Birthday • 2021-08-09 Gender •
Female Location • At World's End Member Since • 2007-05-29 Occupation • Student, Lamest Wizard Ever, toilet paper bandit Real Name • Neko
Achievements • Got here! Went to Tortuga(Pirate Heaven), flooded 1st floor of my home from the 2nd floor...TWICE!!! Anime Fan Since • Summer (3 years ago) Favorite Anime • D. Gray-Man,Naruto, Bleach, Hamtaro, Sailor Moon, Trigun Goals • Own a comic shop, grow out my nails, get a 1962 VW Hippie Van! XD, get copic markers...beat 1 Pokemon game Hobbies • Drawing, Pets, Sarcasm, Internet, snatching toilet paper from hotels >:D Talents • Piano player, Beat at least TWO video games, can pull my ribs apart about 2 inches(NEVER fails to creep out) lazyweird1
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
And a Merry Christmas to All and a Happy New Year!
Shabooya! Hello, minna-san! I'd like to thank all of you who've recieved me with open arms on my first year on otaku! All of you have really been so kind and generous when I pestered you about noobish questions. Heh, sorry. Anyway, this has been one of the greatest goals I've achieved since I've wanted to make my art public amongst a group besides my friends. MyOtaku is the greatest site that I've EVER known in my life! Thank you, everyone.
To bring this to a close, I'd like to say 'arigato' to all who've gazed at my fanart and I hope most of it brought the gigglesnerts to you like I intended. I really enjoyed making my Christmas manga featuring a good portion of my friends, HERE'S TO YOU GUYS! XD I will continue making my "CRAAAZY, like a used car salesman" manga and 'possibly' a spinoff manga of omake-shorts! Pretty good year to look forward to, huh?! I'd like to give all the 500,000+ users this night a well-rounded gift of applause and the biggest glomp you can imagine to ALL of my friends here! Thank you soooo much, guys. You're the BEST!
My quote for this year of 2007- "All that matters is that if you've already loved someone, you have already saved them." Comments (0) |
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Bleach help!
Whoever has played the Bleach Wii game and has gotten most of the characters, please help me! One question and one question only, HOW DO YOU GET JUSHIRO UKITAKE AS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER?1?! I'd appreciate the help. I've played all 7 of the starting episodes. Can you explain how to unlock more? Comments (4) |
Saturday, December 29, 2007
New Years Resolutions
What'll you try to acomplish and/or not do? For me:
1) Grow out my nails so that I can file them down to claws. My mom's against it, but meh, when do I listen?
2) RETURN MY FRIEND'S "WOLF'S RAIN" DVD! *burns memo into forehead*
3) Lose weight, at least 10 pounds...
4) Stop being too rude to people. For THIS year...
5) Stop being afraid of old people.
Annnnnnd, that about raps it up! Happy New Year! XD
Not trying to advertise, but this ROCKZ! >8D Metallica and Hichigo go veeeery well together... Comments (1) |
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wii Would Like a Rest...
Hi peoples! Just typing a summary on some kokai stuff that's been going on. Current song: ...And Justice for All(Metallica). Made of awesome's esscence.
Has anyone played the Bleach Wii game? It's too COOL!! I've beaten 3 stories today. My mom's too addicted to Wii Bowling to notice... -_-' I've been messing around with the Mii's on the game too. They're the little avatar people. I've made some of my friends and some anime people(e.g. Ichigo, Rukia, Gaara, Lee, Yachiru, Gin, and Mastumoto) I've made a Toshiro too, he's sooo TINY! XD To top it off, I've made a*DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN* Chuck Norris Mii! I like using him for the boxing challenges. I fought this Japanese guy once, I ko'd him after a few seconds. There was a glitch in the system that made him look like his leg was TWITCHING!!! Roflx1000 Just a life drabble. Bye.
If you can, try Starbuck's iced vanilla coffee. It's yummy! =^_^= Comments (2) |
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Hi there! *offers you soy milk and sugar-free cookies* Dawh, who am I kidding? No one likes those...Anyways! Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/Kawanza/whatever else you celebrate! I just wanted to stop by after my morning of drinking hot chocolate and getting*drumroll* MY BRAND NEW 4-GAME PACK, NINTENDO WII!!! Lke Zomg! I'm just so joyful, I also got the Naruto 3-disk movie<3, DDR supernova, a B&N giftcard, some new headphones, a student life bible, and of course, clothes. All the gifts I recieved from my family have been wonderful, but there're some of you I have yet to thank. *web site group hug* DOMO ARIGATO, SEMPAI/KOHAI-SAN! YOU are the ones who've made my stay here the most memorable. With all the requests(and only 1 flame) :D I'm continuing my fanart and supporting yours. Thank you and have a happy,healthy,bishonen-filled New Years! Comments (0) |
Friday, December 21, 2007
Man, I freak out the normal population... :/
Today, I introduced my friends to Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Sweeney Todd, and my dream where I glomped Jason...Someone actually admitted fear of me and moved across the room. I'm really accomplishing life goals this week! Next to eating a chicken liver. Meh, it was ok. Comments (0) |
Greatest of Tim Burton
I so wanna see this movie! Depp sings! 8D Curse you, R-ratings. Curse you..."Come hear the tale of Sweeney Todd/He serves a cruel and vengeful god/". Comments (0) |