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myOtaku.com: Lauren-Chan

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

   Over complicated situations!!
I met this guy at uni about 3 weeks ago at a club when i was drunk, and i met him again after that, but we were never really friends, just aquaintanances. My mate then met him at a club on wednesday called Fez, and got with him (as in they kissed). since then she talks about him all the time. FRiday night i caught up with him again and got chatting. on my friends request i tried name dropping, but he didn't seem interested at all. That night he pulled me, and it was quite alot as well. we hung out for ages just chatting, well and kissing, and then he spent the night in my bedroom, we cuddled, talked and kissed. Thats it. he fell asleep and left about 7 in the morning for work. Ever since me and him have been chatting loads and getting closer! Last night at a club called Oceana, me and him had a chat about me and him, and then my friend. Me and him seem to have this attraction, and enjoy being with each other (including kissing), but due to my friends major crush after a drunken kiss, we have to do everything secretly. He told me on the bus he didnt want to lead her on cause he's not interested, and i know for the time being, hes not in the mood for a relationship. But there is definitely an attraction between us. we came to the conclusion last night, that we would continue the way we are, but not infront of my friend, and pray she doesnt find out.

i just had a heart to heart with her about him, and she's jealous of the fact i even talk to him, let alone kissed him (though she doesnt know that bit).

Her crush is seriously causing complications, and understand why she likes him, i like him to, but now i have to sit on sidelines when they are together, and pull him in secret.

Theres only so long that can last before one of us gets annoyed that everythings all hush hush.

i know as a friend, i should steer clear all together, but when theres clearly a stronger attraction between me and him then there is her and him, its difficult, especially when me and him are alone. and me and him talk about evrything, i love spending time with him, he actually makes me feel so good about mysel, and weird as it is, his scent is still on my pillow.

i have no clue what to do!

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