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Sunday, December 26, 2004
Hello everyone I hope u all had a nice christmas!!! I know I did...[snicker] i got myself a tablet..[the one for the computer] so i'm gonna start using it to draw... i gotta get use to it so please me nice when voting ok?
~thank u to my mom for the tablet
~thanks to my akira for my FMA cosplay pocket watch [it works too xD!]
~thank u uncle for the .hack DVDs
~thank u to everyone else who gave me a bunch of cosplay stuff and for everyone else for thinking of me on Christmas!!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Merry Christma Everyone!!!!
Hello yes i know that tommorrow is Christmas but I most likely not going to be able to go on the computer for this reason I'm writting to you all now!! So i wish u all a merry christmas and a happy new year!!!
[AKISAMIYO!!!! o well hee hee i got my dates mixed up]
Also btw I'm gonna post everyone's presents from me because um... yeah it's an early present from me to all of you dears!!! Anyway if you don't like the way I drew it or if it's just crap then private message me to de-do it or i'll just draw an entirely differnt thing ok? Anything for you all!!
P.S~~ If you didn't recieve a gift from me [aka: a drawing] then I'm sorry private message me and I'll get on it!!!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Hello Aya!!!
Hello Alix!!![aka: aya or raxaephon] Yes don't u just love it!! I'm taking to u through a site post!! But anyway u should have gone winter ball!! it was a bunch of fun surprisingly.... I had fun with ms. yee and ms.takai!!!! We should do it again next year!!! But this time u gotta go no excuses!!! Pearl City is sooo Fucking AWSOME!!! must go there next year [makes mental note]
O.. Aya btw Endi-chan called me!!! Yesh she's doing fine!!! EVen Kurot as well... kinda no shit Kurot always!! But yea... She suppose to draw us a pic for Christmas If she has time ne? [damn it go back on ur instant message screen!!!]
Also Aya what do u want me to draw u for Christmas my love??? becuase u know I'm poor...[cries]
Anyway I'll talk to u later Aya!! Btw... Yami Neko [not the one on theOtaku] I do know Aya and we do know Endi and Kurot!!!
Also Alix is Japanese!!!! Her mom speaks fluently!!!! How do u think they communicate!! [also btw my love i gonna need help on my japanese final] ok bye bye now!

Away to the Anti-Anzu community
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Ha Ha
Today was very akward... well to start off I went shopping at Ala Moana and then I went to the bike factory to get my little sister a bike. Well guess who they used as a measuring stick.... that's right me.LOL It was so small i looked like a dork sitting on it..xD What made it worse was my friend saw me sitting on the bike... O_O;; and i chased him and told him if he told anyone i'd hurt him...O_O''. But anyway i had a good day!!
and i love this banner thank you YokoBandit for posting it muahahahahahaha die Anzu!!!!!!

Away to the Anti-Anzu community
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
I FUCKEN LOVE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!! TODAY WAS THE BEST!!!!!! I went to Pearl Ridge today... mostly to shop and be with my friends!! but i got sooo much more than that!!!!!!!!!! I GOT MY FIRST KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I'm so lame... xD!! but I'm happiful and if you don't like it then o well... xD! Sorry folks I don't kiss and tell!!!!
Today was fun Shantel-chan tried to kill Jon-sama!!! Then Jon-sama hid behind me and he kissed me and ran off saying "bye my love" [btw this isn't the guy I'm happy about xD!] I was sooo pissed off I chased him with Shantel-chan!!!
LOL... so i had fun. Plus i ditched 4th period mostly because my teacher excused us.... 1 hour early!!! [what a dumbass]
~~P.s: Today i bought the movie Moon CHild!! The stars are HYDE & GACKT!!! I love them both!! They can act and sing plus they are drop dead hot!!! lol bu any i would give this movie a 5/5 this is a touching story of friendship with lkost of guns and blood. Hyde sooo matches the part of a vampire..opps dont' wanna gives spoilers xD!! [for all you people living in Hawaii that wanna get it go to Toys N Joys in Aiea] [across from Pearl Ridge]
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Friday, December 17, 2004
OMG!!!!!!!! I can't belive I fialed my amth final!!! damn it!!! So now I have an F!!! not good I'm gonna get grounded... well no one will find out until i get the report card. SO I'm gonna be drawing like crazy!! Alsoi got a D on my Social Studies final!! so now I'm getting a C!! Also to make it worse... welactually this is the good part of my day xD! I getting a B in Ebglish it went from a D to a B!! Muhahahahaha!!!! But anyway what also killed me today was that I took my Science final!!!! Damn my teacher he lied to me!!! He said that we weren't gonna take it! Thank god I did something and i knew what i was doing lol!!! So If I happen to go *poof* and die[or not post art] then you all know I'm grounded...[cries]
I'm you thought my day was all tears then you're sadly mistaken!! Today my friend he gave me a Kiba cosplay jacket [Kiba from Naruto] and he also gave me a Akamaru plushie!![the dog that is always in Kiba's shirt] So today i wore the jacket and put the dog in and my anime friends were calling me Kiba!! lol i thought it was funny! They put red lipstick on my face to draw out the design on his cheeks xD!!
•Thank you Akira for my Akamaru plushie and the jacket!
•THank you Shawn-sama for getting me garavitation #7 [i know how much you hate it that's why xD!] and the lil' doggie plushie!!!
•Thank you Anita for the drawing you did for me!! i luff it!!
One more thing before I go... Happy Birthday Keita-kun!!! Muahahahaha you're an old man now xD!!!! I shall call you Ojisan!!!muahahahaha!! I'M JUST JOKING Keita!!! [you'll be Ojisan when you turn 21!!! xD!
~~Love LArc
PS~ I'm working like crazy on the cards I hope i finish it all!! @_@''
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
FINALS ARE OVER!!!! [well at least for me]
Today I just took my last final!! Its was a killer now I got a major headach xD! well now I'm gonna start working on everyones christmas cards!!! I hope you'll all like them!
~Merry Christmas
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
Merry Cristmas!!!
hello all i was thinking to myself today... what should i do for all my friends on the otaku? well for each and everyone of my friends i will draw them a picture.. i prmoise! I will not sleep till it is done! and if anyone else that isn't on my friends list wants one private message me and i'll get on it!
~love you all LArc
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
I can't belive how fast this quater has gone by!! I'm already going to start my finals for school!! So i have to start studing yah. SO sorry i have to stop the request for now. [cries] but yeah I'll start up with the drawing again after K?
Love you all LArc
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
Happt B-day
Happy birthday to Rhyoko and my friend Naru-Naru and orijinal J [sry that it's late but ha ha ha anywayz..] I would just lkr to wsh you all a happy Birthday!!! and I'm taking any request for art if you guys want me to draw you something^^ I actually have time now!!! I finished all my art contest.... so yea!
~luv LArc
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