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Being a ninja Frog, what else
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Ruroni Kenshin, gintama, and BoBoBo, Kodocha, Fruits Basket, Eureka 7, Ouran Highschool Host club, Kage Kare Mamoru,
draw,Kayaking, coin collecting
drawing,Kayaking, coin collecting and shoving my fist in my mouth.
| LazieNinjaFrog
Monday, October 27, 2008
HI I'm lazieNinjaFrog. Welcome to my site. Enjoy your stay.
Rules of my site.
1. I take art requests, but no yoai or yurei, as I do not believe in these.
2. Plz refrain from cursing as much as possible,
3. I won't kick you off my friends list unless you do something really bad.
4.I will only comment on your sites if you comment on mine.
Okay, nuff formal speak. Take off your hat, let my elf take your coat, have a seat, and relax^^
~I believe in christ and I'm not ashamed to say it, if you believe in christ to copy and paste this to your site^^~
br>Go ahead and sign my gb. =^^= I'll be sure to sign your gb soon.=^^=
Hey Guess what ALL!! IT's the year of the...

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Site Theme: Tamaki's Puppy Eyes from Ouran High Schoo Host Club
Layout made by: emeraldsky

Hello Hello ^^
Happy Halloween and stuff. o.o I don't think I'm doing anything besides pumpkin carveing and movie watching. I think I've had enought of that tho @ @
Anywhoo, I found that pic, thought it was a good one for halloween, and posted it. XD
o.o I got five comments on my last post. XD I feel so luved. Anyway,
I shall now continue on to the Comments X3
suichiro8705:o art requests and art contests. sounds like fun. and why 2 book sets to read? it doesnt seem all that freezing where i live surprisingly. Its been a while since i had something to deal with pumpkins. We dont even carve them for halloween anymore for Halloween
MEh: They are fun X3 Well Iwanted to read two sets of books. @ @ but I have to check them out at the local library X3. I has been a while since I did anything for halloween. X3 this is the first year in a while we've done anything XD
dragonhybrid:Oh wow. Your site looks awesome! Yes. I did just notice that oyu changed it. -_-'
Anyways, I wuvs you and your site of AWESOMNESS!!!!
Meh: DRAGON!!!!!XDD YAY!soo good to see you friend XD I'm glad you like it LOL XD o.o aw, so sweet XD *hugs*
xaos:Wow! It sure is good to hear from you again! It's like you post once a month or something. *laughs* ^^ Hmm, I guess if you are to comment me, see my world, or... maybe I should pm you! :) I have this challenge/contest thingie and I want as many participants as possible. Perhaps you want to help me in spreading the word. ^____^ Yeah, pumpkin pies! Halloween is coming, and then after that Thanksgiving, another reason for pies! :) Good luck with all the stuff you and your sis have to do. See ya around Froggie! *hugs*
Meh: Xaosy XD
It is along time inbetween posts. I r sorreh X3 Yeah, I'll try to comment more ^ ^ And ya, I think I may even enter that contest XD hmmm...I'll think about it XD
YAY! Pumkin pies the best pie the world has ever seen!!! X3 I don't think we'll have thim by halloween, but I'm sure we'll have them by thanksgiving X333
C'ya, X3 lotsa hugs gonin on here today X3 *hugs*
Ezel:"you: BOO! LOLZ I'm back. Disappeared for a while. o.o U prolly didnt notice tho, seeing how many friends you have.^.
OOO pretty. I'm sure you sis will like that picture frame. .^. tis pretteh. X3Nice scripture. X3 some of my favs. And Merry Christmas to you to. X3 I love christmas. X3 Anyway, guess I'll be seeing you around, good luck with school and your sister's wedding. X3 I hope she's very happy! Congrats to her and her Husband. X3Frog-Out! X3"
"me: i missed you. good that you're back!! *hugs you*thank you, thank you. hope everything wil go according to plan..wish us good luck with my sis' wedding and my school..=)
Meh: YAY! X3 Hello!yw yw X3 Good luck with you sis's wedding and ur school. X3 I hope everything works out well ^ ^
have a good weekend! X3
chezaswulf:Hi I don't know y your gb isn't working for me. I love your avatar and song... I hope we can be friends^.^ I don't think I signed your page before but if I did sorry. Ohwells. I love your name too, frogs are my fav^.^
Meh:Ello X3 LOL I hope my sis can get that GB working properly soon o.o, X3 she does all the html.She made my site too, I'm glad you like it XD yay!, I luv frogs X3
Btw, if you read this, I sighed ur gb X3 and added u X3
Well ok ppl, that's all the comments!!! XD Have a happy halloween, or weekend, or month or day, when ever you read this. And remember,the pillow is always cooler on the other side X3
Frog dissapears into a cloud of smoke!!!!!
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