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Being a ninja Frog, what else
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Ruroni Kenshin, gintama, and BoBoBo, Kodocha, Fruits Basket, Eureka 7, Ouran Highschool Host club, Kage Kare Mamoru,
draw,Kayaking, coin collecting
drawing,Kayaking, coin collecting and shoving my fist in my mouth.
| LazieNinjaFrog
Monday, August 4, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky
XD thank you all for commenting XD
yayez *feels loved* lolz XD
Well, i didn't get finished posting yesterday, buuuuut, nothing really happened, so heaven knows what I was going to post about. XD
AneglBest Dream: Hihi Frogie ,I saw your new pics and they really loook awesome :3.Wonder if you and village help each other to draw.IF you do,it really works fantastic.Hummm wall if u wanna chat tell me a date and hour and I will visit village site so we can chat :3 .Yeah I always go but I go 2 late >< .
Hope your ninja missions went well this week.
Meh: XD thankyou ANgel=^^= We do help each other to draw, but I did this one on meh own. Zippy picked a pic off of photobucket, and I saved it to my com, and copied it. So yeah, but I will put up more art to be just as good.LolZ. I would like to chat with u sometime. how about tomorrow night?
yeah, my ninja missions are going great. only two more, and I get to earn my Lazieninja Badge, for good behaveour. XD lolz
EmeraldSky: Weeeeeeeeee Hi sis XD
Yeah that storm was pretty bad, huh? Well at least the lightning was o_o'
X3 I really need to reply to all the comments I get too -_- I used to do that but I kinda forgot ^^'
Meh: Well u had two comments cus the first one cut off the c;'ya. Lolz XD
yeah, that was some awesome lighting. =^^=
Chokolatealkemist: Woot! Storms!! XD Wish I could be so lucky as to get a storm T.T *sigh* Oh wellz...
Mhmm, xmas in July is indeed a funneh theme lolz X3
Meh: Aw sorry. Hope u get some storms soon. -^^-
Yesh it is a fun time. XD
Xoas: Oh yeah, I wouldn't even get on during the storms, hence why I haven't been on a lot in a while. I'm sorry but I'm just not going to risk it. *laughs* I love your new theme by the way. ^_^ I also like the bible verse up there. I remember another member always had them, but she doesn't seem to get on anymore.So you're doing good? I think so, you have Christ with you so no need to feel down or alone anyway. I like that by the way, Christians unite!
Meh: well I don't usually get on computers during a storm. It's just that my sis convinced me it'd be fine. And then...The lighting got bad. Guess God wanted me off the com. Lolz XD Yesh. The bible verse thing is quite handy. XD Yesh Xoasy, exactally, why do u think I'm rarely ever down. XD
Yesh. Christians Unite..Tonight LOlx, it rythms. XD
WEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL that's all the comments. Thanks again to those who commented on meh art. XD
Nothing much else to post about, so I shall be on neh way. XD Lolz
Frog-Out!!! =^^=
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