The Moon
Your personality is lunar. You shine when others share themselves with you, and are lonely when they are not. Your friends probably perceive you as aloof, and cast you in the role of wise counselor. They may be unaware how much they really mean to you.
What's Your Celestial Personality Type? brought to you by Quizilla
Harmony. It's inner peace for you, or at least trying to find it. The shell you live your life in is akin to monks of old. You'd be more comfortable if things were less stressed and made a little more sense, so you try to get just that. You survive the end by not letting it happen. You didn't stop it, but you supported those who did. I'm glad you took a break from meditation to take the quiz...
How would you survive the end of the world? brought to you by Quizilla
Peaceful Soul
Find you inner Soul Goddess (Many results, awesome pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
The Dreamer
Escapes from society into a daydream where beauty and adventure are all at her fingertips. She still seeks to find aspects of her imagined world in the real one, childlike almost in her perspective, naive at times but genius at others, a thirst for new ideas, new information, new places all in the hope to find what she longs for, but as of yet can only find in her dreams...
A unique perspective on one's inner self: who are you? brought to you by Quizilla
93% Of The Internet Loves Me! | I am loved by 93% of the population, including: 728 people who love windows users 959 people who love bloggers 923 people who love women In return, I love 63% of the population, including: 232 programmers 526 voters 989 people who like vegetables
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Wood Fairy: Congratulations you are the wood fairy! You are the most beautiful fairy of all alongside the water fairy, you live among the trees deep into the woods. There you live as queen and control the kingdom within the woods.
Fairy categorization: Which elemental fairy are you? brought to you by Quizilla
The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory! Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
Waves, sand, seashells... you are an ocean dweller. You are thoughtful and very sweet to your friends, but unforgiving and imposing to those you think little of.
Which Other World Are You Secretly From? brought to you by Quizilla
The Tranquil River Dragon is your guardian. Powerful, wise and creative, understanding the balance of life and death like no other.
What sort of Dragon watches over you? brought to you by Quizilla