Bleh. It is after work, and I have to go to the gym. I found out at the doctors office that I lost 6 pounds, and I like to think it was from three weeks of hard work at the gym, and not my stressing habits/symptoms.
I just got the last two books of Chobits, and the first book of Fruits Basket. Non of that makes me happy right now, I feel stressed, bleh-y, and....anxiouse. Very anxiouse. I really dont know why, but I feel...something. Maybe it is unrest, dissatisfaction. I dont know, I just know it's making me angry, when I can't even pinpoint or express how I feel. I can't even tell myself, the feeling is so vauge.
It is dark and rainy outside, lightning and stuff. I like that kind of weather, but I have yet to drive in it =\
Today at work, I found a pack of gum, with the brand "Testamints" printed on the label. On each stick was some phrase picked out of the Bible...I dunno, I just found it kinda odd. I mean, I would think the same, if it was in reference to my own religion, so, yeah. That kind of stuff is just weird.