Birthday 1988-03-06 Gender
Male Location Columbus Member Since 2006-05-17 Occupation Hoodlum Real Name Legacyof
Achievements Reborn Anime Fan Since birth Favorite Anime Akira, Big O, Gundam Wing, Gungrave Goals Murder...with good intentions Hobbies Play Music Talents Play Guitar, Violin, Drums, and Bass, Drawing, Legacyof
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Another Mindless Self Indulgence song "Shut me up". This is a very funny video, it was directed by Jhonen Vasquez(creator of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee!, and Invader ZIm).
Yes EternalSorrow that is Beyond the Grave as my Avatar.
Yesterday I went to my Colleges Orientation. Man it sucked. We jsut stood around and stared at each other for about an hour, then went over the same thing over and over, and then I got bumbarded by club/fratenity reps! I gave them a smile and pretneded I cared and said "I'll think about it", of course lieing. My girlfriend was thinking maybe starting an Anime club at the campus, that'll be cool. then I went to go see X men 3 again at the $1.50 movie theatre, and went home to take a nap. Oh I did meet this cool guy from Surbia, he was 25 years old. I'm going to see if he want's to hang out once in a while.
Well, my friend didn;t come thursday, he somehow got sick. So today(saturday) He's coming over and record, Also another friend of mine is coming over to play with us. But I do have a recording of me and my bandmates second recording, I think almost mastered. I'll post it somehow, I'll make a link for you all if your interested, but also I want to tell you all, it was sorta rushed. The recording was for an GERMAN project, and it was due the next day. My friend got First place in the German music project, I didn;t get credited because I was in Japanese, but I did get in third place for Japanese Kite design. Take that Yushi! Filipino revenge!(for WW2)
Thank you kikyo luver19 , and Juz Cuz for providing useful tips for me to post my drawings. I would have done it, but I was busy today, and I am to tired. Plus its 2:30 am over here.
Gwar - Immortal Corruptor
Gwar is a great musical group that dress up in monster customes. Plus they make great songs *).
Watch only if you can stand B-horror movie violence. Its gory one part.
Heres something Funny I found,
Music by a Band CAlled Mindless self Indulgence (one of the greatest of all TIME! me)
Today my friend is coming over to play music with me today, to bring all our ideas to each other. Maybe I can get my Dad to record us playing, so I can put it up here.
Nothing much happen today, I tried uploading my drawings into Myotaku but I need to make it smaller, I'm trying to figure that out right now.
My brother deleted my Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate file, now I have to unlock all the costumes again. If you wanna face me in Xbox Live PM me.
Knights Edge, if your reading this, You know what I what to challenge you in!
Yesterdays post was weird to me, me thanking a lot of people ( three). Like I said I was feeling sick. I'm better now, usually when I'm sick I say weird(er) stuff then normal. I usually don't do that.
Questions from the bowels of a pig
1. Don't have ask me one!
I decided to put a song that I loved over the years, plus its a close song to me, because it was like a soundtrack for life at one point. the song is by Radiohead and its called "Creep".
Thank you EternalSorrow for the real name for the One winged Angel on the OST. I have the Soundtrack(actually bought) and the Text was in ..I think Kanji or Hiragana. MY japanese is RUSTY, so yeah. and also THANK YOU! arigatou(correct me if wrong)
The video is from a amazing New Wave band from the 80's, I love this song. I wouldn't mind covering this song. MAYBE Later, need to get that studio set up again. They're The Psychedelic Furs - Love my Way.
IF your wondering about when I'm goinbg to post my drawings...sorry. I will soon I promise, I'll even put stuff I just sketched from my sketch book. I love to draw with pen, and hate to color, but I might start soon.
I noticed in the last few days I've been feeling pretty sick. It started Sunday, but it was so minor, now I just don;t ffel that well.
Otogi is a great game, I just wish I can controll the camera more, its hard to contiune a combo if I can;t see my enemies. Mission mode on Naruto is stupid hard ,and give crappy objectives. Like "Land more than 3 blows on your opponent", when I read that I thought, "oh a 4 hit combo would do that..nope. they wanted me to do a subsitute type move. To make it easier, jsut throw your opponent and press forward O.
I would also like to thank Addicted-to-JRock, for telling me about a site that I can get my music from, because I started to listen to one of my favorite bands Cake, so THANK YOU.
Also thank you XxAerithXx for letting me join her FFVII club, so THANK YOU.
And to all my friends, thank you for dealing with me! THANK YOU!
ok heres some questions before I get stupid.
1. When someone thanks you, do you feel warm inside?
2. Did you like someone, but you didn't know why?
3. Do you like the Trumpet?
4. Did you see Nacho Libre?! (if you liked the song "REligious Man" I'm going to put it on my site, I love that song *cries* its soooo beautiful.)
Last night I Was listening to the OST for X/1999, its a great OST to listen to if your chiling at home, or about to sleep. I love the first track, its a good rock/industrial song. the rest or like orchestra music, that range from nice to hard hitting. I recommend checking it out. Also X/1999 is a great series that can drag you in and keep in there world for a long time, plus its made by clamp.
The video is taken from the CLERKS:Animated series, its a funny show, sadly ABC took it off the air after two episodes.
The Questions from yesterday:
1. What I thought about Advent Children
2. My favorite Advent Children character was Cloud, one of the coolest characters in the series.
3. My faovrite part in the movie was when Sephiroth cut down the Midgar building and Cloud and Sephiroth fight in the debris as it offs, and what makes this part sweeter was when the One Wing Angel Advent Children version started to rock harder(the part when Cloud did a backflap with his swords in his hand).
Did about three drawings, one of Beyond the grave, and two originals. Now I have to find a way to get it in MyOtaku. Hope you all like.
Well I'm still playing Naruto, and I sorta forgot about Final Fantasy X-2, I need to beat that game so I can move on to another RPG.
On my Music, still practicing and preparing for recording. I just hope I don't get to busy were I can't record.
1. What is the one place you love to visit before you die?
2. How Come?
Listening to "Hotel California" by the Eagles
HOws it going people of Earth!
I was watching Final Fantasy VII Advent Children for the 28th time today, I releaized how much I love this movie, it has a super close attachment to me, like the movie THE LIFE AQUATIC, one of the greatest movies ever check it out!
TO answer those questions from yesterday:
1. I play the violin, drums, bass, guitar, and little synths. I would like to learn the Sitar and steel guitar.
2.The Band I would play with......Thats a hard one. Maybe Dir En Grey, or Children Of Bodom, or David Bowie. Because Dir En Grey is a good band, Children of Bodom are like guitar Gods, and David Bowie is one of my major Music influences after my father. if you want check out my dads music at . He's the Bassist.
3. MY current favorite game right now is Naruto Ultimate Ninja.
The music on this AMV is by a band named Babylon Zoo, they're really good check em out.
To answer EternalSorrow's question "good luck with college! and hey why don't you upload a recording of your songs so the rest of us can hear?"
my answer is, I would like to but..our recording studio isn't set up yet. I love to let you all to hear and get feedback, but at the moment we're setting it up and getting the music down so it'll sound good.
Today is my brothers birthday,
I hope you all Like the Dir En Grey song I put, if theres any video or song anyone want to hear on my site, let me know. When I reocrd I'll make sure you all hear!
1. What do you think of FFVIIAdvent Children?
2. Who was your favorite character?
3. What was your favorite scene?
Hello Everybody,
Check out the video I posted, if you don't like the F-word don;t watch, its not like it's said A LOT, just mostly in the chorus. The song is done by one of my favorite bands from Sweden. DEATHSTARS!
What I answered about
"Which is better?!
Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?!"
Star Wars is better to me, I just like the whole Light and Dark stuff, and It had better cast to me. Even though I thought Gandolf was a pimp! But Both Movies had ups and downs. Like Star Wars, The actor of Anakin was robotic( But, I hope this justify's Anakins ACTING ,ok Here I go! aren't jedi's suppose to get rid of emotions, for emotions will lead them to the DARkSIDE!, somwthing like that.), and LOTRs...Sam...Sam was To GAY. When Frodo and Sam were on that rock, surrounded by dinosaurs... oops! I mean Lava, sorry ITs 3 o clock in the morning here. I was thinking that Sam was going to thrust his tongue into Frodo's mouth..The goodbye KISS. LUCKILY! he didn't. I enjoyed both movies a lot. and yes I read The HObbit and Half of The Fellowship, my dad took it from me to read it,since he liked it so much when he was little. But Like I said both movies had ups and downs for me ,but I liked Star Wars a bit better.
I just bought Naruto Ultimate Ninja for my brother, for his birthday. I decided to let him pay it early since he's starting school monday, and I start COLLEGE(hehe) August 17 hehehehe.
The game is pretty good, I played it before at Knights Edge's house, but I got a better grip on the controlls now. The controlls was weird for me at first, but I quickly adapted, like a MASTER would! I want to challenge Knights Edge again, but College is coming up, I gotta start gearing up for it. Knights Edge your going down. Knights Edge and I have a past in Soul CAliber 2 and 3. Intense battles.
I can;t wait for Final FAntasy XII, FFXIII, and FFversusXIII.
and Dirge Of Cereberus, getting that when it comes out!
Well my friend is gone, and she will be missed. I'm going to try to keep in touch with her, like a good friend.
On my music
I just made Five songs on guitar in the past 2 weeks, now I gotta add lyrics to them now. thing is, I'm having WRITERS BLOCK! and its sucking so much balls. oh yeah. I also learned TWO Alice Cooper songs. "Eighteen"(I played this one none stop when I turned 18, March 6, 1988(don;t forget to wish me HAPPYT BIRTHDAy), and "Ballad of Dewight fry" amazing song.
On my Drawings
Sorry, been lazy on that. Blame Guild Wars and Final Fantasy X-2.
I noticed a lot of people are doing this So I decided to do it few days ago.
1. If you could play any instruments what would you play? If you can play, what Instruments? (make sure you state that you play)
2. What band would play with?
3.and WHAT is you favorite Videogame RIGHT NOW?
THe Best Question you'll ever answer!!!!!!!
After Watching Clerks 2........again.
The movie got me thinking, which is better!
Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings?
So here's something to ask you all
Which is better?!
Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?!
Yesterday, was a nice;y paced day. I got to play Final Fantasy X-2 alittle, and then I started playing Guild Wars(if you want to play with me, send me a message), and I was playing Rainbow Six 3 on Xbox Live. I was doing pretty well, if it was Halo 2 I would be pwning everyone in there. I'm starting to learn Html to make my site alittle..wait I mean A LOT better.
A good Friend of mine is leaving Tomorow to Florida, it sucks because I didn't get to hang out with her much this year, just like another friend that just recently moved. My Friend/Bandmate are taking her to the Mall to hang out and give her a nice time before she leaves. I think I'll buy the Tom Yorke solo cd from RAdiohead today too. Comments (3) |
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
If you had to choose Light or DArk?
Which would you choose? Comments (1) |
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Oh Holy Glory! also GOODBYE HORSES!(read on towards the end!)
I bought Otogi 1 and 2, very Japanese.
I just remembered I have to get my Gungrave-Overdose game back from Knight Edge.
Also I bought the David Bowie Live DVD, its kicking a lot of Ass "HALLOO SPACEBOY! BYE BYE LOVE!"
and I bought UNLEASHED, a great movie. I'm Drawing a Gungrave picture right now, makeing a Gungrave my style muhahahaha.
Also I'm starting to work on something Knights Edge and I have been working on for a while, due to school ramming work down our thoarts .yes..delays. But now I'm working on it WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
You told me, I see you rise
But, it always, falls
I see you come, I see you go
You say, "All things pass, into the night"
And I say, "Oh no sir, I must say you're wrong, I must disagree, oh no sir, I must say you're wrong"
Won't you listen to me
You told me, I've seen it all before
I've Been there,
I've seen my hopes and dreams a-lying on the ground
I've seen the sky, just begin to fall
And you say, "All things pass, into the night"
And I say, "Oh no sir, I must say you're wrong, I must disagree, oh no sir, I must say you're wrong"
Won't you listen to meeeeeeeeee?
Good-bye horses
I'm lying over you
Good-bye horses
I'm lying over you
Good-bye horses
I'm lying over you
Good-bye horses
I'm lying, lying, lying over yooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!"
Goodbye Horses
To let everyone know who visits by an "accident", I'm just starting to mess with this site, I made an account for a stupid reason a while ago, but now I'm using it to show my drawings to the world somehow, and promote my music too hehe.,.
On Saturday, I went to work at this guys house(manual labor), and I got paid $150, that was fing sweet. when I got home I was very tired, and dirty. This family was coming to visit us from North Carolina, good Friends of the family. The sons of the family wanted to play music with me, but I didn't know what to expect from them. Were they going to suck or be average or blow me away?
well...they blew me away. One of them played the keyboard like a pro, he knew how to play every Dimmu Borgir, and Children of Bodom song, and knew how to jam. The guitar player was ok, he played metal pretty well, I had a hard time playing with him,that I'm saying I'm to good for him, I'll be lying, plus I'll sounding like an ass. It was just hard getting him adjusted to playing with other people, and play original stuff. The result was pretty good, I got a video of us playing together. I played the drums with them. The keyboard player and I are going to get together and do music together.
I got Guild WArs to work on my computer now.
Now to get my MMORPG game on. Computer F-ed up on me had to get it repaired/ *(