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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Happy Birthday Lance boy
Just wanted to say happy birthday to my good friend Lance!!! He is now 15 yeah!!!! xD! and btw my first day back at school was actually cool. We didn't do anything xD! but it wont last.... T_T
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Well I start school tommorw o joy... (-_-) but anywayz yes i still didn't do the homework i was supose to do over the break... cause i "forgot" lol.
But anywayz i just wanted to say happy birthday to my cousin Rachel who is turning 12!! yeah!i just called her... now i gotta go meet her somewhere for dinner... o joy... xD
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
I'm ranked # 1... well I was at least
well.... um wow... I'm actually on the top ten artist ranked #1... I'm shocked right now. I don't know what to say. All I can say is thank u to all who have been nice to me and have voted on my art! I love u all!!! thank u very mcuh!!! but i think that other artist should be on the top 10 as well.
Ok... well I was ranked #1 but o well start from scratch again... [sigh] Ok this is not even funny.. my percent went from a 90 to a 74... but o well that's tough shit for me. But u know what I don't need my name on no top 10 list to know my art is good. u all can say it's shit... I honestly don't care. Or u flamers can ruin my ranking... I don't care. I just wanted to get that out to the jack asses that voted no for almost every single drawing I did!
have a nice day
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Hppy Birthday Kuni
[sings] Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy Bithday dear Kuni! Happy Birthday to you.....[bows] Sorry Kuni-senpai i know that was lame. but just wishing u a happy birthday! ^_^!!
~~~~My birthday in 10 days...... [stares at calendar]
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Going to be at a friend's house
Well I'm going to be at a friend's so I won't be posting for 2 days. heh heh lol... well anywayz yeah.. that's all i wanted to say.
P.S~ my birthday is in 12 days... and Kuni-senpai's b-day is in 2 days!! [cheers!!]
 You are Sasuke!
Which Naruto Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Lost Kingdom
lol well I'm all happy and bouncy today! lol... hee hee. Well I'm doing art for my friend Rexeaphon and it's for her book Lost Kingdom. Well i seem to be having a had time w/ the tablet doing the art. So I'm going to be going back to the old medium... [pencil and paper]
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Sorry to Everyone
Well that post yesterday..... yeah.. sorry I worried all u guys. I think the one who was most upset was Kuni-senpai. So i'm sorry to her and YoukaiShina, Kaito Kid and Raxaephon.
I have a major headach from thinking last night.. frick I went to sleep ay 5:30 in the afternoon cause I was so stressed out. @_@ and I just woke up not to long ago as wel. -_-''
I'm feeling better after a long sleep and 3 blankets to wrap myself in. lol well I better stop sulking and get off my lazy ass and draw. Also sorry Aya because i went to sleep so early I didn't do your lost kingdom drawings @_@...
P.S~~btw my brithday is coming up in 14 days, my friend Ryan in 12 days, my friend Diana in 9 days, my friend Lance in 7 days and cousin Rachel in 6 days and to Kuni-senpai in 4 days!!!! wow that's a lot of art. lol hee hee!
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Monday, January 3, 2005
I'm Sorry Kuni -senpai but i must...
please god just do me this end my life. I've never actually prayed before.... most people pray for material things or things that will make thier lives or the lives of others better. My prayer is the total opposite. I want my life to end. I want to get rid of this aching pain in my chest. My heart is beating so fast. My fingers are shaky as I'm typing. God you either take away my life or take away my ability to fall in love. I can't stand this feeling. I never want to feel it again... so just hear my prayer and think about it ne?
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Last night's kohaku was sooooo damn awsome! muahahahaha... btw if u don't know what the Kohaku is, it's a competition between the best singers in Japan. And they are divided into 2 groups. Boys vs Girls. last yesr the boys won. But not this year!!! Yes go girls. i didn't think the boys stood a chance this year. But last yesr they blew everyone away.
So i'm glad the girls won. The boys did some really bad performances. I think Exile, Gackt and W-inds did a good job.. but other than that i wanted to scream make it stop!!!!!!!! lol
I actually enjoyed the enka singers this year. ha ha ha bunch of old guys. lol hee hee but yeah i just wanted to say that i enjoyed it this year. After all it was worth it.. it only comes once a year!! It was awsome yet again!
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year
Shinen akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!!! [happy new year] So it's now the year 2005! Well in hawaii we still have an hour left it is currntly 11:00 p.m! i can't wait!
I would just like to wish everyone at theotaku and all my friends a safe and happy new year!!! So yeah also Kuni's birthday is coming up soon!! So yeah... and my birthday is coming up too as well!!
that's all for now!
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