Last night, I fell asleep in the same mind-frame/mood as the night before. It makes for really odd dreams 0.o
I have to say, I am still pretty angry. No, wait, I am uprouriously furiouse at myself. It wouldnt be a big deal, except I dont know what to do about it, how to deal.
I am also sickeningly disgusted, but, my dears, that isnt a different story, it is just a long tediouse one that shouldnt be heard.
Heh. Seeing a full complete picture of myself really really really doesnt help things at all.
*sees the view that others see her*
And thinking about the stupid picture most certainly isnt helping me right now *glares furiously*
I have a friend who has a friend that is very lucky to have him as a friend. Make sense? Good.
That had nothing to do with anything, but I wanted to say it. I was thinking about that all night, too.
Oy. I better get offline. Geez, I am so angry, I cant stop shaking 0.o
Cant say I get this angry often at all, so, I mean, it is nothing to worry about.