord Ayu. He stole my domain, and now i have it back, obviously :) *cheers*
Anime Fan Since
I dunno
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Inu Yasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in Shell,(Cartoon Network, 12a-2a, saturday?)
Fixing this g*& d@#% site, Ah F*%$ it
Reading, Watching daytime tv (ER, Yu-Gi-Oh, crap like that), eating chocolate, riding my bike. Any outdoor activity.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Friday, January 14, 2005
I'm still trying to find pictures of the characters, so if anyone finds any really good ones, send me the adress! Pretty please^_^!
I've noticed that all of the good sites have poetry... Really cool. I'm not that good at poetry, so, you'll probably be more likely to find sarcastic comments on my site. well, gtg. Ciao!
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This is Izumi Sano!
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This is Sano!
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
i found new manga, well new to me anyway.Hana-Kimi is awesome( yes i know i use that word lots and lots and lots, but i like it so back off)Anyway, it's a really cool series by Hisaya Nakajo. I'm going to sit here and explain it to you because that's the kind of person i am.^_^ The story is about this girl who wants to meet her idol, one Izumi Sano by name. Tell you more later,must run! Ciao!
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Feeling evil? Here we are, another day in the torture chamber they have the nerve to call a school. and it's not the reputation you have to worry about. i mean, do the tests, quizzes, homework and all the other stuff we hate about school, do they go away when we escape? no, they live on. what do we really do in schools? are we writing the next great american novel, are we curing AIDS? Someday, we hope. But school isn't always about work, words and the tendency to forget all of that when a test comes up, no, there are also the times when you can laugh at the stupid things your friends do, like running into a pole, or who can forget the time your friend tripped, and spilled soda all over that person they absolutely hate, well, we all hate him, and we all know him. he's that kid who acts like he's better than you are, and he's arrogant, stuck-up, in short, a snob, and then there are the girls, the pretty ones with the nasty attitudes, usually we call them cheerleaders, but they're other people all together, there the ones to good to do anything on a team, and if they are on a team, well you know, again with the stuck-up,suck-up. Enough with my incoherent babbling! *the moon rises, as the sun sets, and i wonder, are there apes on Jupiter?*
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Hello! for those of you out there who have not visited my page (which is most of you). Anyway, my name is Rach, and i'm in tenth grade. I have a very large circle of friends. I'm getting dizzy, so I'm gonna stop writing now. Ciao.
PS. i really like fanfics, and i like to write! now it's for real! Ciao.
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