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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
OMG!!!! I HAVE A NEW SCANNER!!! T_T I loveded it!!! T_T That means I get to post nre art!!! ^^ *does happy dance*
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Hello mina san!!! ^^ How has everyone been?? Genki?? I hope so!! ^^ *rocks out to L'Arc~en~Ciel* heh heh anyways I have new art posted please check it out!! ^^ Onegaishimasu!!
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Happy Birthday to me
I know I'm so vain XP! but anywayz. . . you don't turn 16 everyday >.>;; so I just wanted to thank everyone who called to wish me a happy birthday. . .
but my own friends got pwned by my cousin. She called me at 12:01 am. >.>;;;;;; T_T I feeleth so loved. TwwwwwT
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
.:.He died knowing she Loved him.:.
girl and guy are speeding over 100 mph on the road on a motorcycle...
Girl: Slow down. Im scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you, but slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
*Girl hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? Its bugging me.
(In the paper the next day):
...A motorcycle crashed into a building last night because of break failure.
Two people were involved, a male and a female, but only 1 survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road, the 18 year old boy realized
that his breaks had broke, but he didn't want to let his partner know.
Instead, he made her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time,
and let her wear his helmet so that she would live, realizing
he would be the one that would die. If there's anyone you love
this much, re-post this in your journal
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
My Fav. Christmas Song!!! w00t! I shall sing this tonight... grrr
"The First Noel"
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel
The first Noel, the angel did say
Was to certain poor shepherds
In fields as they lay
In fields where they
Lay keeping their sheep
On a cold winter's night
That was so deep
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel
They looked up
And saw a star
Shining in the the East
Beyond them far
And to the earth it
It gave great light
And so it continued
Both day and night
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel.
And by the light of that same star,
Three wise men came
From country far;
To seek for a King
Was their intent,
And to follow the star wherever it went.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel.
Born is the King of Israel.
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Happy Holidays! ^^ from loveable me!!
XD Well it's been a while hasn't it? I've been busy shopping for presents and stuff like that. I swear I will not take another step in a mall for a least 3 weeks... I spent most of my vaction there so far @w@... anyways...
I'm not really in the Christmas spirit this year... I completly forgot when Christmas was.. and one day my friend just pops out of no where screaming 6 more days!!! I must of had a WTF look on my face cause she started laughing when I told her Christmas wasn't for another 2 weeks =_=... yes I am a very sad child... leave me alone!! I'm gonna go caroling with a bunch of my friends to get me into the spirit! w00t!
How has everyone been? I hope you've all been enjoying yourself! ^^ I'm just writting to say Merry Christmas to everyone! Party Hard!! But saty sober enough to type the next day XD lol... ok have fun everyone!!!
~L'arc is out~
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
One Year Aniversary!!!!!!!
It's been one year!!! yeah babeh!! And it's been a wonderful year here on theotaku! I've been highest rated artist atleast once, i"ve made a lot of wonderful friends! i love you all!! And i', shooting for many more years to come!!! Now I shall fill this entry with pictures and icons galor!!!!
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
*Rises from the dead*
Yo folks!! XD Well i'm alive and well... for the most part. Lifes good... and only 4 days until I've made 1 year on theotaku. I would like to say hello to all the wonderful friends I've made and i love you all!!! I plan to submit art on my anniversary. ^^;;
So i hope you all go and see that... but it's gonna come out kida crappy cause my scanner died on me.. so it's gonna be from digital camera -_-;; but anywayz... how is school going for everyone? that's one of the reasons i dont come on as ofter.. but don't think i havn't forgotten any of you! i l00f you all!!!! *glomps everyone on friends list and passing strangers* ^_^ but anywayz.. i gotta go and sleep now... it's 10:30 pm and I'm getting up early.. so peace and love <3
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Today It's raining, it's raining as I type. I love the rain, it's very calming. I want to dance in the rain, but sadly this is coming from the idiot who got sick from the rain. Well it's nice just to watch it fall, but it's not the same as actually getting out there and dancing. Today is a good day.
Usually from my window I can see the city and a little part of the ocean, today a thick fog covers my view, and i looks actually nicer thab my normal view.
The rain is stoping now, the fog is clearing up, and the sun's coming out. It had to stop eventuall, but today is still a good day.
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Pearl City
Today we shot @ Pearl City
We won... and yeah... I shot a 220..
but I'm mad at the fact that they underscored me by 9 points... i was like WTF! OMG! they underscoreed me! i would have had a 229!!!! my current avergae is a 210.. omg i just barly made it... now i just need to shoot 210 or higher at my next couple of matches.
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