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myOtaku.com: lechon de leche

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Guestbook Entries:

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Demonsprite (03/06/04)

Hey, I dropped by to see your art, and all I can say is, "I love them!" Your 'Scarlet Angel' one reminds of one of my pics I drew a few years back.. ^^v Mind if I add you to my list?

timflanagan (03/04/04)

Heya! Thanks for the comment on my Sephiroth pic. I actually used Prismacolor colored pencils on it.

Nut (03/01/04)

Your really good! I love the wings and all about the pic you do! I added you as a friend.

Oblivious (03/01/04)

You have a style to your anime art that is your own. Its very pleasing and refreshing to see.

liam mc (03/01/04)

Your art work is magnificent ilove 'em, ive gotta go now but ive added you as a friend if you dont mind

darkwingedKyo (02/28/04)

Your Pics R AWSM!!!
I like Rose Wip(KURAMA!^^)
Anywhos i love yous site to ^~
Come visit me some time!

chainedangel (02/27/04)

My goth! Can get be any sweetie? I love you work... I'd love to have one of your drawings for a tattoo *smiles*

Alone (02/27/04)

think of this.....

broken bones body heals broken spirit body dies

my name is....Alone

animefiregoddess (02/26/04)

Hey there! I was just looking through sites and I came across yours! I also noticed that you added me as a friend so I'll do the same! ^_^ Anyhoo I love the art and the site! ^_^ Toodlez!

AzuL nA NyebeH (02/26/04)

your artworks are awesome keep up the goodie goodie work by the way i added you as one of my friends hope you'll add me 2! ^^

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