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Monday, July 20, 2009
hewwo lovlies
Well life is good.
after my seventeeth birthday my parents were going to buy concert tickets for me. but they changed their minds at the last minute. so that was bummer. i was going to see hey monday and stereo skyline. my mom decided to just buy me the CD. im going to give her my jeremy camp CD for her birthday, which is tomorrow. shes been wanting it for awhile.
I found a few private art colleges i am interested in. But im more interested in full sail. I want to be a sound engineer technician. its a job in music recording.
Tonight my mom and me tried to make a little tornadoe in a bottle thing. that was an epic fail. aparenlty something so basic, that little kids can accomplish is too advanced for people with our poor abilities lol. anyway i can't wait for school to start again. i'll be a junior if i pass that is. gym class has been trying to hold me back since 6th grade. luckily the lady that makes the scheduals loves me. apparently shes known me since before i even went to high school. my older sister talked about me alot so it seems.
k so anyway i got a pic of me and my little brother. hes adorable... to me anywayz :]

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Thursday, June 4, 2009
ok so today is my birthday. my dad wanted to celebrate it yesterday though... cause my parents work all the time and im always alone so they didnt want to miss it. he's going to pay for a concert iv been wanting to go to. its going to have hey monday, stereo skyline, the providence and two other bands i dont know. pretty nice of them huh? school ends monday.. im going to miss all of my friends... even though we can still hang out. its doesnt feel the same when we dont hang out everyday. so my parents were pretending to care and took pictures of me on my birthday... but after we celebrated my dad couldnt get out of that room fast enough. sometimes its hard to tell he cares. anyway its been raining all day. lol since im home alone iv been watching love hina all day. i finished the whole series including the movies XD
so i had a little time on my hands so what...
lol anyway i guess i'll end this post here.. bye!! <3
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Friday, May 29, 2009
hola! soooo i thought i would update on my life and tell you guys whats up ^^ school is almost over! it'll be over on june 8th. and my birthday is the fourth! lol i already guessed what my parents bought me... they are so predictable. my mom almost told me XD they got me hey monday stuff. im going to their concert in july! they're going to play in jacksonville along with skyline somethin and somebody else i dont care about =) i cant wait... but so far i dont know who im bringing with me... im sooo not going to enjoy that awesome concert alone. anyway.... during lunch the other day at school.. i was sitting outside and it started raining... it didnt last long but it got windy. some guy was staring at me... i mean not even blinking. i was like wtf!? and then he walks over to me and says "you look so pretty with your hair blowing in the wind like that... prettier than a model. can i have your number please?" it was so cute but i said no. so he says why not and i said cuz im not giving it to you... and he says if you get to know me will you give it to me? i was like.. maaaaybe and now we're just friends... for now x] hes not hot but hes cute.. not that looks matter. i had to write a poem in my english class... its more of a riddle but thats still a form of a poem. i think it turned out really good. i'll read it to you guys when it gets graded and you have to comment me your answers =] and umm.. i think thats it... not a very updated life i know.
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Sunday, May 10, 2009
hello loves ^^ how is mother's day? mine was hectic so far... cause i slept till 10 this morning which isnt normal for me. so i had to hurry to make breakfast which turned out ok but pretty late lol and now my dad is nagging about my schooling and work. he says " you better decide what branch you going to enlist in cause your not gonna be able to make it to college" i pretty much ignore his rude commments all the time. but then he says "i know lucy can make it to college. so i dont have to worry about this child"... lucy is my little sister btw. but he thinks im incapable of doing anything. im going to college anyway ^^ lol oh well.. my sister called me last night and put me on three way with her fiance. i tried being nice. we were talking about music and my sister's cooking lol. she cant cook to save her life. and he likes country music and i like everything but rap, hip hop, and country lol. then he asked me to teach my sister how to cook. he actually isnt so bad when i conversate with him...just as long as he promises never to kill a chimpmunk with a giant shot gun 3 feet away again... we can be friends. my mom has to work today... bummer. its mothers day and her work is making all mothers work. we celebrated mothers day friday though ^^ i skipped school to do so. iv had a weird need to draw daisuke from dn angel... i dont know why but im constantly drawing him now lol its fun i love his hair. lol yesterday i finished 3 pictures of him. hes such a cute character <3
oh well... i have to take my mom to work so i'll talk to you guys later. ^^
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
so school was boring today... first period my teacher was being mean and was on my back all morning...second period i had a sub.. it was health class. iv been in health class since 8th grade. iv failed gym every year since then so i had to repeat. but i had to watch an AIDs movie. third was fun i love literature. fourth ...eh boring the teacher keeps saying shes in a "wonderful" mood but it didnt show... that was scary. -.- so my buddy is coming over to my place this weekend to hang out. bringing a bunch of his anime. i just borrowed chibi vampire from him. cutest anime ever! oh by the way... the sun is setting right now and it looks beautiful. i feel like going outside right now lol. iv been in a good mood lately. the weather is great and school is going well so i feel good about it ^^
some weird guy on my bus was wearing a gas mask? i asked " why are you wearing that" he says "cuz i can.. why are you staring at it" so i said "cuz i can... where did you get it" and he says his house is full of war stuff DX crazy head! but one of my friends is sad... i asked her whats wrong but she wont tell me... she just tells me to "be happy" she looks so sad but i dont know why DX anyway... being home lately has been hard. my mom and dad got a job and they both work after i get home from school... so i have to cook clean and babysit two younger siblings and do loads of homework... but i have no right to complain. anyway ummm... i think thats it? i love you all *hugs*
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
hello loves... been a while.. i missed you all. im sorry i dont come online alot. but things have been going well in my life. like i moved back to florida and reunited with my old friends.. i love them so much. i love all of you too. just as much as them. im so glad to know all of you. im turning 17 soon =D... not too excited... i'll be leaving all of my friends to go to college soon... i dont wanna leave. time flies by so fast when your with friends... i mean it feel like just a few days ago i was in middle school.. now im headed off to college soon. i'v known most of you since i was 14. lol why is this sounding like a goodbye? im sorry.
well my sister says shes getting married sooner... like next year sooner... i dont like it but im going to help as much as i can. if i were her i would want my sister there... my school grades are getting better. i might actually pass this year XD not that iv ever failed but i dont want to start. my guidance counciler likes me so shes been helping me alot... only cause iv seen her so many times during my freshman year. being back in florida is great. the weather is beautiful 24/7
its warm and cozy...perfect place to sit outside and read (and then fall asleep in my case). anyway a kid in my youth group... which if you dont know is like a little prayer group. we prayed in front of my school between classes everyday...but this kid who seemed like the leader of the group graduated last year.. and his mom is now my english teacher. he came into my class once and my teacher was like "hes my son, hes my son." weird right! well since iv been away for so long... id like to hear what you guys have been up to? i miss you all. it would be nice to hear from you all again ^^
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
hello loves. well im skipping school today.my mother has a job interview and my brother is home "sick" i think hes faking. but i dont mind i get out of school. i had web design today so im glad im not there. i dont mind computer classes....but i want a challenge.anyway my brother is fine. i gave him soup and put him down. haha not "put him down" hes watching spongebob. i got a job at subway. i talked to the manager last night and she pretty much gave me the job over the phone. i told her i turned in an application sunday but she didnt get it...so i have to fill it out again and give it to her today and then she wants me to start working immediatly. she said about 12-15 hours a week because of school....so that will be about $105 to $120 a week. im a beast at making sandwhiches so i think i do ok. school is going much better for me. iv been avoiding certain people during lunch and i havent seen that stupid kid that lies about me being pregnant. and im moving back to florida soon! im so excited. same location too. so i cant wait to suprise all my friends. my older sister is being very rude lately. she hung up on me last night. she said omg my boy friend is calling me and then she said i have groceries to put away bye...and hung up. how rude was that?! anyway my dad is refusing to let us talk to her until she starts showing some respect to her family. like she forgot her friends birthday because of that boy. if i were her friend (and not her sister) i would call her a bitch and stop being her friend. i mean thats just cold. wow im going off on nothing sorry. so how are you all? good i hope. everybody has been getting the flu lately. im still reading the twilight series. im on the third book (eclipse). finished new moon yesterday during school. its such a good series. of course i dont see why edward is so hot...to me hes a jerk. jacob is hotter. by the way any books to recommend i would enjoy reading them. anyway i guess thats it...bye loves *hugs*
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Saturday, February 14, 2009
well hello!! sorry i havent posted for a long time...i had the flu...twice! it was horrible. but im well again! and its V-day. worst time of the year...well in my opinion. iv been talking to my cousin on yahoo and now we are like best friends. we have more in common than i thought o.O i mean we have the same interest in girls/guys. he likes girls not me XD but yeah anyway...hes really cool.he rarely gets on myspace though that kind of pisses me off a bit. i made muffins last night! they taste really good. little lucy (my sister) has a chorus concert today i am being physically forced to attend. if i can eat sleep and not wear a dress i'll go without a fight. =] anyway im cold so im gonna cut this post short. i found a picture of me and mary (older sister) at the mall. i thought we were like the blues brothers in girl form XD

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Friday, January 30, 2009
well...hola amigos..sorry i havent been on lately...iv been sick with a high fever. im still currently sick but not as bad. iv been talking to my cousin on yahoo...its instant message but i dont think he understands the instant part haha she so slow at responding haha anywhoo...i only went to school two days this week! good but also not so good. makeing up work is horrible. haha those guys that were in my classes that picked on me...it was because they liked me XD...every one of them asked me out. i dont think its a bright idea making the girl hate you before asking them out. haha common sense people. anyway of course i told them no. im tired of guys asking me out. i dont need or want a boyfriend right now. uck..my face feels like its on fire...i even took nyquil at 10:00 in the morning. theres ice everywhere outside xD so much fun. i slipped like 849576 times XD
at school me and all my friends were playing tackled football on the ice where there were no teachers. XD we were all bleeding so bad. not enough to make me sick so dont worry. hmm what else...oh! i added my aunt on my space ( i know im a nerd) but she has pictures of my little cousin...well second cousin. shes adorable. haha she rejected me on the phone. XD it hurt. anyway i guess that it...sorry angel zakuro for not being able to comment i wasnt feeling well.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
hola peoples!! how are you all? good i hope. im doing great. angels zakuro im sorry i never figured out why you were apologizing in the comment you left. you helped me so much you dont have to apologize for anything. well my dog is doing good....being as cute as ever. i snapped at my sister on the phone again...well not really.... i screamed at her....i wouldnt even touch the phone. im so pissed at her. i cant even stand talking to her at all. some girl in my math class started petting my hair today...she says "oh my god you have such pretty hair...we should hang out you live right down the street from me." im like mmmmk then? and then this other person walked up to me and said "you have really pretty eyes." im getting so freaked out. people are observing me too much...im not used to it. and some how...everybody found my tickle spot....my dad has been telling people i bet!! hes so mean ):
haha anywayz...i have to do a CPR test in health tomorrow...i have a math exam to make up so i'll use that as an excuse to skip out. its the old way of CPR we arent suppose to even use that anymore so he cant certify us learning it that way. oh well i refuse to do it anyway. ah geez...my dad is watching a bloody movie...i swear he is doing this on purpose. hmmm...i once again exceeded my teachers expectations in web design. its getting annoying having to entertain myself all the time in his class. i was promoted from financial literacy to economics!! i feel acomplished. well i guess thats it...bye!! i love you guys!! *hugs*
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