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Monday, September 29, 2003
Well, I actually had some free time today and decided to do some online quizes. There always so much fun.

What Inuyasha Villain Are You?

What Outlaw Star Character Are You?

What Shoujo Mascot Are You?

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
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Sunday, September 28, 2003
Oh my gosh
This is the first time I've been on since my last post. Let's see, what did I write? Oh, yeah. I play the clarinet, nice and small. Heh, I had a playing test in band and couldn't play it. When we have playing tests we have to do them in front of the whole band and I started shaking and couldn't stop. Then the band director had the nerve to day he didn't do it to humiliate us. Oh, and my crush asked someone else to homecoming. I don't even know what else went wrong. oh, well. Bye.
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Friday, September 12, 2003
I think I'm doing to much
*sigh* I was so tired today. Yesterday I had a cross country meet and then marching band practice until 9pm. Then when I got home I had homework in every subject. Needless to say I didn't get to bed until late. Then I woke up early this morning to go to Prayer Club. I'm also the treasurer for my school French National Honor Society and we're starting a fundraiser on Monday. Now my band teacher wants me to take private lessons and my dad is buging me about checking out colleges. *deep sigh* Got to go get ready for the game tonight. cya
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Sunday, August 31, 2003
Today was heavy nify. I got to go to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. It was a lot of fun. Sir William kissed my hand. Heh. My sister thought it was disgusting. It's so much fun to see all the people dressed up. I wanted to buy some fairy wings, but they about $60. So, until I get a job and get my own money, I can't get any. :( Other than that it was cool though. They sell pickles on a stick and the guy selling them was shouting, "Large, juicy, slightly suggestive pickles." Heh. Good times.
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Friday, August 29, 2003
First week of School is over!
Oh my gosh. I am so glad to be done with the first week of school. It always seems to go so slow. I have so many thick books. Good news though! I got my driver's license and our football team one 20-0! O, and we got LotR the Two Towers!!! Yay! And now to go watch InuYasha! This has been a great day.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2003
New Eps of InuYasha
Thanks to a wonderful machince called the VCR, I have been able to tape InuYasha! Oh my gosh! They are soooooo good. I think Kouga is my new fav character. I can't wait for tonights!
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Monday, August 25, 2003
School starts tomorrow
I'm in a kind of bad mood today. 1) School starts tomorrow and I don't have any classes with my friends. 2) I finished the the Harry Potter book and am bored out of my mind cause I have nothing to do. 3)I took my drivers test and failed. I have a stupid full size van that I have to drive for my test and it's only about 2 ft shorter that the space I have to paralle park in. :( Now my mom is making me go to the place and practice parking in the space.
One bit of good news though. New eps of Inuyasha starting tonight!
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Thursday, August 21, 2003
Only 4 days until school
man, band and cross country were so bad today. at one point i was shaking cause i was so tired. doesn't help when you have 12 hour days. only one day of camp left!
for a while i forgot what my password was. heh, that was bad, but obviously i remembered.
in answer to a question, Sailor Pluto is my fav scout. i know she didn't have as big of a roll as some of the other scouts, but she was awsome. especially since she could stop time, even though it would kill her. she was so nice, too.
i'm only ranked 209 :(
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Monday, August 11, 2003
Schools starts soon ><
I can't belive school is only two weeks away! Everyone keeps telling me how junior year is going to be the hardest. Well, Cross country practice and Marching band started today and I'm gonna have next to no free time.
Anyways, I want to say good luck to all my friends going off to college for the first time. ;) I'm sure it'll be a lot more fun than anything going on here.
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Thursday, August 7, 2003
Hi everyone. I heard about this site from a friend and decieded to try it out. That's all for now, I'm kind of tired. ttyl
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