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| LazieNinjaFrog
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Well this is a pretty bad weekend. I don't really feel like going into depressing...
Tho anyways, on a lighter note, since I'm trying not to think about that stuff, I'll say That I'm trying to get a cool site, one for just a site, and one for a mythology site. I already made some, but then.... I found out I'd have to pay to get it on the internet, so I decided to try xanga, but alas, I can't figure it out, and I don't wanna use it cus you can only but some stuff up (vids pics) if it's downloaded onto you com, but I'm not allowed to download. T.T I don't want to do myspace because my cousin said there are alot of weirdos on there, and I don't want to use facebook, cus I heard that you can't deleate you page if you don't like how it is turning outT>T
If anybody knows a good site where I can delete it, or put music pics and vids on it with codes like the otaku (which I luv btw) unforutnatly tho the o doesn't have pgs. Like that one site had were I could have up to 20 pg. And the pgs could have 20 paragraphs, but the the paragraphs were infanite, and that I can put bgs, and theme my site like I can on theOtaku.
AHH!! Yuki! I likes your post picture^^
Me: Thank you^^ *bows*
AngelBest Dream:
Lol I really have big fun when I come and chat with you 2 .I would say ur a funny group XD.I just like to visit :3 yeah it´s very funny :3 .Hmmm so a new job huh hope u like it billage elder .Well it`s been long I don´t have the chance to chat with you to hopefully you can tell me a day I could find you on the site so we could chat at the comment box :P .
Me:OOPS! That was supposed to be Village leaderLOL
And it was my bro that got a job, not village leader emy, my sis.LOL I typed it wrong, my bad^^
LOL Idk, tonight if I'm still on, and...well I don't know when I'll be on...hmmm... well yeah..
We will have to see about that some time, eh?
Well, I know it was a long post, but if you made it this far, I applaude you^^
Well c'ya all later^^
Comments plz
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Hello all...Those that read this^^ LOL
AngelBest Dream
Lol funny avatar its great to see ya around Frog.Well like usual you are so lazy I wonder how are you and what you been doing lately.How is the village elder it`s been ages since I don´t chat with you 2.
Hi angel, great to see you around too^^
nothin, I've been doing nothing^^ My bro got a job, but other than that it's just the same ol same ol I suppose you'd say^^
Emy(the billage elder) is doin good^^
Well c'ya later^^
comments plz^^
Comments (2) |
Monday, February 18, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky

Funny picture...hehe
Hello All!!
Nothing to post of, so I'm just gonna get to the comment answers!^^
emeraldsky : I know, I know. Glad you like this kitty.
AngelBestDream :Well, it's good to be back^^
dramaqueen15460: Oh, so you've seen the dancing kittty b4?^^. No surprise, it's everywhere,^^ everybody loves the dancing kitty ^^LOL
(I've even see it on vids^^)
sonicandtailsrox:HELLO!! ^^ I know, the kitty is really adorible. That's why I put it on meh site^^LOL
I do believe that was everybody, ^^ well c'ya all round,
comments plz^^
Comments (1) |
Sunday, February 17, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Hi all you ppl...or some....
anyway, nothin' much, just thought I'd post again^^
voiceinsidemyhead: Hey to you, it has been a while.^^Thank you for commenting, preciate it^^
well c'ya later
comments plz
Dance kitty Dance!!
Comments (4) |
Saturday, February 16, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Hello Threre!!Long time no see!
I guess I haven't updated in a
There hasn't really been anything to post about...really not much so yeah......well my bro got a job..other that nothin'.....
Anyway, I themed my site yuki because it's the year of the RAT!! LOL
Plz don't kill me, I know Shigure is in the bg, but I couldn't find a yuki pic that was big enough.....T.T
Anyway, I guess I'll go comment and what not^^
C'ya all later
comments plz^^
Comments (2) |
Saturday, January 19, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
Site Info 
Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Hey, I'm back.
I know I've been gone for a long time, but I;ve been busy...and spending most of my free time playing twighlight princess...Tis and awesome game^^
Well, not much else to say besides I might get some art up in a few days...I haven't put any up for a while.... Any way, have a good day eveybody!!^^
Comments plz
Comments (6) |
Friday, January 4, 2008
Hi ALL!^^
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
Site Info 
Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Hi all, after a day of feeling weird, I feel back to myself.^^
Well we gots another computer. (we had one in spare, and my dad and bro fixed it and...all that stuff, okay I don't know what they did, all I know is that it runs....and I thank them for that.)
I can't listen to any media on it until we download some stuff on it, (well that's what my sis said-I garentee I know nothing of coms, seriously^^)
To the comments answering and stuff.
bonitachika792:Thank you for liking the background.^^you're a nice person to me.^^
Linden Rathan: Hi nata! Didn't get your comment until after I commented on your site. So yeah.
Hi nata!Thank you for liking my site, guess I should've put up this layout last year, huh?^^LOL
AngelBest Dream: Hi Angel.^^ Yeah, I you gotta watch out for kids going crazy on com games. To stop my bor for stealing the com ( he's older than me but, you know he likes games.^^) We got him an xbox that he plays all the time, it's very conviniant.^^
Thank you for commenting, just wanted to say,
Happy new year to all those who didn't get one from me. ^^
Happy New year
c'ya later
^^Comments plz^^
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Friends & Clubs 
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Hi all!!!
The other com is now I have to steal my sis's computer..
Anyhooo, on to the comments!^^
Emeraldsky: I knew it, you are crazy^^
Voicesinsidemyhead: Hi! Long time no see^^ Glad you like the site, I've been waiting for a while to use this one^^ And the pistachio pudding is wonderus...mmmm...
AngelBestDream:Hi Angel. Thank you for liking my site too.^^ I'll go check my art I supose.^^
C'ya all later
Comments plz^^
Comments (3) |
Sunday, December 30, 2007
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
Updates yet another post. I knew I'd be posting after Christmas, this includes the Christmas with the extended family.
My stomach hurts really bad because I just had a entire bowl of pistachio pudding. I'll tell you it was about...1 1/2 to 2 cups worth of pudding...I sick...
But I LOVE pistacho pudding..soooo I needed to eat it. I had to, would be a shame if it went bad.
Anyway, I did me site...again, my sis helped with some of the codeing(I wanted a post bg) Thanx Ane!
I also am listening to An Cafe. The songs are weird, frivoulis, and sometimes stupid. So why do I make a playlist of their songs. Well...
Their song style is addicting. I especially like the crazy duck song...yeah....
So what's up with you ppl. I'm trying to work on art and junk, but yeah....I'm working on a comic with my sis. I should probably work on another one, because.....I could post those, but we'll see.
I still have some stuff left to do to compleate my site, but, yeah, whatever.
Thank you Shred for helping my with the twighlight princess fiasco, I really needed that help site. Now I'm off and in the next dungeon...
It has not one..not 5 but 8 Floors!!!
No basements tho.
OH! and Happy New Year to you all!!
Well, see ya all around.
Comment plz
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wow!! ANother POST!!!!
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
HIIII!!!! I thought I wouldn't post until AFTER the holidays, but I guess, I shall tonight cause...well I can. I shall now try to comment on your sites.
But after I finish typing my post. I mean what the heck, I can't leave now, then my post will only be long!!
Anyway, On to the commentS!!!
ANgelBestDReam: I'm sure she would like to chat with you...If she can catch you ^^
Yes, I should draw a bg for myself, it would probably work out much better^^
Obessiveness can be hard to get along with I should know, almost every body in my family is obbsesive. Only in there own sertant way. If we were all obsesed over the same thing, then we'd get along better.^^LOL
Emeralsky:Tis okay. I could have waited for you to do my site, but then I wouldn't have learned how to do the scroll bar^^ And you did help me, cause you told me how to do it. ^^ THanx
Shred:I know, it's long, but not as long as my rant about wind waker...which I haven't finished.....I suppose you watch Monk and Physc? I love those shows. My Mom always laughs at monk cause she's says it reminds her of herself.
Help me with Twilghlight Princess. T.T
Xoas: Hi xoas. Yes I haven't seen you around. Or is it just because I havn't been on lately... I belevie it to be the latter!!!!
THank you for likeing the bg and pics^^
yesh, butl like I said to Shred, I posted an even longer post about wind walker. It was a rant, let me just say that I still can't play that not yet...just to wait a little longer...^^LOL
Well That be the awnsers to all of the comments!!
(I'm not saying happy new year yet cause...oh what the HECK!!)
^^ LOL
WEll good bye all, don't forget to comment when you read that is all.^^
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