Birthday 1988-03-06 Gender
Male Location Columbus Member Since 2006-05-17 Occupation Hoodlum Real Name Legacyof
Achievements Reborn Anime Fan Since birth Favorite Anime Akira, Big O, Gundam Wing, Gungrave Goals Murder...with good intentions Hobbies Play Music Talents Play Guitar, Violin, Drums, and Bass, Drawing, Legacyof
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I can see through you.......are you made of glass? love your mother
Mercyful Fate - Witches Dance
One of the bands that Influence MEtallica. Awesome song.
Yesterday was a nice day. I woke up to play Dirge of Cereberus at 9 am, and then I had to get ready for Church. During Church I kept getting tired, and sorta dosing off. Luckily I didn't fall asleep because the Father(yeah I'm Catholic) has a nice view of me. When we got out of church I went to a Chinese Buffet and stuffed myself with shrimp and crab Raggoons. Me love Crab Raggoons!!!!
When I got home I decided to play on the guitar and Drums. My mom hates it when I play because I tend to play loud, espically on drums. On guitar I get loud too, but I keep it at a nice volume. After playing for about an hour, I decided to play Dirge of Cereberus. I believe I'm near the end. Also theres a lot of extra stuff to do after beating the game. I can't wait to do that. IT's really cool to learn about Vincents past, he's was a bad @$$ in FFVII and FFVIIAC.
THinking back I remember playing a fighting game with FFVII characters in it as unlockable characters. Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth, Vincent, Tifa, RED XIII lookalike. it was pretty good. Sadly I never got a copy of it, the game didn't recieve any praise.
Other Final Fantasy's I like...all the others lol.
my answers
1. I've say Beyond the Grave ( AKA BRandon HEat).
2. I like the music I put, I put them up for, is for people who want to check them out. I decided to let the music not play automatically because I put videos on the site too. and that'll be retarded to have both play.
Edge the music is in my profile, you gotta click play on it.
1. What influences the most in life?
2. DO you hate ARt snobs?
3. What do you think of the video at the bottom?
Check out this video and watch closely!
look how funny it looks.
The band is called Immortal, and Black MEtal band I got into recently. But their song was taken out and a techno-y song was placed in. BLACK METAL video + Techno = FUNNY Comments (9) |
Sunday, September 3, 2006
I brought the Goat! ENJOY!
BAbylon Zoo - Spaceman
Awesome song.
Hello people
HAHA Myotaku was down yesterday and this morning. I wonder if somepeople were freaking out. "OH GOD! I CAN"T POST TODAY!" haha...ok.
Saturday I went to class but got there about 5 minutes late, and I was locked out, so I had to wait til someone opens the door the building. When I got in I presented my work, it was crappy because I rushed them, I started late. I got nice comments though, my teacher said I'm doing pretty impressive for someone who hasn't had High School art. I was glad to hear that, because I was doing stuff I normally don't do. What I hate is the snobby Art kids, because they been drawing all their lives, they feel like they're better than anyone. Well, I've beening drawing all my life too, and I rather shoot my balls off then be like that. This one guy looked porno and drew what he saw, it was pretty funny.
AfTer class I went home to fresh up and do chores, and I got ready to goto my girlfriends sisters birthday celebration. We went to T.G.I.F. but the wait was to long so decided to goto Chili's. After why ate the food and cake, we went to the Bowling Ally around 10 pm. The place was busy, I decided to not play Bowling because it cost a freaking arm and leg to rent shoes and play. I decided to play DDR Extreme for a long time. Extreme is pretty good, I'm thinking about buying it now. I have DDR MAX2 but I unlocked a lot of stuff allready, and teh same songs are getting tireing. After that I played Carn Evil, and enjoyed all the killing of clowns. After that I played OutRun 2, the game is.............alright, not the best racer but its alright. AFter that I got home and decided to mix a song, hopefully I'll be done with it soon. It sounds awesome to me.
I got up and played Dirge of Cereberus and got ready for church. While sitting in church I started to doze off, I tired not to sleep sleep because the FAther can see me clearly. I got home after eating Chinese Buffet, and now I'm ready to jam out oh guitar..or Drums...or Maybe I should do Bass....can;t decided!
My Answers to the Slitty questions.
1.The coolest thing I ever did was make a dance/techno album.
2. Yesh I love Sonwcones.
...I want cookies right now......*(
1. WHose your favorite Anime character?
2. What do you think about the music I put on this site?
Get a Clue Blues Clue!......I love that .....a .......plunger.........and...a....pickle......I ...don't...know......
Pearl Jam - Last Kiss
I seem to love this song a lot, even though I sorta dislike PEarl Jam. This song is just to great.
Nice to meet you again! How's it going today? thats good to hear....oh I'm sorry to hear that. WHat?!!?! Really? uh huh? uh huh? What tooth did you lose again? You need to stop eating rocks, I believe thats pretty UNHEALTHY. Oh Crap my jam is on! come HEADBANG with me! *HEADBANGS SOO HARD Legacyof gets a MaJOR(TOM..sorry David Bowie reference) HEadAChE* * Legacyof sings along*"You are my SunShine! MY ONLY SUNSHINE! ARGHH!! YOU MAKE ME HAPPPPPPPEEEYY!! WHEN SKY's ARE FILLED WITH BLOOD!"
HEy sing along, come on! oh ok, your to embarASSed? oh come on, don't be a puss. Your going to do it?! SWEeT, let's hear it!
*You sang with such a heavenly voice LEgacyof's eardrums exploded with causeing him to good deaf!* MY Ears! AHH! THANK YOU! no I can't hear crappy EmO songs anymore....but what can I listen to now..*whispering voice* " can listen to nothing now...."
What?! I can't hear you!
HEy gUys
YEsterday I went to my classes (8 and 6 oclock), and I just stayed on the campus all day, I brought my brother's Nintendo DS with me, and I just played "Trauma Center" and "MArio Kart" the whole time. Trauma Center was actually fun, I didn't get to play it when my brother bought it, I was to busy. I thought it was cool I had to operate on people and help, but you gotta do it fast. I'm stuck on this level, I just couldn't do it fast enough, so I got mad and popped in Mario KArt, and PWNed the CPU's, PEach is my favorite driver, I do better as her. Before that, when I woke up my little dog Chihuahua made a big mess, and poopy mess, on my bed...and my feet were covered in his feces, no joing here, I wanted to throw him, but I guess its not all his fault, but I wish he didn't DOO(hehe) that. back to my school life! .. I also took a 10 minute nap, it felt like I didn't sleep at all. After my LAst class I went to Hobby Lobby to buy my Art supplies, thanks Edge for the suggestion on were to buy supplies. Well before I went to Hobby Lobby I had to stop my house and I saw my neighbor's next door doiung there yard, and to be a good neighbor I said "HI", and I got no reply, so I said "HOW'S IT GOING?!" pretty loud, and there son got startled and I had to laugh.
When I got out the house my brother asked me were I was going, so I decided to weird out my neighbors, heres what I said.
Leg's Bro "Where are you going?!"
Sexy Legacyof "To KILL MYSELF!"
LEg's Bro "No really where are you going?!"
Ugly Legacyof "Hobby Lobby, got to buy Art Supplies"
Leg's Bro "Can I come?!"
Retarded LEgacyof "NO! SATAN'S THERE!"
My neighbors were staring at my confused and I sinced a hint of ...scared.... MUAHHAHAA my Confusioning powers rulzz(I know thats not a word).
To answer my pitiful questions that shattered my weak weak baldder.
1. I hate what I write, I think its retarded.
j/k I like what I write.
2. I could never love a monsterman, but maybe a monsterwoman! ex. Sexy Vamps, or that frankstein lady.
3. The most precious thing I have is my "Little Nemo" VHS movie, I watched and loved that movie since I was a kid. I'm getting the dvd that was finally released last year, I just wasn't able to get it.
4. I figured out thanks to:
!!!!darkhuntress15 !!!!
!!JD Person!!
! kitsune-lass !
May Cookies Rain upon you all!
Also thanks for the nice comments saying you like my weird stuff I type on here. You have secured my manhood, now I don't have to get a sex change.
1. What's the coolest thing you have ever done?
2. Do you like Snowcones? HUH?!!
I guess I'll play Dirge of Cereberus again, or play ADA Missions on RESident Evil 4.
Combichrist "Get Your Body Beat" Music Video
this is a band from German, one of the places I would love to visit, because its INDUSTRIAL MUSIC nation!!! Comments (10) |
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Sorry I didn;t ........wait a second! thas my Twinkle!
WEll, I was busy today sooooooo heres a short post! and music video!
Sorry I don;t have enough to visit soooooo I'll make it up.
Wanna know how?! your see tomorow..and also visting your sites with long posts...well I'll try too.
Combichrist "Get Your Body Beat" Music Video
German band!
Stuck up and the Fun ups! Selling your soul for a toy that later became Roy, and destroyed your grandmother....I love you.....teddy Grahams/\/\
A clip from a very funny show, I just can't remember the name. I play drums like this, but alittle sloppy...I'm Still LEarning!
Hey People
How's it going? ..............uh huh. Wow thats good to hear! want to know how I'm doing? oh well..its going ok, I just feel alittle down right now. why you say? well...I lost my favorite toy today, when I was taking a bath, I accidently tossed it in the toilet and in my desparation to get it out I accidently flushed it. You don;t have to feel sorry for me. What, my fly is open? Stop looking there! I know you want to see but come on. Well I gotta go fill my self up with poopy making juice to exercise the demons.
Yesterday was FANTASTICAL! was ok. I went to class like all the other days, I went home to finish my paper I was writng because I kpet dosing off, and I typed some weird stuff like for examlpe.
" The year was 2002, and I was heading off to High school from modlea shoclo and pojines " yeah.
I had to stop there, because I read what I wrote and said "Forget this I'm going to bed", Luckily the class I had to turn it in was at six, so MUAHAAHA. My laptop borke down again, so now I'm planing on buying a new one , so old laptop,, I'm sorry its just not working out, I never loved you, I was just using you for entertainment. Don't stare at me like that, with your wide screen..screen, your wireless setup, your crappy graphics card, and crappy stereo speakers, good bye..*tear falls slowly down his cheek as he walked away*
After I finally got done with my paper, I decided to make Chocolate milk and drank about three cups, I wished I didn;t do that. I was in the bathroom a lot yesterday, believe me DIARRHEA is no joke. I didn't get to play Dirge of Cereberus at all yesterday, when I was about to I kept dosing off again, so I decided to play when I'm fully awake, so I can't remember everything. I also checked my email yesterday, I hate spam mail. I got one the other day saying this lady is my long last daughter, and I had to laugh because I don;t remember doing anything that can reproduce yet with anyone(hey its cool to still have your V-card). Also I hate getting emails about WEINER enlargement pills..theres kids who read this, sometimes. All they do is take up space in my email. I made a Wallpaper two days ago, I like it a lot. Its the one in my intro. Its vincent from Advent Children. nothing really happened yesterday so I'll just go play dirge now.
oh yeah my answers
1.I like my Wallpaper
2.David Bowie wrote the song "The man who sold the world" Its up there were the music box is at, listen to it if you want, very good. Nirvana covered it on there "Unplugged Show".
3.The most manliness thing I ever did was...sadly I can't think of anything...except shaced my beard.(even if its not a lot)
HEres some questions that should shatter your bladder.
1. Do you like the weird stuff I write?
ex. "Final Fantasy and no sodomy...thank GOD!", " Corrupting is HARMless fun" , "biG AMErican PARTY! bring your knifes"
2. Could you ever love a monsterman?
3. What is the most precious thing you have?(besides a person)
4. HOw do you get a background to show up?
ok \Peace/
HEre's something funny to look at.
The Band is GWAR, and there on Joan Rivers show.
Lordi - Would you love a Monsterman?
heres that band I mentioned last post.
Yesterday I went to class, got home, worked on this thing called GimpShop, its like a free Photoshop. I made that picture of Vincent on it.
I would like to change my site, but at the moment, I need to learn more Html to set my site up nicely, so maybe I'll keep it the site the way it is or update to another scheme. I don;t want to do BAckground pics in my site, because its hard to read others post because of that.
Also I had to work on my homework(aka knew as Assignments) that where due tomorow. I'm to lazy, the assignments are pretty big so I have to stay up all day to do. Great for me. I'm actually still doing one. But I don;t care right now, I have 9 hours til my next class after my first one today. SO I can sleep..yeah..sleep..sle..AH! gotta stop thinking about my bed...bed...comfy bed....Knights Edge's bed is comfy.....?! THE FUZZ!
Lol, yeah I was in Knights Edge bed before, don;t worry he wasn't in it, someone else was..hehe. Plus I was tired, and I don;t care whose bed I sleep in, but it did feel gay. After I got that GAY thought, I jumped out and shaked it off. and I kicked his butt in Soul CAliber 3! MUAHAHA.
WEll back to my day.
To answer Yensids Question.. I believe so, it seems like a beginning class, which I'm glad because I never took High School Art, middle school art blows, my teacher sucked.
and yes I love Satriani.
I released I haven;t playt a single game yesterday.......AHHH! oh well. Also I did some beat programming, I think they sound nice, and I heard some positive feedback, which makes me want to produce more.
I guess I better get back on my crappy assignment. PEacE.
questions that I took to dinner
1. What do you think abhout my Vincent Wallpaper?
2. Who wrote the song "The man who sold the world?"
3. What is the most manliness thing you ever done?! (can apply to girls too *) ).
Best fight scene of all time (is this gay?)
Dont you love the 80's and early 90's movies, I like alittle. Mostly Chuck Norris.
Konichi wa
Yesterday I went to work at 9 o clock today. I got paid $100 dollars today WEE! I also learned how to put pipes in for the bathroom. I worked about 9-3:30 pm , I was pretty tired, but I went to the movies after taking a shower. I saw "Accepted", that was a funny movie, lots of funny dialoge and moments. I was going to go see Little Miss Sunshine, but I got there late, and I hate watching movies late, because I hate missing the beginning. After the movie I went to BArnes and Nobles to look up on some new manga. I was reading Hellsing vol.5, it was realy good, I'll have to get it soon. Then I got home and just commented on most of your sites. And looked up new bands. I found a band from Finland called LORDI, they're like GWAR but I think alittle more Rock and Roll then Metal/punk.
my answers are
1. I have to say Christmas, I just have nice memories as a kid playing with the Christmas tree and watching christmas movies. plus Presents. But I do love Halloween too, I love wearing stuff that scares children. I made about 10 little kids cry by just looking at me. I also made a little cry at public when I was wearing a trench coat in Publix, she saw me ,and since I love kids..sometimes...I smiled and waved, she just exploded with tears.
2. Mars or OMICRON PERSEI 8!
3. Heck yeah Spacemen are cool. (I guess Aliens, or Astronauts, whatever comes to mind.)
EternalSorrow I got your reference, I love Futurama, one of the greatest shows EVER!!
"Whenever I say I'll kill all humans, I always whisper, except for one"
kitsune-lass , I'll look in too it today. I'll tell you soon.
I'm going to start working on a background today, the way I want it for the site.
Thank you darkhuntress15 for the help.
question that I'm thinking to myself
1. What game should I reserve, Guitar Hero 2, FFXII,or Zelda TP?
2. DO you like the Gorillaz? Comments (9) |
I had to retype this whole thing again because My stupid laptop keyboard is small, and I hit something to make me go BACK and all what I typed was gone lol...yeah.
WEll I WOKE UP Yesterday to head to my Drawing class yesterday, This girl in my class came in wearing a shirt that practically had her boobs hanging out of them, If she was going to wear that today, she might as well wear nothing( I wouldn't be against it hehehe). Sorry, I had to put a joke there. Today was fun for me, I learned some cool drawing techniques, and it was nice to draw something other than Manga style drawings. The Proffessor told us to find a partner and draw a potrait of each other. Since my girlfriend is in hte class with me, she was my partner. Each was a sorta hard assignment for me, She kept on moving all the time, and draw pretty realistically. My Prof. came up to me and told me how she liked how I drew the picture and got the distances right. Like when something is closer to you look bigger than something alittle away from you. My Prof. asked me if I had High School Art, and simply answered back "No Madam, I have never took Art in High School,, I got this drawing from a mystical orb that granted me powers from the depths of Hell." j/k I just said "no." I never had Art in High School, but I did in Middle School, but all we did was talk about how the White Man stoled art from Africa. It was black History month, every year I had Art in MS, it was during Black Historymonth, so it was the same thing over and over. We didn't really learn how to draw, but at least this girl I had a crush on was in the class, gave me something else to pay attention too. Well looking at my Supply List looks like another 100 out of my pocket.
To answer my questions
1. I asked you
2. To Peanut butter!
3. I was asking "What is your name?" In Japanese.
Congrats to darkhuntress15 on getting her Drivers Liencse before me! BONZAI!! hooray! ok.
Juz Cuz its ok.
I see a few of you said FF7 should be my theme, well...I guess I can do an DoC thing, I want a pic of Vincent to be like a border for the main parts. I don;t really know how to do that, so I guessI gotta look it up. and I want to put a pic above my intro. I dont know how to do that but I can look it up. Anyone who wants to help, that would be well appreicated. also I'll keep my colors, i think there nice.
I hope you guys like the Gackt song I posted, I just like it. I guess I'm a sucker for Violins.
I guess I'll be heading to bed now.
(think of something funny and tell me what you thought in the comments.)
questions that came out the torned sphincter
1. What is your favorite Holiday?
2. What planet would you like to visit?
3. Are Spacemen cool?
Despairs ray - Tatoeba kimi ga shinda ra...(backstage/live)
A band I love just as much as Dir En Grey, but I wish I can find more music by them. Any Help is welcomed *).
Yesterday I woke up to goto Sociology 8:00 am, and when class was over, I went to were my dad was waititng for me in his truck, yeah yeah I'm 18 I know, I should havea liencse, I've been lazy on that, and no one to teach me. Afterhe picked me up, we went to a historical site in my city. Its the LinWood Cementery, Civil War soldiers were buried there. It was cool to see civil war graves again. I like to go to many civil war sites, I like history, ask Knights Edge, me and him had the same teacher in middle school, both top students in the class. When I got home, Igot called by the guy I work with, he wanted to know If If I wanted to work. So i went with me because I need the money. After getting home I was pretty much sweaty, and tired. So I took a shower got in comfortable clothes and played Dirge of Cereberus. The STORY is getting very interesting and makeing me go AWE. I love seeing Vincents past. I don;t care what game reviewers are saying this game rocks.
To answer my questions that would quesstion myh love for peanut butter.
2.Sandwichs, licking on partners, putting it on something guys have hehe(never tried), putting it on a dog,and other fun things!
Thanks to the people how commented on my drawing. Thank you. I feel better now that I put it on here. I hope to get more positive responds.
I decided for a while I'll put music from my favorite animes. Also tomorow I'm posting my favorite Gackt video, and possibly song.
Srry for thr short posts, sorta been busy, and nothing really to write about. Dont worry I'll give ya something to read later on *)
well I'm going to hit the hay...did I justsay that?
1. Should I change my theme(or colors)?
2. If I should, to what?
3. Anata no name wa nan sai desu ka
(if the sentence is wrong tell me, I'm sooo rusty) Comments (10) |
Friday, August 25, 2006
Mindless Self Indulgence ending a show, Jimmy Urine lipsynchs with the song "NO Business like show business".
YEsterday I went to class and I was confused alittle in my Tech class. It's been a while since I used Excel *(. Then I went home to rest a bit, my dad picked me up and took me to eat with his friend and wife. We ate at this place called "Country Buffet", it was packed with old people and construction workers. The meat was bland, but the vegetables were awesome. Fried Tomatoes are awesome, and Fried Opkrah rocks the tube socks too.Funny thing to me about the resturant was that Owner/Creator was ASIAN, I guess I thought it was funny. Hey I can think thats funny, I gots me Asian Rights, muahahaha.
I had to get on top of the RV my dad bought and get the leaves off of it, I was sorta scared because I HATE heights, some times it doesn;t bother sometimes....well you know.
I got the job done, and was happy to get off of the top. I finished my picture I liked, but I think I might color it, I think it needs color.
When I got back to COllege because my class was at 6 pm, and my professor gave me an Idea for a story I have to type for class, but also I might use it for a comic.
I'll maybe upload it tonight or tomorow.
to answer my crappy questions.
1. Akira
2. I think its nice, since I drew it.
I've been Practicing with my guitar and drums whenever I can, I wish I can practice with anyother person. I think I get better that way. I practice with my dad, but he's pretty much being busy, with his music projects and being an Insurance man. I'm going to upload a video of me and two friends trying to get something done. I personally hate the videos but I guess its something.
I just got back from working at this house under construction, its funny helping out using saws and nail guns , especially since I'm getting paid. But it tires me out.
Ok gotta go, have a fanTASTICAL Day.
Questions that should question your love for PEanut Butter!
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What are good uses for PEanut Butter?