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Sunday, June 17, 2007
Tommy, Tenma and Nana...
It is Father's Day. I hope anyone reading this is enjoying the day. My parents died years ago and to be honest - we did not get along. A really good man named Tom died quite a few years ago that I would have liked to have had as a Father. His son is my best friend. He was born in Hungary and was involved in World War Two. He was a resistance fighter but was eventually captured and sent to a death camp. He survived and later fought against the Communists as Hungary was invaded. He was again imprisoned for a number of years and not allowed to leave a rather barren room. When he finally was released he found his home was gone and he left for Israel. He later came to Canada where he met the Lady he would marry. What I remember about Tom the most is the fact that even with all the things that had happened to him he was the least bitter person I had ever met. He had friends everywhere, one of them a Bishop, because he loved to talk to people and learn about them. He was an amazing man. I have the jacket he wore in the last couple of years before he passed from cancer. Man I miss him.
So I finished "Monster". I know Tenma is a doctor and took an oath to "do no harm" but I found myself wishing the Doc would have been able to kill Johan earlier on. Every time he hesitated more died and Johan knew that the guy pursuing him would let him continue for quite some time. Other characters had the same problem and in the end the most unlikely yet oddly enough clear headed person did the deed. We are not really sure whether he succeeded or not. I have heard of surgeons that have flat out refused to treat people unless they stop smoking (this sort of thing makes the news here) yet Tenma is so moral he actually operates a second time. I guess I would like him for a surgeon but as a guy tracking an emotionless killer - no way.
I think once it cools down here maybe I will watch some more "Nana". I loved the live action film and for the most part I like the anime but I find the "just out of school" Nana to be a bit annoying. She whines a lot. Singer Nana rocks but needs new songs. The other thing I did not like was all the recap episodes. I wonder how those will be handled on the official release if that happens.
It is hot here again no relief until late Tuesday. I am on a rest day from workouts. Sore muscles. I am having dreams about running again. Kinda cool.
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