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Saturday, December 6, 2008
Well i haven't posted in forever so ya.
I have been doing good. My thanksgiving was ok hope everyone eleses was good.
I don't have a lot to talk about. But i do have have some news. One me and my boyfriend broke up a few weeks ago. Me and him are still are good friends. One of my friends wants me and him to get back togather. But then again she wants me to fine true love.
School is school-hell. In two weeks or lest we start to take test over the semester.
Oh i have a 1/4 neice! most of you are like what? I call her my 1/4 neice cuz one i don't know her name. Two my brothers are my half brother (differnet dads) have half sisters by law. So i call my 1/4 neice my 1/4 neice.
Oh and one of my friends has a heart pacer. And she has to go in and get the battery changed. Well its not as easy as it sounds. She has to go through a few test. One of them to to see if her heart is strong enough for it. And she told me that if it wasn't it was like oh while. And she went in a few days ago i think because she has been super sleepy and been sleeping alot and stuff. Well the last time she went in they said she had few months or so before they had to change the battery. When she went in a few days ago they said she had like 8 weeks but that can change in 24 hours. So it can go from 8 weeks to 2 weeks, or 2 days, or 2 hours. I'm really worried about her she gets the new battery on the 30th (her bro b-day...). And she works and doesn't take it as easy as she should. I told her to slow down, take it easy. And that i would be thinking of her. So i'm worried about that.
Besides that and that nothing new has happend. Well have a good weekend/day.
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Well then
Well i haven't posted in a while. School is being evil again.
In history i have to do a stupid thing with Hinduisum. I just don't like the fact i have to talk (with a group.) for 15 mins. For 1 grade, and then have 4 or 5 other grades! I'd rather take the notes over this unit. And trust me that would be TONS of notes.
In english it just english so i don't like it that much. I only liked english because i could read and learn some stuff. But when iorny and finding verbal, dramitic, and stiuational for 5 differnet things comes in to play, just no.
Intro to phys. and chem. thats a ok class. Math is ya i never liked math to begin with so i just don't like math plan simple.
Pe is hell.
Theather is ok we are fixing to go to are frist full leght play. I took a semester of theather II cuz that teacher pulled some strings. Then i had to get a lot of lines down so i have an small eage over some of the other studnets.
I may get my Cd that i order. This weekend. Its suppose to come in today but i want to give them a few days before mom and me go in to see if they have it yet. Mom has to get it becuase i'm un-age so i can't get it or i'll get in tromble. I can wait tho. It makes getting it a lot sweeter.
I don't really have anything eles to say. Well besides Happy early Halloween. Well i'll end my post here. Bye-Bye!
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Saturday, October 4, 2008
Well i haven't posted in forever becuase i have been busy with school and stuff.
Bet you guys are woundering why my page is only my post and some picture with some guys. Because those guys are The Hollywood Undead members. So of you are more then likely going "Uh? Who are they?" Well my friend they are a group that WAS undergroud before they finialy got signed. Here i'll give you their bio i'm not sure if its the offical one or not. But i got it off of their Imeem page.
Hollywood Undead hails (unsurprisingly) from the streets of Hollywood, California, mixing brash hip-hop, rock and minor metalcore touches with cocky posturing and thug attitudes. Owing much of its popularity and exposure to the social networking monster Myspace, the group -- whose members usually wear masks in public -- started as the musical project of J-Dog and Tha Producer in June 2005. They uploaded some new music to their profile and very quickly started amassing song plays and online friends with tracks about drinking, sex and emo kids. The gang, as the guys liked to refer to themselves, also grew to include seven members: J-Dog and Tha Producer alongside Charlie Scene, Johnny 3 Tears (formerly called The Server), Funny Man, Shady Jeff and Da Kurlzz. Shady Jeff, however, made his exit after only a few months. As the band's online profile steadily increased, Myspace head honcho Tom Anderson wasn't immune and wound up featuring Hollywood Undead's song "No. 5" on Myspace's first compilation album, in addition to giving them the distinction of being the first act signed to the site's new record label (distributed by Interscope) in 2005. However, over two years later, the guys were apparently still putting the finishing touches on the album. ~ Corey Apar, All Music Guide
What that doesn't tell you is that they have more then 400,000 friends on myspace.
Their music as you can tell isn't kid friendly or radio friendly. Well at least a couple are. Their frist ablum SWAN SONGS is out now. I'm planing on going out and getting their ablum.
Other news is that i have a new dog! Its so cute it has black spots black but its main color is white. And its fuffy as hell! I don't know what to name her yet. I'm going to wait and see what she's like frist.
Well i'm going to end my post here. Hope the rest of your weekend is good.
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Friday, September 12, 2008
So today is friday...YAY!
The only sad thing that really happend to day was the fact that i found out that mom made my dental visit already. No not to clean my teeth. To remove my wisdom teeth. Oh the fun i well be having.
I have to take pills before (starting now) i get my teeth pulled on the 26th. Then i have some more pills to take the night and the day of the pulling.And then some more pills afterwords. Then if the pain before (and i think afterwords) the pulling. I have pills for that too. But only as a last thing to use. Their REALLY strong. I'm going to be dopped up after the pulling like hell.
I have to take pills at school. So just incase i get caught with them mom is going to call the Tooth doctor to fax presciption over to the school. I'm also going to miss a day of school. I'm just hoping i don't have a test that day.
I almost forgot to tell you. My wisdom teeth are partly boned. In other words there is some bone over my teeth and they are growing in crecked.
I think they have to remove the bone frist. Then they'll cut the tissuse just enough to see the tooth and then the pulling well begin.
Now i'm not sure if i'll be awake for all of this but i want to take a sedtived if i'm not already. And then laughing gas just to make sure. But i don't know if i'll be able to do the laughing gas.
Anyway, this was all i had to post today. I guess i'll end my post here. Good night/day/afternoon. =)
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Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day!!
Well i had for today. I was over at my friend Saras' house. (I spent the night) I stayed over at her house until like 4:50 or so. After that i was told not so good news. My Grandfather found out that he has a Skin Cancer and the Doctors are only giving him 6 months to live. My Nana told my dad 'cuz i don't think that Grandfather wanted to. My dad cryed a lot so my mom stayed home with him. Dad didn't want to tell me just get but mom said that it wasn't fair to keep me in the dark with this kind of thing. So mom told me on the way home.
This is going to be really hard on me and me dad. Everyone eles too like Nana and dads sisters.But me,dad,Nana,All the people that are really close to him are going to take it really hard. I'm sure that me and dad feel the same on the fact that we're in a differnet state then Grandfather. I know that dad really wants to be with his dad right now but knows that he just can't leave work.
Oh ya. I changed Chemistry to Intro to Physics and Chemistry but the only thing i have the girl i don't like from 1st hour in my last hour. But i guess i have to live with it. They made a path way for us kids 'cuz they found out that a lot of kids were going to e late. So they made a path way in between the Math builing and the Sicenis builing. Yes!
I'm going to end my post here so i hope everone had a good weekend.
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Monday, August 25, 2008
So today was the frist day of Hell for me. And many more days of it to come. So i'm going to give you a little run down on my day today.
Get up at 7:15a.m. Get dressed blah blah blah.
Get to school. End up meeting a Fishy who i do know and showing and telling her a few things she needs to know. I see that they smart people who run the school put up a fence in between a lot of the builings....This means people are going to be late for their classes(A.k.A Me). I also saw a few of my other friends (not Fishys) before school started. Happy about that :).
Off to 1st hour. Theater I...Its awsome and not so awsome. The awsome part my teacher is so damn funny and she likes the same dude off of lord of the rings that i do (the elven dude hottness. I'm a nerd i know this). The not so awsome part the girl that i don't like AT all is in that class. And that was the only thing i wished for on my birthday the only thing!!
2nd hour. Latin II. Anyother awsome class. A lot of people in this class tho. Um, my teacher is the only Latin teacher at my school so she deals with a lot of kids. 'Cuz she just so much fun.
3rd hour. World History. What joy this class is going to be. Now i like history ok i really do. I like my teacher he's cool. He was a cop and i don't like cops to much but he's a cool dude besides that. Um, the only reason i don't like World History is WW II. Touchy subject for me. It's because i am a lot of German. (I'm likly the whites person in my school.) Because it makes me feel like i'm a bad person. And this is the only time i feel like a bad person for something other people did giving that group of people a kinda a bad name (in my view). But other then that stupid shit i kinda like this class.
*Note: 3rd hour is almost have way arcoss school grounds from 4th hour.And they fenced off a way with less kids so us kids can get to class with out being late. We still have to move fast 'cuz getting up to the 2nd floor sucks too. So i may be late...*
4th hour. English II. I'm going to love this class. I have a lot of friends in this class, and my teacher is the best. She's really cool um, she's fun and up beat. Can make you laugh (like a few of my teachers). Even tho her class is a little bit longer then other classes and by ISS. It's still fun (but then again this still was my frist day).
Lunch! My fav class of all. This year i can go off school grounds to get lunch. :D I meet up with a few of my now jounir friends to fine out some bad news. One of my friends went to a differnet school and she more then likly isn't coming back. ;-;
5th hour. Geometry...Frist off this is all your going to need to know: I don't like math. I feel out of place in this class 'cuz i think their is one other white person in this class. I'm not a racist. But when your a white person with a lot of Hispanics you feel out of place. Besides that i guess it's an ok class.
6th hour. Team sports (A.K.A PE). I don't change out. But in this class 'cuz i don't have my teacher from last year T-T the teachers this year are going to make me change out. I think they want me to change my top and my pants and i think my shoes...No my pants i'll change. I really don't need to change in to another shirt but i may change the shirt out (sweat makers no thank you). My shoes i can run in, i can jump in, i can do anything in these shoes that i wear to school. Not change my shoes. But i said i wasn't to sure. Wasn't paying any notice. xP
7th hour. Chemistry. Um, I love this teacher but i'm going to change this class to intro to Physics and Chemistry. But i'm not too sure if i'm going to be able too so we'll see.
That was my day. Loooong. But i'm home now and getting ready for tomrrow day two of Hell. T-T.
I hope everyone is Ok and getting throw school in whole.
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Life is so crul...School for me starts this monday so i have one more day of summer. Then its off to the 'kill teens hopes and dreams land'. I'm just looking forward to being the middle child. And after this one another year of being the middle child. Softy and Junior year. The two middle childern of high school.
Anywho, i guess i'm going to be able to see all my friends again. I only like school for meeting up with my friends and the free fights i get to see.XD
Well, their is nothing eles for me to post so i'm going to put up a few pictures.

I hope that your guys summers went ok and that your first day of school goes well.
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hello hello people!
I'm happy because its saterday wheeee!!! Ya i'm kinda bored.
Sad news for me. Mom had to change my visit to the tooth doc so its on this coming wendesday in the afternoon so thats a plus. I may be able to go to the book store that day maybe.
School starts on the 25th on a monday for me...this just makes mondays suck even more. All of the older people who don't have to go to school keep asking me if i'm ready for school to start. The answer is always the same. "No. I hate school. Yes i like seeing my friends and thats about it but no i'm not ready for school to start." I'm tired of school...
I have nothing eles to post so i guess i'm going to put up a few pictures.

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Monday, August 11, 2008
Ello all! I hope everyone is at least ok today(or night). I had an ok day. It was the same old same old. Wake up, play a little bit of my game, eat, go to the bathroom, watch Tv, and do what i have to do around the house.
I have to go to the tooth doctor the day after tomrrow and that means i'm going to clean my teath for the next two days really really good. Thus, less time with my evil tooth doctor.
I don't really have anything eles going on in my life right now. Just bored as hell teenager who has no way to go anywhere. I guess that mean i'm going to end my post here. But i want to put up some pictures! Yay, woot, awesome, wheeee... yes i'm and bored. Now on with the pictures!

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hi! I'm happy today. Because one i am now done reading Breaking Dawn and two yesterday me and my mom also did some cloths and one pair of shoes shoping. It wasn't as bad as the other times. I mean this time me and mom laughed and joked around other times we hate cloths shoping(for me and my dad). Just because in her words "You two are the hardest people to fine cloths for!" And my reply "Ya well at least i don't wear the holy gral of pants!" (I'm really hoping everyone got what i meant by that.)
I have to go and register tomrrow so this means i have to wake up at 7 in the morning because mom has to work tomrrow. I really don't like school. And they are going to make me pay $20 even tho i payed it to my teacher. They have the guts to tell me that i didn't pay it. Their lucky that i can't get away with assault. Oh and next week on wendesday i have to wake up early too. All because the tooth doctor needs to check out my early wisdom teeth to see when he/she needs to pull them and to clen my teeth too. I don't really like the tooth doctor because my mouth always tast funny after i leave...stupid gloves they wear and because they make my gums bleed when they clean my teeth sometimes.
I really need to fine a new remote. Because my old remote went to remote heaven...may its soul rest in peace. I need a Universal remote because at least that one would have an imput button. I miss my Cds.
Alas, i have to end my post here so i can and try to drag my butt out of bed in the morning. I just remembered i need a shower in the morning. Arrrgg, i really really really don't like school. I hope everyone gets some sleep and has an awesome end of summer and good frist day of school.
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