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| LazieNinjaFrog
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Monday, October 27, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky

Hello Hello ^^
Happy Halloween and stuff. o.o I don't think I'm doing anything besides pumpkin carveing and movie watching. I think I've had enought of that tho @ @
Anywhoo, I found that pic, thought it was a good one for halloween, and posted it. XD
o.o I got five comments on my last post. XD I feel so luved. Anyway,
I shall now continue on to the Comments X3
suichiro8705:o art requests and art contests. sounds like fun. and why 2 book sets to read? it doesnt seem all that freezing where i live surprisingly. Its been a while since i had something to deal with pumpkins. We dont even carve them for halloween anymore for Halloween
MEh: They are fun X3 Well Iwanted to read two sets of books. @ @ but I have to check them out at the local library X3. I has been a while since I did anything for halloween. X3 this is the first year in a while we've done anything XD
dragonhybrid:Oh wow. Your site looks awesome! Yes. I did just notice that oyu changed it. -_-'
Anyways, I wuvs you and your site of AWESOMNESS!!!!
Meh: DRAGON!!!!!XDD YAY!soo good to see you friend XD I'm glad you like it LOL XD o.o aw, so sweet XD *hugs*
xaos:Wow! It sure is good to hear from you again! It's like you post once a month or something. *laughs* ^^ Hmm, I guess if you are to comment me, see my world, or... maybe I should pm you! :) I have this challenge/contest thingie and I want as many participants as possible. Perhaps you want to help me in spreading the word. ^____^ Yeah, pumpkin pies! Halloween is coming, and then after that Thanksgiving, another reason for pies! :) Good luck with all the stuff you and your sis have to do. See ya around Froggie! *hugs*
Meh: Xaosy XD
It is along time inbetween posts. I r sorreh X3 Yeah, I'll try to comment more ^ ^ And ya, I think I may even enter that contest XD hmmm...I'll think about it XD
YAY! Pumkin pies the best pie the world has ever seen!!! X3 I don't think we'll have thim by halloween, but I'm sure we'll have them by thanksgiving X333
C'ya, X3 lotsa hugs gonin on here today X3 *hugs*
Ezel:"you: BOO! LOLZ I'm back. Disappeared for a while. o.o U prolly didnt notice tho, seeing how many friends you have.^.
OOO pretty. I'm sure you sis will like that picture frame. .^. tis pretteh. X3Nice scripture. X3 some of my favs. And Merry Christmas to you to. X3 I love christmas. X3 Anyway, guess I'll be seeing you around, good luck with school and your sister's wedding. X3 I hope she's very happy! Congrats to her and her Husband. X3Frog-Out! X3"
"me: i missed you. good that you're back!! *hugs you*thank you, thank you. hope everything wil go according to plan..wish us good luck with my sis' wedding and my school..=)
Meh: YAY! X3 Hello!yw yw X3 Good luck with you sis's wedding and ur school. X3 I hope everything works out well ^ ^
have a good weekend! X3
chezaswulf:Hi I don't know y your gb isn't working for me. I love your avatar and song... I hope we can be friends^.^ I don't think I signed your page before but if I did sorry. Ohwells. I love your name too, frogs are my fav^.^
Meh:Ello X3 LOL I hope my sis can get that GB working properly soon o.o, X3 she does all the html.She made my site too, I'm glad you like it XD yay!, I luv frogs X3
Btw, if you read this, I sighed ur gb X3 and added u X3
Well ok ppl, that's all the comments!!! XD Have a happy halloween, or weekend, or month or day, when ever you read this. And remember,the pillow is always cooler on the other side X3
Frog dissapears into a cloud of smoke!!!!!
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Friday, October 10, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Is posting is posting. First I shall post to thank all of you folk for nicely commenting on my site. X3 I didn't think anybody would. I shall try to comment back if I can. Plz forgive meh, if I don't get to it. @ @ so much posting to do. -.-
it's hard to have a brilliant mind. LOLz jk jk X3
Well on to comments! BTW I shall be posting on theo, if anybody wants to go read that too. o.oX3
I also want to say, Welcome fall! X3 I still have to do that art request for my cousin. o.0 and that pic for the contest. o.o I also have two book sets to read, those 3 hours I spend two days a week at class. And me my mom, and my sister have to harvest the entire garden because it's about to freeze. o.o and I have to make pumpkin pies...and ....o.o there was something else but I can't remember...o.o oh yeah. Since we grew our pumkins this year, we had to stack them somewhere, and two went bad on one side. So I got to carve them. X3 Hooray. They were hybrids with the gords (which was a totally accident 0.o) and they kinda went bad in a few hours. idk if they are going to rot tho...o.o
spreading wings:
I like the layout, Em did a good job on it. ^_^ Don't feel bad, I haven't been here in forever either. Hopefully I'll talk to you guys tonight. Until then I suppose!
Meh: BUTTER!!!! X3 ty ty. Emy is happey that you like it, I am too. I loves it X3 Sorreh, I wasn't on that night either -.- I barely get on anymore. Sorreh. X3 but okay, I won't feel bad. X3
AngelBest Dream:Hihi frogie hope you post the new comic cover in the paper very soon .Well hummm I have been doing fine and I really like your new site.The other day you just mysteriously disappear T.T .Well hope ur fina and see ya very soon :3.
Meh:Hi angel! X3I'll be sure to post it. X3. ty ty. good you're doing good. X3 Well I am a ninja, I do happen to mysteriously disappear at times X3 I'll try to get on more. X3
deadly neko:
I am glad your back! Yay! It's nice to hear from you. I hope you can get on more. :) I love the new layout. It's awesome
Meh: X3 thank you for commenting. X3 Yay! its nice to hear from you. X3 Yeah, I will try to get on more. Thank you I love this layout too! X3 My sister made it. X3
Well it was nice talking to you all! X3 c'ya around soon! X3
Frog-mysteriously disappears. X3 LOLz
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Friday, October 3, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Well holy cow! I haven't posted on here in like forever !! 0.0
X3 thats because I broke my site. But my sis fixed it, and even gave me a new bg. X3 how nice.
She also said it is one of her best so far. Until her next one that is X3
well if you read this, I'm just here to say I'm back n stuff. ^.^ maybe I should come here more often. Enjoy the site, and plz comments. X3
Thanks to those who commented on my other site while this one was down. ^.^ I apreciate it.
off I go!
Frog-Out! X3
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Ello all XD
I was just posten to say, that I'm gonna have to start only posting on TheOtaku site, because this site is having an issue. Just click on meh comments to see. XD anyway, so I'm gonna update on that site only until I can get this one fixed. ^^
sooooo, if u wanna comment, come go to that site where I will have a posteh XD^^ XD
Frog=Out! XD
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Hi allz. XD thanks for commenting last time.
Well nothing much is happening today. So Imma move on to comments. ^ ^
InuyashaLady15: I'll read it when I get the chance well g2g bai!
Meh:Thank u ^^
deadlyneko: I will have to read it later today. :) Bye! Have a good day!
Meh: hope u get that chance. Have a good day too now. ^ ^
dragonhybrid: I shall go read it! Come Blimbo!
*flies off in cape*
Blimbo: 0_____0 *waddles slowly after me*
Meh: thank you. U have a cape. XD I want one. Lolz
BLIMBO!!! Waddle as fast as u can Blimbo ^ ^
AngelBest Dream: Hi Froggie ,well got to hve you posting so much again :P .Humm so the story is up,but I dont know very well that page.Hope you have alink over here (looks around ).Well take care frogie and see u soon.
Meh: XD thank you Angel. sorry I didn't have a link, here let meh put one up,
There's the link Angel. But Iknow u read it, since u left a comment. Thank you, much apreciated. XD
Well that's about it. ^ ^ Take care fellow inhabitants of the earth.
The-Frog-Has-Left-The-Building! XD
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Okay I don't have much time, So just to tell u meh story is up. On meh world BizareWorld. And if u wanna go read it, and rate instuff, go ahead. Imma go now, sorry I can't respond to comments, but I'm like completely out of time. Thanks to all those that commented, last time, thanks to those commenting this time. XD lolzSo c'ya around. XD
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Hi allz, tis meh again. X3
How are u all. Good I hope. Meh book isn't going to good. So I'm gonna post a short story. That I wrote. I'll try to get one up every once in a while. But u can go to meh world, which for those of u that don't know, is called
BizzareWorld. X3
I found out that thing on the news, about bigfoot, the DNA came backk, and it was human and possum hair...Who'd thunk. XD I'll give u a hint (meh) XDD
Anyway, thanks to those who commented last time.
Xoas: Hey Froggie! You know I have two books I bought a LONG time ago and still haven't finished. I'll definitely look forward to seeing anything you write on your world! ^___^ Ok then I'll pm you something scary. No profanity or gore. No problem. ^______^ See ya. Sorry this is short
Meh: Hey Xoasy. X3 Well u'd better finish them X3333
Lolz. Thank u. ^ ^ Can't wait to hear it. *waits anyway* X3
AngelBest Dream: Lol well I better hurry and comment.Itīs great your gona draw something,Im gona try and draw a commic of the adventures of village :3 .Great to be chatting so much with you I think village doesnt like it :3 .Well about the spyes maybe you just need to uummmmm get more ninjas :P .
Meh: Hi angel XDD XD Can't wait to see it. Don't worry, emy likes talking to u, she's just shy. ^ ^
Yesh, More ninjas!! I need to start two clubs the ninja's and the spys.. < < XD they can war..Lolz
AngelBest Dream...again XD: Lols a lethal weapon used to walk :3.
Meh: LOLZ XDD Evil Finger on u. XDD
Alphonse122: Good luck with the book. I bet you'll come up with some ideas adventually. As for what scares people, it depends on the person. Everyone has different fears. I can't really think of anything that scares people, but I'm like brain-dead right now. I just woke up.
That seems like a pretty good name for a new world. Ithink I made one at one point but I've never done anything with it.
Yeah, that means that i can't have cake. =( I like cake too much'
Meh: yeah, I kno. I've been asking ppl what scares them XD it's actally fun to find out what scares some ppl. o.o Like carpet sharks < <
^ ^ yay, I like that name too. Maybe u should do something with ur world. do it b4 it rots like a veggie. XDD lolz^ ^ XD
Sorry about the cake. Maybe u could have rice cakes. .^. lolz. ^ ^
Welll i guess that's all since that's all the comments and nothing else has happened,
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Posteh posteh. WELL I was expecting to have written at least a chapter in a book by now. X X
okay, I'm done. Well I'll c what I can do. < <
If I ever get something written I'll post it on meh new :Theotaku: world. I called it BizarreWorld, just cuz I could. Is that a good name XDD
Also, I was gonna write a scary book, just to see if I could pull it off, and I was wondering, just what scares ppl. XD so if u have anything scary u'd like to tell meh i'm all ears. Plz no gore or profanity. XD thank u.
Thanks to all those who commented. XD
AngelBest Dream: Sup Frogie :3 itīs good to be hear again.So the ninja council proclaimed the village will have the story telling as a tradition...THATS AWESOME .I wonder what did the village elder say about it :3 .Well frogie I must say a spy is a spy ^^ lol.As a ninja frog you need to be able to spot them fast :P .
Meh: XDD lolz I know. It is really awesome. She doesn't know. I tried to tell her, but she was to into her elder games . Lolz XD
I try to spot them fast, but there r so many of them, oh what is a ninjafrog to do XDD
Alphonse122: Umm, okay thats odd that she was a spy and started a cooking show those are polar oppisites. But anyway I've never heard of her. Though, I don't really watch cooking shows either. Partly because it makes me hungry, and I'm trying to be vegan (eating no animal products, meat, dairy, eggs, ect.)
Meh: I thought everyone knew who she was. XDD I guess I only kno, cuz meh mom is really into cooking shows. XDD Well good luck with the Vegan thing. Does that mean u can't have cake? o.o
Lolz XD
anyway, I guess that's all, plz try to comment ppl ur comments are much appreciated.
C'ya round.
The frog has left the building. XD
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
XD hello all. I heard more strange things on the news today. o.o like, yah know Julia Child? anybody, she's a famous cook if u don't know about her, but I'm sure u do. She was the one who started the cooking show. XD anyway, in the 30's and 40's She was a U.S spy. X X I'm not kidding.
It's like odd. Meh life is like a sticking book now. Maybe it is a book. o.0
ANY WAY!!! XD not a whole lot else happening. SO
eternalminimoon: Yea I knowwat you mean the news is veary strange an confuseing like the olympics like 5 ppl were killed or something from there and the lil girl whos been missing an the mother says she dont have anything to do with her missing an I hate that the news put the gorillas an their location on tv saying theye found hidding gorillas,god theye were hidding for areason to stay away from all the people an cameras an shit it pissed me off when theye put them on tv thats just leadeing more poachers to were theye are,ergggg idk if you live in the sameplace as me or watch the same news channel
so idk if you know everything im talking about ^^' lol
Meh:Poor Gorillas XC yeah News ppl can be idiots. < < really...
They once called the pit manuver the Push tactic.
eternalminimoon: sorry for not spaceing my space keys been screwing up ill just re type the parts that did not space
*Yea I know wat you mean*
Meh: XDD lolz
Blane Hoshi: O_O wow just wow XD
Meh: I know < <
DragonHybrid: I saw the chupicabra and the the thing on the beach! I've seen crazier stuff before though. This is nothing new to me. Not kidding.
Meh: XD really, what have u seen, < < u must tell neh. Is blimbo sick, I haven't seen him in a few days. XDD
Shred: hahaha ok that vid was pretty freakin awesome
O_O i should watch the news more
Meh: XD Yeah it's a weird vid.XDD
Yesh shred, yesh u should.
AngelBest Dream: Lol ,yesturday I did had a lot of fun cheking ur page and chatting.Well it was a good day full of stories :P .Maybe we should make that a tradition ;3 .Well I can red the text a big better but it`s still hard.I know the world can be weird,but logic can always restart the problem.
Meh: XD it was fun. XD Okay. =^^= story telling is offically now, by grand order of the Grand NinjaFrog Court, a village tradition. XDD
XD yeah, ur right Angel. XD
Oh and Imma be on shreds site tonight if u r on. XD
WELL that's about it. So c'ya all later thanx for commenting on meh site. XDD
Frog has left the building. XD
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
X.X I have died....< <
The whole word o.o is odd. < < Especially the news these days. If you've been watching u know what I'm talking about. U know, the pick of a
"Alien" i assume it's a pick of rocks on's odd, what with all the odd storys surfacing o.o like a dead big foot found and is been sent to be study, (usually they disapear) and then The weird monster that washed up on shore, and then a "La chupacabra" supposed to be "Caught" on police car camera. o,o not to mention everything else going on, like election year, and the olmpics and other wierd stuff that is going on in meh own little life. o.o and I'm like....< <
Here this is what the world is like, follow the link and watch the vid, cuz it don't fit on meh site. XD
Moving on....
on to comments XD
AngelBest Dream: Hi frogie,I wonder why I didnt saw your last post.Well I try to check more,but also itīs hard to read with your new format.Yeah the letters are 2 small and white (can focuz my sight well even if I underline it).Hope to see you and village alder very very soon :3.
Meh:XD idk. XD sorry it's a little hard to read. I still luv it anyway, after all emy did make it for meh. XDD yeah, hope to see u soon. XD
DragonHybrid: Yay! I figured out how to comment! XD Yes, I am that pathetic with computers! Anyways, I feel bad for that lady. I have to go to orientation this Thursday, so yeah. It'll be boring. And we have pictures that day. -_-' I hate pictures. 0______0
Blimbo: ...... *vomits on your background*
Aww. He likes you! ^^' That's his special way of saying take care!
Blimbo: BLARG! .......
Meh: i'm pretty pathetic with computers XD
Sorry about the pictures XD Hope it goes well for u. *GASP*
I am so honored to have blimbo comments on meh site. *cleaning up barf* thank you Blimbo. XDD
Hey Froggie! ^_________^
Of course I know what a GED is my mom has one. I also believe your sis has to get one. Wait you have to get one too? That is something though that you were all prepared and now you have to wait until next month. I hope you are still prepared by then, retain that knowledge! ^^ I love this new theme the post box is sweet.
Meh: cool. XD my dad has a GED too. XD I don;t have to have to, but I want to. XD Since I'm homeschooled I don't have a highschool diploma to get, so I figured, the youngest age to take the GED is 16. So Imma get it as soon as possible. XD
Ty. Meh sister made the whole layout for meh. XD
Well I guess that's all for today. The whole world is raised it's skirts up and jumped into the milkyway, all we have to do now is wait to drown. < <
C'ya all later
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