Oh, you know you want it. ^_~
Today. Woke myself up; it was 9:10.
It's weird. Seems if I go to sleep before 2 am, I always wake up 9:10.
...9, 10!
Ok, ok, Imma stop. <.<;;
Filled out applications; bought a bookbag that was long overdue, blah blah blah.
Babysat again. They got a new bird, and I felt so bad for it, because the 3 (Kayla) and 4 year old (Hannah) were kinda torturing it by poking their fingers through and trying to pull feathers. They know the bird bites, too u.u
It was more Kayla than Hannah, and I eventually put the bird on top of the fridge. Kayla threw a screaming crying fit that lasted for 10 minutes. It would have went a lot lot longer, untill Alisa (one of the 2 year old twins) gave Kayla the bottle of chocolate milk that I made for her (Alisa).
Alisa is so sweet, honestly. I just love her so much ^.^ *wants to huggle her*
They had stuff called Char. Pickled mango; really hot hot and spicey spicey. I had to open the container for the kids who wanted it (Only Summer and Hannah, but I think Hannah wanted it just because Summer told her she was too young to eat spicey hot food), and the strong smell of cumin and other spices I know but cant identify hit me really hard. I bet the strong smell could almost burn your nose hairs, if you smelled it too closely. =X
I only mention that because soon Hannah started throwing bits of it in her soda, then kept flinging her soda on my shirt.
Eeehhh.... u.u;;;
Somehow, in all of the middle of this, there was an incident that involved me walking into the backroom, where a little flame was scurring towards me.
Aleia: .....Can I ask why there's a flame scurrying towards me?
Summer: I tried to light this match I found and tried to give it to Hannah to blow out, but she dropped it and it landed on a roach ^.^
Hannah: ;;;;
Aleia: 0.o;;;
I momentarily lost track of the roach (It was aflame, for goodness sakes! Last thing I needed was for it to crawl inside the wall and...)
Found it; put it out.
Anyways. When I woke up today, I was told that yesterday a whole bunch of people that parked across the street had gotten tickets from the street cleaning people. So yeah, that stuff started again.
The only place I could find to park was in front of the little church across the street's driveway, so I parked there, ran inside (It was freezing cold out, and here I am, running around outside in my pajamas u.u ) and kept an eye out in case one of the church peoples needed in.
Walk inside the house, and all of a sudden, somone outside has their horn going all crazy and stuff. I run outside, to see that a guy had driven on the sidewalk to get to the gated entrance of the church parking lot.
I ran across the street and apologized to him. I explained that I couldnt find any other parking, *pointed to very apparent flat tire* and said I am hesitant to go around the block, because of it.
He was a bit fumbly with his replies, and seemed a bit distracted. I glanced to where his eyes seemed to keep coming back to, and then it hits me as to what he is distracted by.
And-ack-Rwar! >:O
I'm the retard for running around outside in the cold, in my bed clothes. *is kinda angry at herself*
He explained that most other people would have called somone to get my car ticketed, but that he wont do that to me.
Lesson learned: Sexuality can be convincing.
*shakes head*
I was going to write some letters today, and I wanted to find a colored pen.
..And I couldnt find any.
Aleia: I have a million trillion colored pens; where on earth could I have put them?!? 0.o
I finally dragged out the big-ish suitcase I keep all my things in, and started going through it.
Found a lot of things I had forgotten about, so finding colored pens took a bit longer than called for.
So most of Aleia's morning was spent being all nostalgic, remenicing in a thoughtful way, and thinking about how dumb I was as a kid and all the stupid things I did/got myeslf into.
I remember at times life felt like some kinda crazy cartoon or sitcom, honestly. <.<;;;
So all the happenings of this morning makes the rest of today feel off.
I'm a bit stressed, tired, confused inside, and something else. I miss people. I want/need a strong protective hug, a shoulder to have a good cry on.
Untill then, I have to be strong, gotta take it all as it comes.
Did you know:
Over 1 million earths would fit inside the sun.
Oh wait! What's this?
I think I feel a rant on religion coming sometime soon, on a MyO kinda like this one. o.-