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Being a ninja Frog, what else
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Ruroni Kenshin, gintama, and BoBoBo, Kodocha, Fruits Basket, Eureka 7, Ouran Highschool Host club, Kage Kare Mamoru,
draw,Kayaking, coin collecting
drawing,Kayaking, coin collecting and shoving my fist in my mouth.
| LazieNinjaFrog
Thursday, February 28, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
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Hi Everybody!!^^
I's listening to an cafe!^^ Somehow, thro all the strangeness, I find them interesting..LOL
Anyway, on to busyness, well nothin' much else gonning on,(boy is this song a bad recording0.o)
Sorr for not coming sooner. You know I still care about ya. ^^ I'm sorry for your grandmother! *hugs* Hmm an art project with your mom? That sounds fun! I wish my mom would stop worrying and nagging one day to try soemthing like that. I'm glad you didn't get sick either that happened in my family too everybody but me got sick so I was the only one who was healthy enough to do what had to be done around the house, oy vey. Okay I'll go now nice to be on again! ^^
Me: Tis okay, xoas^^ thanx gor caring^^ It is fun to do the art project, and usually she doesn't stup, I just have a way of convincing her...sometimesLOL Not that she doesn't like to spend the time with me, she's just real busy, which is understandable. Cuz, yah know, she's a mom I suppose you'd say^^LOL 'Bout the sick thing, my sis says that I'll probably get it, but Idk, maybe I'll get away^^
AngelBest Dream
Sorry my interned did just died so I had 2 days with no internet at all.Hmmm sorry about your grandma I did knew from the post of the billage elder that something there was something bad.Still hope you are doing well frong chan and itīs funny to change village to billage :P .Well I saw the old post so dont worry didnt miss nothing at all.Take care and hope we can chat soon.
Me:Sorry about that internet thing, angel.^^ Hehe, billage leader^^LOL Hopefully if you are on tonight, we'll be able to chat^^
hahaha oi love the little emu sorry bout ur grandma and hope ur mom feels better and ohhh i bet that smells funny!!! hehehe anyways i g2g do my english hw *boo* *hugs you and disappears*
Me:^^ I thought you'd like the emo emu, my bro really got a kick out of it^^LOL Wow! you can disappear, awesome^^ I'll have to learn how to do that some day^^ LOL
Linden Rathan
oh dear froggie i'm so sorry! T.T oh lord austin powers!! stupid movies yet so funny! lol was Foxy Cleopatra in this one?? if so it was GoldMember! lol such a funny movie! eww gourds! T.T i don't really like em! so i don't really get around them! yeah emy was acting all funny last night so i was a little worried about her! and don't speak too soon froggie you'll be the next one to get sick! lol yes that is strange! oh well laterz froggie!
Me: HI nata!! No actually, I was watching the second one.^^LOL They are really stupid movies. Well, we got my dad to rent all three movies the very day after we watched the second one.^^ LOL unfortunatly the thrid one was to badly scratched to watch, but we did get to see the first two. And they were werid, but We loved em. They're too werid for my dad and bro, so they watched alien vs. pretator...or something like that. Then they played games.LOL I will never get sick !!LOL jk jk
I'm pretty sure I will...yah know, my head is really swimming right feels strange...
Aw well it will go away, any hoo......I shall now leaves! ^^
c'ya later..*dissapears*^^LOL
commentz plz^^

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