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Being a ninja Frog, what else
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Ruroni Kenshin, gintama, and BoBoBo, Kodocha, Fruits Basket, Eureka 7, Ouran Highschool Host club, Kage Kare Mamoru,
draw,Kayaking, coin collecting
drawing,Kayaking, coin collecting and shoving my fist in my mouth.
| LazieNinjaFrog
Thursday, April 19, 2007
a post
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
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um...there was somethin' I wanted to post today..what is it...?
Ohwell, I'll remember in a little bit, I just put up all my new pictures and stuff. I wanted to know what you all thought.
Anyway,I remember what I was gonna post, the milk!
The milk was so thick this morning that I could've sworn it created a film on my toungue. Of course, it was my fault, we have powdered milk, meaning we have to mix it in a pitcher with some water, and I was the one that made it.
sister:don't worry I messed it up tonight
Sis: I just added it wrong, it doesn't matter.
Sis: I was spinning it?
This was an acctual comversation that was occuring at the time I typed it.
Anyway, how ya'll doin'? I'm doin' great!
Has anybody heard of malice mizer? I just found them. I know their music videos are kind er bad, so I don't watch them, but me and my Mom like their music.
Well, my brother's playing a video game, (as usual)and my sister is sitting here, watching me type. That is why I never have type O's. When you see one, you will know that my sister wasn't there.
She is now laughing at me.
I could type forever, wonder how long it will be until I'm done. I'm sure if I talked about my game that I could go on until the post ran out, which I might just do.
The game I am talking about, is 'Myst Revelation' My Dad and Brother got it for me from a used video game store (the game is for xbox)
Anyway, for nights I slaved over it, finding out every thing(useing the cheats) and unlocking book cases.
Of course, I had to link to one age to finish another age, (you'd have to understand the game) and I had to unlock this gate that was located in Haven, (that's Achenars prison) it took me two whold nights, but I finally figured out how to unlock it, (I did use the cheats a little)when suddenly, the scratched CD attacked. Every time I go to unlock the gate, the game freezes. So I wound up playing Tak with my Brother. The one we have is called Tak and the Great Juju Challange. (The one where you can play Lok)
Anyway, we've made it pretty far in that game, my brother and I saw Taks 'Trusty' chicken suit for the first time.
We laughed so hard that afterward, it hurt to chew.
Anyway, that's all, I wonder how long these posts could go on.
My sister says they can go on forever, but I thought they had a word count. Anyway, mmmmmmmmm
See ya I guess.
so C'ya and stuff.
Oh I wanted to post a picture,

It's from Fruits Basket (one of the best animes of all time) and umm poor Yuki.
Anyway, since you eyes are probably bleeding right now, (if you even got this far) than I'll get off.
C'ya and stuffs XD!!!!!!!!!!
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