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On a rock with many shurikens embeddled into a coconut tree. With a laptop. Can't forget that.
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I don't call anything an achievement, I never see anhthing as good or I'll be satisfied.
Anime Fan Since
Scince I was 3... I watched Sailor Moon heh..
Favorite Anime
Show me something good.
Working as an animator. I want to go to a art trade school and get on with my life
Gaming, Drawing, Chatting, Being with Friends
Apparently I'm extremly entertaining when talked to
| LArc~En~Ciel
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Naruto dub
I only have one thing to say... how can you do this to us Viz!!! omg!!! you could have found better voice actors! but no!!! you even took out the blood and the nose bleeds!!!! not the nose bleeds!!!! so you can show naruto's sexy no jutsu but you cant show nose bleeds!!! omg!!! something i wrong with that!!!!
~~on anotehr note i'm not gonna watch any naruto episodes until they show itachi..... just so i can scream if they mess up his voice.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Well lat night was fun.. me and Kawaii went to Bon Odori and she finally got to meet my "mother" Lance. Surprisingly he was very nice.. but he didnt want to adopt her o well we'll get him to.
We went to Mc Donald across from the temple and got dinner. well more of a snack. I got dressed in my kimono and people last night just seemed to never be satisfied with how I looked I got redressed about 3 time... just be happy people!!!
now... the awsome part of the night.... we.... got... to.... DANCE!!!!! yes we dance!!! we played an hour set.... and Lance had to play double drums so I ended up holding his in my kimono and I'm so small the damn thing was almost bigger than me ... it sucks to be short. Then Kawaii and I just danced the night away lalalala blah blah blah! O also I my cousin was dragging me around the temple and I couldn't say no to him cause he's just so cute you know? but I felt bad cause I couldn't give him money to try and catch a fish
OK! for the surprise!!! Kawaii and I both decided on this! @ the end of each week we're gonna list all the stuipd stuff we did at school or at home, etc.
So here we go!
~Kotaru had his random moment and hugged me!!!!!
~Peter is a pen molester....[dont ask]
~I adopted a freshman on the air rifel team!!!! [he's so cute! he's shorter than me]
~Peter finds out about the power.... [anyone who knows me and goes to school with me should know!]
~Kotaru and the whole Pickle ranting [points to previous post]
~Duck Taping my cousin to the wall...
~Club day [greeting people]
"IRASHIMASEN!!!" the girls in the anime club greeted passing by poeple
"WATASHITACHI BAKA TARE!!!" Kotaru come out of no where screaming [he's saying we're idiots.... ]
~Being school girls with Kawaii
~HUG A MORON DAY!!! [it's not even funny... everyone was hugging me and Kwaii say "hi mororn"]
~Being called Integra from Hellsing early in the morning and being glomped..
~Bring fan girls for my friend Keely who was cosplaying as Ed from FMA
~Balloon Wars after school
~Kotaru being a Balloon killer
~2nd day of club day
~Kotaru in a Kimono!!! [he was so pretty i gotta take pictures!!]
~Kotaru singing"I feel pretty o so pretty!" wile skipping around school
~Dressing up as Kaoru from Kenshin then the Ramen girl from Naruto xD!
~Grandpa Ricky[not really my grandpa but he's grandpa in our family @ school] having a hair fetish...
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
PICKLES and randomness
Well yes it's been a while... but I finally get some time off my busy schedual.... that's good.
I've been putting in my hours for Air Rifel... 2 1/2 hours of nothing but practice 3 times a week.. and on top of that I got Anime and Sakurakai Japanese clubs.... I think I'm being to ambitious for the first quater of school.. and on another note I'm also trying out for the Japan Wizard's Contest.. it's a state wide japanese contest... i really want to do it this year!!!! :gonk:...
School has been good so far... passing all of my classes...[well i should be i've only been in school for 2 weeks....] Tomorrow is club day so I'm gonna go in cosplay for the anime club and i'm gonna be *drum rool* A SCHOOL GIRL!!!!! xD! i'll take pictures for all of you peoples and post it... that is if i can steal the camera long enough so no one notices... tee hee.
i dunno for some odd reason i feel like ranting..... so i'll rant!!! xD!
OMG KOTARU SAISHEN HAS GONE INSANE!!!! he actually had a random moment and hugged me!!!! i was scared at frist cause i thought he went insane... but he just had a random moment....*shivers* and then we played this retated game called "Pickle Ball" and me and Kotaru were playing against each other.. and we both sucked...
now for the other randomness about Kotaru....
here is how our wonderful converstaion went
i screamed"PICKLE!!!" while pointing at Kotaru
"I hate pickes" he says in his usual monotone voice
"enough with the pickles!" he says a little agitated
"I'm gonna tie you up and throw you in my closet" he says randomly"Then I need Ramen, a Microwave, and a life time supply of Pepsi!!" I said calming down a little
"Then I shall mail you to Ryan at Christmas"
"What?!?! Why?" he asked questioningly
"noooooooooooooooooooooooo....." he said running away
theni chased after him lol
see what idiotic randomness happens at school... expesially with pickles.... xD!
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
"Listen To Your Heart"
I know there's something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.
You've built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.
Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
They're swept away and nothing is what is seems,
the feeling of belonging to your dreams.
Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
And there are voices
that want to be heard.
So much to mention
but you can't find the words.
The scent of magic,
the beauty that's been
when love was wilder than the wind.
Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
Listen to your heart, mm-mmmmmm
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Sharp Shooting
Ok.. I got a new baby xD! not literally of course!!! I went to a shooting range to go and practice for sharp shooting @ school xD! well i found out that i wasnt shooting a small calliber rifle -_-'' i was shooting a 22 O_O'' my arm was hurting like a bitch from the damn recoil T_T o well.. i have a good chance of making the team cause i did actually well for my frist time shooting.. and the guns i'll be using for the try out is gonna be way small than the one i shot @ the gun range. I'm gonna go back on sunday ^_^;;
Also i loveish the school year so far! no complaints!!!! [as of now xP] i have good classes except for drawing & painting. So far we havn't done anything. all she told us was draw whatever we like... and surprising i'm one off the better drawers so she says... i like the compliment but i would enjoy it more if she actually taught us something.. well i guess i'll jsut have to wait and see!!!!
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
Past 2 school days
Well i havn't been able to get on as often... mostly because A) my sister has discovered Neopets oh joy... so i won't be bale to come on as often and the days that i'll come on is Mondays, Tuesdays,Thursdays,Satudays and maybe Friday.... like i'm doing right now. xD but anways.... it's been so awsome!!!!!! i love being a sophomore!!!!
I woke up super early only to go to school an hour later thanks to a certain someone who cant get up in the morning.... WHen i got there i wanteed to see how everyone changed well i saw most everyone except Matthew, Ryan and Josh. One thing i noticed right away was the fact that theygrew like 4 inches!!!!! I'M SO EFFING SORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right after that Kawaii showed up and we started screaming like fan girls!!!!! you know the animeish fan girl scream xD!!!! [or at least i hope you do] But back to what i was saying... After Edo-sama showed up and ren-ren was still a freshmore so edo-sama was yelling at ren-ren saying to hug kawaii cause we're afraid of freshmen and she's technically a freshman still yet xDD!!!!! and we screamed bloody murder! xD! i think we scared the poor freshmen than they scred us xD! then we saw Mr. Abe an glomped him!!!!!!!!!! mwahahahahaha FEEL THE POWER OF THE SOPHOMORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [we're after you next mr.bruton you chicken!!!] well that was the first day... o i also forgot to mention that my friend jordan and i got lost and we went to 5 different classes to find one class that we were both in so sadful.....
now the next day.... xD! to some it up it was pretty boring and after school was over i went to go to the air rifel try outs... and then i went to go help some teachers and my friends. xDD! i'm so tired after this i'm gonna go sleep......
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Just another day
well today i went to pearl ridge to go "school shopping" yeah right!!! XD!!!!! first we got there and we went to go let Ren-Ren buy her pants. then we found out that brea is coming with edo-sama! after that me and kawaii wanted to go the TNJ to go buy some stuff for school.
We lost Ren-Rena and our other friends so we just went to go buy Kawaii's stuff. She is determined to go all anime this year xD! All I got was a new wallet and a note bookk for math!! it has Itachi on it!!! so i'm happy... while kawaii got a nauto bag and a bunch of other stuff xD! also Borders is gonna close so they had a sale everything was 15% off so Edo and Ren-ren went crazybuying manga!!!!! @_@ i only had $55 so i couldn't buy a lot.
After that we went to go see Charley and the Chocolate Factory. It was good but i liked the original better. Anywayz.... we were dancing in the movies and we had a squeeeish moment when we saw the preveiws for March of the Penguins. . . it's a inside thing XD!!!! and now i'm here waiting for another day to go bye as i wait for school.
P.S~~~ hey edo-sama.... i didn't know we had school on thursdays! lol you're making the sophomores look dumb XD! just joking you know i luv yah!!!
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Monday, July 11, 2005
my friend Kawii's weird Hyper Moment.....
"Okay so there's this chicken, right? and he goes bok bok bok bok! and then the chicken is boking and chicken so then the other guy says turkey! and then chicken! then turkey! chicken! turkey! chicken! So they take out a blender and A boom ba boom boom and chicken! then theres this piece of bread and a jug of fat and it goes BOOM! when you put the two together and WHIISSSS
and whooo and then it goes CHICKEN! and everyone screams and la dee da dee da the world ends and the CHICKEN! die and everyone goes boohoo! and then chicken!!!!!!!" Everytime she said chicken or turkey her eye twitched and she jumped.
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Graduation Party
Ok I just got up... it's currently... 10:10 a.m. This is what's been going on since I havn't been on for a couple of days.
I went to Bon Odori on Friday and Saturday... and I also went to a Graduation Party after that on the same night on Saturday.. which was yesterday.
I went to Waipahu Honganji and we performed and danced and whatever. When I got there at 6:30 p.m my friend Tori, her cousin Naydeen, Aunty Liko and I were playing this really stupid card game. I ended up winning but it was so hillarious cause Anuty Liko kept doing everything wrong. I'm gonna put up pictures of each day so just chill xD. After that I had to get dressed and Tori's grandma dressed me in my Kimono. And i couldn't breath or sit down... that's how fricken tight it was!!!! .... and Tori's cousin... the "nurse" said that breathing wasn't an issue. and yeah.... so we got home at like.... 12 in the morning and I didn't get up until 1 in the afternoon. xD and we had to do it all over again..... @_@
I went to go set up at my uncle's house for my cousin's grad party an hour after I woke up so yeah... xD then we left at 7:15 to go to Waipahu once more and dance. xD adn This time i dressed myself so breathing didn't have to be an issue xDD I was happy cause my friend Lance showed up and I havn't seen him in a couple of months so i missed him. so on and so forth we had to go back to the grad party and we stayed to like 2 in the morning... and my friend Chris just woke me up so now i'm sitting here in my pajamas typing this to you all!
Also sorry Aya that we couldn't bring you but do not worry you shall come... like in 2 weeks cause we're not going to next weeks one... @_@;;
o btw here are some pics xD

the Eisa Shinyukai [or whoever showed up for the pic >_<]

me and my to-chan!!!!

i actually like this pic of me... ahh yes the vanity xD!
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
"just use it"
OK... i had the most akward thing happen to me last night.... I was in the car about to pic up my friend and my mom had me a key chain that say's "Always wear your rubber" and it had a cow w/ rubber boots on. I thought it was cute until!!! -dun dun dun- i turned it around and there was a blue condom in the key chain!!!!!!!!! i was lke "mom omg!!!! what the hell are you giving me this for?!?!?!?!" She simply said," i think you should carry it around thats all. maybe in you bag or wallet.."
A condom in my bag i dont think so.. the percentage of guys i hag out w/ is 70% and they love to steal my bag and raid it to see what goodies i have in there.. and if they see a condom who know's what they might think!!!!!!! The wallet not so good either cause my friend Jon always looks in my wallet to see if i have cash to steal so he can go and play poker.. so if he see that in there then... ahhh!!!!
My thoughts about this whole akward situation was .... omg mom are you telling me to have sex damn it!?!?!?!?! and she even told me she could get an endless supply of it omg!!!!!! my mom wouldnt stop teasing me cause i wouldnt take it!!! and then my friend took it and i just found it last night in my room and i started yelling cause i still didnt want it...
what an akward night that was.... and i'm about to go throw it away so if u excuse me i'll be doing that now... bye bye!!
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