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Monday, August 22, 2005
Time for bed....
Really Long Survey (over 200) | Created by starsbleed2nite and taken 118361 times on Bzoink | What is your name? | Casey Michele White (Lala-Ru) | Are you named after anyone? | My mom, her name is Michele | What's your screename? | Lala-Ru | Would you name a child of yours after you? | Nope, but maybe after my mom... | If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? | Casey Francis prolly, after my father | If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? | No body, I'm good... | Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly? | People call me Cassie.... | Would you drop your last name if you became famous? | Nope | Basics | Your gender: | Female | Straight/Gay/Bi: | Bi | Single? | Kinda sorta | If not, do you want to be? | who does? | Birthdate: | 23 September 1984 | Your age: | 20 | Age you act: | 13 or 30, depends | Age you wish you were: | 16, I loved being 16 | Your height: | 5'10 1/2 | Eye color: | Hazel | Happy with it? | Yup, though it would be neat to have violet eyes | Hair color: | medium brown | Happy with it? | It works ^_^ | Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: | Righty, though I try out Ambidextrousity sometimes | Your living arrangement: | Wolfie and another Walmart henchman | Your family: | In Florida and Connecticut... | Have any pets? | Wolfie | Whats your job? | Walmart Henchman, I mean Cashier.... | Piercings? | Just the normal, one per ear... | Tattoos? | Not yet, though I want the one Haru has in Furuba | Obsessions? | Anime, Supernatural, Books, Saving the World ^^ | Addictions? | Chinese Food, Fruit, $@% | Do you speak another language? | Bits and pieces of French, Spanish, and Japanese... | Have a favorite quote? | "Life's a b*tch" My Aunt Kae | Do you have a webpage? | | Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it | Do you live in the moment? | I try to... | Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? | Indeed | Do you have any secrets? | Of course | Do you hate yourself? | Nope | Do you like your handwriting? | Yes, but I aslo love to change my handwriting | Do you have any bad habits? | I suck my thumb, and bite my nails... | What is the compliment you get from most people? | That's a nice drawing... | If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? | Delusional | What's your biggest fear? | Dieing Alone | Can you sing? | Indeed | Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? | Not yet, but soon I shall cosplay for the first time! | Are you a loner? | Sometimes, but aren't we all? | What are your #1 priorities in life? | Be happy | If you were another person, would you be friends with you? | Yes | Are you a daredevil? | Not really, at least not another Eval in the making... | Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? | I'm too submissive when I should be agressive and vis versa | Are you passive or agressive? | see question above | Do you have a journal? | My Otaku and I have several paper ones... | What is your greatest strength and weakness? | I can take a lot of pain and sorrow... | If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? | My motabolism | Do you think you are emotionally strong? | When I need to be | Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? | Not making it to my uncle's funeral or my niece's birth | Do you think life has been good so far? | It hasn't been bad, and that's what is important | What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? | When life gives you lemons, make lemonade | What do you like the most about your body? | My eyes | And least? | Everything else? | Do you think you are good looking? | Occationally | Are you confident? | Not even | What is the fictional character you are most like? | Either Tohru or Haru from Fruits Basket | Are you perceived wrongly? | I'm not sure how I'm perceived... | Do You... | Smoke? | Not right now | Do drugs? | Will never do any drug other than Alcohol once in a while | Read the newspaper? | If it isn't too sad, sometimes | Pray? | Sometimes | Go to church? | Not for a couple of years, I've given up on Christians and Catholics... | Talk to strangers who IM you? | Yup | Sleep with stuffed animals? | Yuby! | Take walks in the rain? | Sometimes | Talk to people even though you hate them? | Yes | Drive? | Not legally ^_^ | Like to drive fast? | Maybe when I get my license | Would or Have You Ever? | Liked your voice? | Indeed | Hurt yourself? | A couple times... | Been out of the country? | Sadly no | Eaten something that made other people sick? | Yes, but the strange thing is, it was a hamburger with mayo O.o; | Been in love? | Yes | Done drugs? | No | Gone skinny dipping? | Yes | Had a medical emergency? | Yeah, but it was just a busted eardrum cover.....darn Q-tips... | Had surgery? | At least 5 times... | Ran away from home? | Does packing my stuff, going out the door, and then banging on it when my mom locked it behind me and my baby sister, count? | Played strip poker? | Yes | Gotten beaten up? | Yeah, darn drunkard... | Beaten someone up? | Nope | Been picked on? | Always | Been on stage? | Many a time ^_^ | Slept outdoors? | Yes | Thought about suicide? | Yes | Pulled an all nighter? | Yes | If yes, what is your record? | 36hrs | Gone one day without food? | prolly...can't remember | Talked on the phone all night? | Indeed | Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? | Yep | Slept all day? | Indeed | Killed someone? | Nope | Made out with a stranger? | Yep | Had sex with a stranger? | Yep | Thought you're going crazy? | Indeed | Kissed the same sex? | Indeed | Done anything sexual with the same sex? | ^_^ Yup | Been betrayed? | Yes, in elementary school, can you imagine? | Had a dream that came true? | Kinda.... | Broken the law? | Yes | Met a famous person? | Indeed, "I love you Vic!" | Have you ever killed an animal by accident? | No, though I still blame myself for Angel's poor little kitten | On purpose? | Only bugs | Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? | Not that I recall | Stolen anything? | Yes | Been on radio/tv? | Nope, not yet | Been in a mosh-pit? | No, thank goodness | Had a nervous breakdown? | Yep | Bungee jumped? | Nope | Had a dream that kept coming back? | Several | Beliefs | Belive in life on other planets? | Of course | Miracles? | Indeed | Astrology? | Yes | Magic? | Yes | God? | Yup | Satan? | Not the person, but the feeling behind the idea | Santa? | Yeah, duh, he was a German guy around about two, maybe three hundred years ago | Ghosts? | Yes | Luck? | I believe you make you're own luck | Love at first sight? | Yes | Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? | Yes, just like you can't be happy without knowing sadness | Witches? | Wiccans | Easter bunny? | In my own way | Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? | Yes, it's just not easy | Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? | Metaphorically speaking, indeed I do | Do you wish on stars? | Of course | Deep Theological Questions | Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? | No | Do you think God has a gender? | I think God is whatever the people need God to be | Do you believe in organized religion? | I believe it exists, yes, but I don't think it's any good for me | Where do you think we go when we die? | To purgitory to wait to be reincarnated, unless we choose to go to 'heaven' in which case, you're done living | Friends | Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? | I think most of them are | Who is your best friend? | Heather Mckay | Who's the one person that knows most about you? | Me | What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? | I don't get advice, I give it | Your favourite inside joke? | Space Balls | Thing you're picked on most about? | My clothes | Who's your longest known friend? | Mark Graham | Newest? | SugerSnake | Shyest? | Subaru | Funniest? | Tala | Sweetest? | Tala | Closest? | Wolfie | Weirdest? | Pocky | Smartest? | SD | Ditziest? | Tala | Friends you miss being close to the most? | Heather, Mark, Josta, Derek, Brandon, Stephanie, Karen, Crystal, Barry, Courtney, Katie, Emily | Last person you talked to online? | Subaru | Who do you talk to most online? | Kevy | Who are you on the phone with most? | No one | Who do you trust most? | Heather | Who listens to your problems? | Heather or Yuby | Who do you fight most with? | Wolfie and Nikki | Who's the nicest? | Tala and Shippogurl | Who's the most outgoing? | Tala | Who's the best singer? | Me....^_^ I couldn't choose | Who's on your shit-list? | Only one person, and i'm trying to take them off | Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? | Yes ^_~ | Who's your second family? | I barely have a first... | Do you always feel understood? | No | Who's the loudest friend? | Wolfie | Do you trust others easily? | Sadly no | Who's house were you last at? | Shippogurl's | Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: | Yuby' own... | Do your friends know you? | Not my Austin ones... | Friend that lives farthest away: | Heather | Love and All That | Do you consider love a mistake? | Not loving is a mistake | What do you find romantic? | Random acts of kindness, like flowers for no reason, or a surprise home cooked dinner, even if we have to order out in the end | Turn-on? | Selflessness | Turn-off? | The seven deadly sins, or at least when badly timed | First kiss? | Age 6, first grade, with Dustin from class and down the road, French | If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel? | Sad | Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going | Yes | Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out | No | Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv | Yes, my last boyfriend, but he became physically attractive, because I loved him | Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? | I don't even think I do, why would they? | What is best about the opposite sex? | They can stand when they pee, and they know when they have the 'little death' | What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? | Their cluelessness when it comes to my gender | What's the last present someone gave you? | Myst IV for Xbox! | Are you in love? | I think so.... | Do you consider your significant other hot? | If I had one I would.... | Who Was the Last Person... | That haunted you? | ummmm??? | You wanted to kill? | No one | That you laughed at? | Not sure | That laughed at you? | No clue | That turned you on? | Mizzy | You went shopping with? | Wolfie n' Shippogurl | That broke your heart? | MJ my x-bf | To disappoint you? | Wolfie | To ask you out? | MJ, my x-bf | To make you cry? | Wolfie | To brighten up your day? | Mizzy | That you thought about? | Mizzy | You saw a movie with? | Wolfie | You talked to on the phone? | Wolfie | You talked to through IM/ICQ? | Subaru | You saw? | Eliot, the deli guy from work | You lost? | Brandon | Right This Moment... | Are you going out? | In a little bit | Will it be with your significant other? | Nope | Or some random person? | Nope | What are you wearing right now? | Nothing....I mean, Clothes, hullo | Body part you're touching right now: | The only bady part that touches my arms when I'm typing | What are you worried about right now? | If Wolfie arrived in Brazil safe and sound | What book are you reading? | Anne Rice's Vitorio | What's on your mousepad? | I don't have one | Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: | I feel a bit unsettled. | Are you bored? | A little | Are you tired? | A bit | Are you talking to anyone online? | Nope | Are you talking to anyone on the phone? | Nope | Are you lonely or content? | Lonely | Are you listening to music? | No...-turns it back on- | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to Bzoink |
Comments (1) |
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Congrats, due to the fact that I feel like doing surveys, you get to get to know me a little bit more, and stuff, you you bother to read it!
As to the Your Friends Section, I put first my High School friends from Florida, then Austin Boardie friends.
So Stephanie, is a crazy, loud blonde who introduced me to Sailormoon. ^_^
Barry, is an adorable goth boy, who's still in the closet.
Courtney is a tomboy who is now sadly in the military.
Heather, is my best friend, she got me into Fruits Basket, DBZ, City Hunter, and a load more anime and manga. She's a little violent, but meh, she kicks @$$.
Mizzy, is actually an angel I met while trying to roleplay Sailormoon. She is a big part of my world and holds a special place in my heart. Sadly she is currently living in Kent, England with her mother and younger brother.
Crystal is my x, she's as ghetto as any of my friends can get. Which isn't much I guess. But wooh, if she ain't fine.
Brandon is another best friend, who I had a crush on, and then who had a crush on me, and now, well he's a flamer, let's just say that...
Mark is my best friend from middle school, he's really religious now, and we don't talk much, but I miss him like crazy.
Frank is a druggie friend from Science Senior year, we used to play Magic the Gathering during class.
Derek is a friend from school, who I worked with at KFC, he still works there, but he dropped out. He'd taken a wrong turn and found himself on an unbeaten path, I just hope he stays out of trouble.
Now you know stuff about me, huzzah!
Hmmm...the reason on several of the questions have no answer other than ... is because I haven't really gotten a chance to know many people much. Also with the best singer one, Heather, Stephanie, and me were in Chorus together, so I can't choose on that side, and since again I don't know people very well here yet, I haven't heard much singing.
Anyways, enjoy the survey!
Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) | Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 122991 times on Bzoink | [x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x] | What's your name? :: | Casey White (lala-Ru) | Birthplace :: | A naval base in Tennessee | Age :: | 20, almost 21 | Age you act :: | sometimes 13, sometimes about 30 | Current location :: | My bedroom | Eye color :: | Blue when I'm happy, Green after sleep or $@%, Grey when I'm Hazel I guess, there's yellow in there too! ^_^ | Hair color :: | Not sure, I think it's supposed to be light brown, but it's more like medium brown with a bit of red now. | Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :: | Righty, but I am trying to be amtridextrous! | Zodiac sign? :: | The Rat, but also ^_^ Virgo/Libra Cusp... | Height? :: | About 5'10 1/2 | [x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x] | Your heritage/nationality :: | French, Scottish and Native American (Blackfoot and Mohawk[Iriquos]) | Your hair :: | About chin length right now, and in need of some oil treatment | Your fears :: | Dieing alone, Spiders, Not living life to the fullest | Your perfect room :: | A cross between Renessaince Europe, a traditional Japanese bedroom, and an Indian Harem. ^_^ | What you practically do in a day :: | Eat, Sleep, Read, Watch Tv, Clean | [x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x] | Words you overuse :: | Crack, Sorry, Uber | Phrases you overuse :: | "Hi, How're you today?" "Did you find everything alright?" "Have a nice day!" "This machine is on crack." | Your first thought when you wake up :: | I don't want to go to work... | Your greatest accomplishment :: | Continuing to keep on truckin, even when the world sucks uber much | Something you want to do :: | Travel to Europe to spend some time with someone very special | [x] Part 4 -- This or that [x] | Pepsi or Coke :: | Coke | McDonald's or Burger Kings :: | Depends on what City and State we're in... | Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :: | Either or, as long as it's Early them and not recent them... | Chocolate or vanilla :: | Vanilla, all though swirl is yummy too | Adidas or Nike :: | Bobos | Black or white :: | Black | Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :: | Coins | Burgers or hot dogs :: | Depends, are they chicken hot dogs? | Egypt or France :: | Both | Rock or rap :: | Rock | [x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x] | Smoke :: | Not right now | Cuss :: | Try not to | Sing well :: | Duh...^_^ Well, I try | Sing in the shower :: | Sometimes, mostly I think... | Talk to yourself --a lot-- :: | Yesh | Believe in yourself :: | I try to, not sure it works all the time | Like taking these longass surveys? :: | YESH! | Play an instrument :: | Well unless my voice counts...hmmm....tamborean a little, and the recorder! Hot Cross Buns! | Want to go to college? :: | ACC, then UT, then if I'm lucky Oxford.... | Want to get married? :: | Eventually, probably | Want to have children? :: | Yep, maybe not my own, but definately | Think you're a health freak? :: | Yup a Health Freak with a Junk food streak | Get along with your parents :: | Most of the time, well my mom at least, not quite sure where my father is stationed to get along with him | Get along with your siblings? :: | As long as she's in FL and I'm here, heck yes | Think you're popular :: | Of course, well no, not here, but in high school, I had like ten friends! | [x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x] | Gone out of state :: | Nope | Drank alchohal :: | Nope | Smoke :: | Nope | Get high :: | Nope | Done any drugs :: | Nope | Eaten an entire box of oreos :: | Nope | Been on stage :: | Nope | Gone skinny dipping :: | Nope | Been dumped :: | Nope | Dyed your hair :: | Nope | Stolen anything :: | Nope | [x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x] | Craziest :: | Stephanie/Tolarin | Loudest :: | Stephanie/Wolfie | Most shy :: | Barry/Subaru | Blondest :: | ME...Stephanie/Pocky | Smartest :: | Courtney/Tala&SD | Kindest :: | Heather/Tala | Best personality :: | Mizzy/Tolarin | Most talented :: | Heather/...? | Best singer :: | Ummm... | Most ghetto :: | Crystal/Umm...? | Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :: | Brandon//Tala | Pain in the ass :: | Stephanie/Wolfie | The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):: | Ummm....No one... | Funniest :: | Mark/Tala | Best person for advice :: | Me?...Mark/...? | Dependable :: | Heather/... | Trustworthy :: | Heather/Subaru | Druggie :: | Frank/...? | Most likely to end up in jail :: | Derek/...? | Person you've known the longest :: | Mark/Wolfie&Subaru | [x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x] | Last dream :: | I don't recall | Last nightmare :: | Don't remember either. | Car ride :: | When we drove Wolfie to the Greyhound Station. 20 August 2005 | Last time you cried :: | Last night | Last movie seen :: | Sin City, last night. | Last movie rented :: | Band of Brothers | Last book read :: | Anne Rice's Vitorio. | Last word said :: | Later. | Last curse word said :: | Crack | Last time you laugh :: | Last night, during Sin City. | Last phone call :: | Last night, around 7...with Wolfie. | Last CD played :: | Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Once More With Feeling Soundtrack | Last song you listened to :: | Rest In Peace by James Marsters | Last annoyance :: | Wolfie asking me to do everything while we were packing for him. | Last IM :: | Subaru | Last weird encounter :: | Eliot, earlier today when he came for his Xbox games... | Last person you hugged :: | Wolfie... | Last person you yelled at :: | Wolfie... | Last time you wore a skirt :: | When I tried on my new skirt....2wks ago. | Last time you've been evil :: | Me....evil? O.o; | Sarcastic? :: | Yesterday at work. | Last time you fought with your parents :: | Never | Last time you wished upon a star :: | It's been too long | Played Truth or Dare :: | New Years Party, Senior Year, 2003. | Spent quality time alone :: | Today | [x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x] | Are you talking to someone on AIM :: | Not at the moment. | Do you feel lonely :: | Yes. | Ever TP'd someone's house :: | Nope. | How about egging someone's house :: | Nope, but my car was egged once... | Do you not like dislike not like me? :: | Did who do where? O.o; | Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :: | Ummm....No. | Yo Momma :: | Yo Momma is so poor, I picked up a penny and she said, 'Theif! She's got my life savings!' | Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :: | O.o; Nope | What do you think of George Bush? :: | I try not to, it gives me a headache | Any secret fetishes? :: | Prolly ^_^ | Do you like to wear chains? O_o :: | I haven't tried yet, but it sounds fun | How many languages do you speak? :: | Bits and pieces of about three, plus English | Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :: | Nope! | Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :: | Nope, I'm on to do 2 more! | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to Bzoink |
Comments (1) |
Monday, August 1, 2005
I loath Walmart
Well, work sucks, as usual. Wolfie and I are going to Lakeline tomorrow to turn in applications. I'm going to try and do some laundry at my neighbor's so I don't have to scroundge for change.
I'm thinking about going to ME tomorrow night, even though I might run into people I don't want to see, and also, even though I have no money. I'm taking a little bit of SD's advice.
I'm trying to get back on track with my diet, because well, I'm not nearly thin enough to be cosplaying as Haru, I mean it's bad enough that I'm a chica, but I want to try and be realistic? I don't know, I'm psycho.
Well, not sure if I mentioned it before, but no Oni-con for me this year, sadly, even though it's near my 21st B-day, I don't think I'm going to be able to afford to go to the PA Renn Fair either, which is sad, because I haven't missed it in like, three years. And I don;t wabt ti nuss nt favorite two groups songs. As it is I miss them enough to play their CDs constantly, driving Wolfie crazy.
Remember when I said I was getting a roommate, well turns out, it's going to be two! Living situations is going to be a little tight, and we're going to need another fridge, or at least a freezer. But with four people living here, rent and utilies and everything are going to be like 225.68 a piece, yes I did the math, which is way cheap.
Which brings me to one of my random points, those of you looking to find a place to live, should totally move in here, and not just because I get a little off my rent if I recommend people, but also because this really is a nice place to stay, and also, it's decently close to ME! (Main Event, though I am here too...)
Anyways, I'm actually considering applying for a CSM position at Walmart, because I'd get more, and then only working like three or fours days a week. There is already one CSM that we have that only works three days a week. That way I could work like, two jobs and make way more, and have fun at at least the second job!
I just put some things on Layaway, a desk chair and some fabric bins for my office (walk-in closet) and some skirts, because I need a new waredrobe! I bought one skirt that was on clearance and so I couldn't layaway it. Now I just need to get a ride over to Salvation Army and Goodwill for some shirts, maybe shoes, and overshirts/jackets. Yay for the fashion sense of me!
Anyways, as soon as the layaway is paid off, I'm going to put a sewing machine and PS2 on layaway. And if Daigo still has the game I want, I'll be paying for that soon.
Now I'm going to go over to and check out this Anime Full Moon something or other that Grego from work told me about. I'm really glad Noelle introduced me to him before she moved. Which reminds me, I have to find out when he's done with his new gameshow idea, because I want to be there when it gets tried out! (Grego was the Gameshow guy at Akon 14, possibly Akon 15 too)
He works late night in the electronics section, it's great.
Hmmm....can't think of much more to talk about, except to mention that I cleaned and repaired my aura last night. I feel much better now, but I really have to take better care of it. I mean seriously, no wonder I was feeling like crap, my aura was all messed up.
Anyways, I'll talk to you guys later.
Tala- Haven't heard from you in a while, hope you're doing all right.
Pocky- Thanks for IMing me tonight. I wasn't sure if you were mad at me, glad I know why you haven't been talking with me now. ^_^ Lets hang out more!
SD- Thanks for the advice dude. You're way cool. Hope we can hang out again before the next con. Which in my case is like January.
DJT- Sorry I've been such an uber biotch, I'm trying not to be one. Hope we can still be friends once we're both unbiotchy again.
Shippogurl- I haven't talked to you in a while either, don't drop off the face of the earth, IM me more often!
Phlinx- I hope they don't keep doing that to you, it would suck uber much if they just said you had a new position and never actually gave it to you.
Tol- You gots to answer your IMs when you sign on, peoples want to talk to you!
Alora- Hope your trip is going good and that you're safe.
To everyone I can't remember right now, I hope you're all doing good and I hope to see you soon!
Comments (3) |
Friday, July 29, 2005
Because I can!
About Me Personality Quiz | Created by jeffq1985 and taken 85148 times on bzoink! | What is your name? | KC | How old are you? | 20 | When is your Birthday? | September 23 | What is your zodiac sign? | Virgo/Libra cusp | Where were you born? | Tennessee | Where do you live now? | Texas | What color eyes do you have? | Hazel aka Blue/Green/Grey, they change color depending... | What color hair do you have? | Dark brown | How tall are you? | 5'10 1/2" | How much do you weigh? (Be Honest Ladies) | I don't own a scale, but my goal weight is 170....I've got a ways to go | What is your race? | Caucasian | What is your worst fear? | Dieing alone | Do you smoke? | Not anymore | Do you drink? | Sometimes | Do you cuss? | I try not to | Do you use drugs? | Never | Have you ever or will you ever steal? | When I was younger | Are you dependable and/or trustworthy? | I think so | Do you play in a band or play an instrument? | I sing, had a tamborean once, tried to learn the guitar... | Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings? | Just the normal ones on my ears, but I'm planning on getting a tat like Haru, and maybe the same peircings | If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be? | Lizzy Borden, even though she's not a serial killer, 'cause a friend of mine from High School is related to her ^_^ | Do you suffer from depression disorder? | Yep, big time | If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be? | Quick and painless | Have you ever tried to commit suicide? | Sadly, yes | Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else? | No | What subculture do you belong too? | Nani? Subculture? | Are you evil? | ....No....O.o; | Do you believe that you can be possesed? | Yes | Are you a paranoid person? | No | Do you ever get jealous of somebody else? | Yes | Are you obsessive and/or compulsive? | Ummm....I don't know | Are you a violent person? | No, not unless my temper snaps | Do you take your anger out on other people? | Not usually | Do you blame other people for your mistakes? | No, and if I do, it's not on purpose | What is your favorite game? | Step Mania | What is your favorite movie? | Braveheart | Who is your favorite band? | MY Chemical Romance | What is your favorite song? | I'm not okay | What kind of books and/or magazines do you read? | Fantasy/Manga | What is your favorite color? | Violet, Hot Pink, and Black | What is your favorite food? | Most things Asian, as long as they're not spicy | What is your favorite drink? | Ramune and Skyy Blue Malt | Do you own a pari of converse? | Nope | Do you own a pair of dickies? | Nope | Would you ever kill yourself or someone else? | No, not even if they asked me to | Are you a virgin? | Not since I was 17 | Are you kinky? | Sometimes | Do you like biting? | A little bit | Do you masturbate? | Who doesn't? | Do you watch pornography? | Only if it's Anime! | Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color? | Do Blonde and Egyptian Plum count? | Have you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way? | Nope | Are you hyper active person? | Once I get to know people | Are you religious? | A little | Do you have any self inflicted scars? | Do burns from cooking count? | Does pain turn you on? | Only a little, like light pain | Do you stand for originality and creativity? | Yep | Do you like meeting new people? | Yes, but because I'm shy, it's hard for me | What do you like most about life? | The beauty | What do you dislike most about life? | The pain | Do you believe in love at first fright? | Yes | Have you ever pierced a body part yourself? | Nope, my mom pierced my uncle's ear though... | Have you ever had to beg for dinner money? | Yes, everyday at work! | Do you own a car? | Nope | Have you been to jail, yet? | Yes, it's boring there | Are your clothes held together with safety pins? | Not that poor, yet | Do you have actual scars from punk rock shows? | Nope | Have you ever vomit while making out? | | Have you held a job for less than a day? | Nope | Do you own more than two pair of jeans? | I don't have enough cash to afford more than one pair... | Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason? | Not that I know of | Have you ever been kicked out of your parents house? | Yep, Senior year, screwed up my B honor roll too... | Have you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude? | Nope | Does the world piss you off? | Sometimes | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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I'm not okay
Well, I have to work in a little over an hour, need to take a return back. I really don't like working at Walmart, they treat their employees like crap, and I'm really getting tired of it. I can't afford to go to Oni-Con, which sucks, 'cause I was really looking forward to it, but since there is no doubt in my mind that we're going to Ushicon, I think I'll live. Guess this just gives me more time to work on the cosplay costumes.
Hmmm....I'm so depressed right now it's not even funny. I can't afford to go to ME, which means the only people I see all day, are my customers, managers, and Wolfie. Let me just tell you, it's not enough, I need friends. I haven't seen Tala in forever, and last time we hung out, it wasn't that fun. Mostly 'cause it was raining and she wanted to go swimming.
I'm from Florida, so swimming in the rain is not something I take lightly, you know, what with all the lightning and everything.
I think I want to through a party or something, I miss seeing everyone and it's annoying.
I wish Noelle hadn't had to move, then at least I would have had her to talk to at work.
Roommate is moving in soon, just need to do her background check, and get her stuff in here, which reminds me, we might need help, if anyone would be willing to donate a little of their time, and their vehicle, that's be great. Plus, free drink and food at my place if you do!
Ummm....what else. Oh yeah, Wolfie told me, that we're getting rid of AOL....why does he think that just because he doesn't want to pay $20 for it, that I don't? I like AOL, all my friends are on it, and I like going into the chatrooms when he actually lets me on the computer.
Apparently I'm still not over what happened last month with Wolfie. If you were involved in it, then you know what I mean, if not, then don't worry about it.
But it's starting to annoy me that my stomach gets upset at just the thought of it.
-deep breaths- Anyways, I hope everyone is doing good. You'll notice I added a few people to my list, yay, more people to keep track of! ^_^
Hope I see everyone soon! Byes!
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
About Momiji Costume
I found one pic, I'll look for more, if nothing else, I'll scan my manga, even though it's black and white at least you'll see the design.
Unfortunetly, I have no idea how to put pictures on this darn yeah, a little help and I'll be able to post it, or I can just email it to you, Sub. -le sigh-
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Does anybody notice, does anybody even care....?
Sorry, been listening to my Buffy Soundtrack a little to much apparently.
Anyways, does anyone other than Tala and maybe Sub once in a while, even read this? Seriously, 'cause I read everyone on my list thingy in intervuls, since, you know, I have to share a computer with an uber gamer at the moment.
Anyways, roommate should be moving in by the end of this week, beginning of next. House is almost clean, which means, yeah, still have a lot of work to do. On the bright side, next month I will have more money to save for Oni-con and the two costumes I'm planning. Putting a little to the side for three things, in this order, Tala's mom's car, sewing machine, computer. Hopefully it won't take me too long, since the only other thing I'm buying until Oni-con, is going to be the rest of Furuba, for my cosplay outfit research, and fabric and stuff for the actually costume. Thinking about going to ME one of these Mondays to work on my DDR skills, and maybe bowl a little, I'm not feeling the whole lasertag thing at the moment.
I'm working on a fanfic to try and get inside the head of my cosplay choice, it should be fun.
Hmmm...let's see, Walmart sucks, I'm looking for a second job. I've already applied at Hollywood Video, and I have applications for SunCoast, though if I work there I won't be able to use my Replay....and Walden Books. When I go turn those in, I'm going to pick up one for Barnes and Noble, and maybe I'll run over to 75% Books and 50% Books and apply there too. I'm going to go for more of a stocker position in the book stores if possible, since I love to organize!
I know, I'm weird.
Costumes I'm working on:
Hatsuhare Sohma-ME
Van Fanel-Wolfie
Should be interesting, unfortunetly, I won't be able to make the wings I wanted to for the Van one, but I figure I'll just pick some up at PartyCity once they're selling Halloween stuff. Would go to Party Pig, but yeah, not unless Tala wants to drive me, which I doubt she does.
Hmmm...I'm sure I had more to say...Now what was it? Oh well. Oh, I posted randomly yesterday on my Xanga, was too lazy to come here, since then I would have had to take time out of my researching to check on everyone. I know, a little rude, but I'm really taking this cosplay thing seriously, since you know, I've never done it before. No, no gasping if anyone is, after all, Akon was my first con, it's to be expected.
Okie dokie, I have some more things to do before I have to work, so I'm going to go do them.
Tala- You keep forgetting me, it's mean, I feel unloved chica. :(
Sub- You're uber missed. I hope the Walmart thing gets better, or that you find an uber better job closer to your place.
Tol- I got PSO for X-box, but since we don't have X-bow live, yeah it gets boring, 'cause it won't let me go back to where I left off, making me go through that whole thing over and over again, meanies.
Phlinx- Coolness to your new position, glad you've got a normal schedule now.
Minty- Awe, we don't talk enough! Am I the only one who has no clue what your new MO name is?
To everyone else, I hope you're all doing well in whatever you're doing. I'll probably read your MO's tomorrow or tonight after work. Then more posting, hopefully! ^_^
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Grah, I have to go to work an hour early tomorrow for this stupid Cashier Meeting. And what's worse, I already have to be at work at 10am, so now, because the meeting is at 9am, I have to be up wake and at work by 8:50am, which is way to early. It's evil I tell you. First thing I'm going to do though, is buy myself a copy of the HP book to read during my two breaks and hour lunch. Yeah that's right, they want me to work until 6pm, which means an 8hr shift, woot!
I'm hoping on being put outside, since I don't want to deal with customer service, because customers suck.
Been cleaning out my walk in closet, since we're getting a roommate soon, Wolfie and I have room to call our own. So I'm giving myself an office in there. I'm even going to eventually buy some fans, since there is absolutely no vents in there, so it gets a little warm, good for the winter, bad for now.
First though, shelves! I have I mentioned I would love a donation of shelves?
Also, still looking for someone to help me make Wolfie the Momiji costume, please people, come on. I'll pay you!
Hmmm...last time I posted it was just quizzes, because everyone is always doing them, and I didn't want to be left out. Besides, quizzes are fun! Yay!
Blah, I have to go to sleep soon, and I don't really want to, even though I am tired, mostly just because someone I don't like very much came over today and gave Wolfie a ride to work. The entire time that person was here, I didn't leave the bedroom, not cool being unable to go to the kitchen for a drink by the way.
I'm sending out a letter tomorrow to my friend in England. It's bee a while since I've talked to her, and I figure maybe some words from me will give her something to smile about.
Working on setting up my new scanner, should be up and running soon, also, will be putting some of the pictures from Akon on my next journal post most likely.
Well, I'm going to go look a few things up before I head off to bed. For now though, I'm just going to go, listen to my Ella Enchanted Soundtrack by myself, 'cause Wolfie's already passed out. Anyways, wootness!
Oh yeah, one more thing I just remembered, Wolfie, me, and our friend Major are working on making a mod for BIA! Anyone who knows what that is gets a cookie! Anyways, it's going to be uber fun!
Mroe later, byes!
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
More Quizzes
 You are a happy anime girl.You are carefree and are always happy even through the toughest times you manage to stay happy and you always think happy thoughts.You are very popular and are cared for a bunch.You are a good friend and you can cheer people up in an instant.You can fool around but be serious at times.Ok umm You are probably always hyper and jumping off of the walls.You also love everybody and everything^_^ bada bop bop bah i'm loving it.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Hatsuharu.
Fruits Basket Anime Quix brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Hatsuharu!
Which Fruits Basket Sohma are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Black Haru
Sucks for you! This guys forcing every move on you, and you can beat him, so, why did you do it?!? O.o
What Kyo (Fruits Basket) yaoi couple are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Take the What Naruto Character are You? quiz brought to you by
 | You scored as Iruka. You’re Iruka, the Ninja Academy teacher.
You, my friend, are one of the kindest people there is. Sure, you can lose you temper from time to time – who wouldn’t, teaching those kids – but you have a heart of gold. You work hard and are always there when someone needs you, but you tend to worry a bit too much about those you love.
Rock Lee | | 88% | Genma | | 88% | Iruka | | 88% | Shikamaru | | 81% | Neji | | 75% | Kakashi | | 75% | Naruto | | 69% | Sasuke | | 63% | TenTen | | 63% | Hinata | | 56% |
Which Naruto ninja are you most like? created with |
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