Birthday 1988-03-06 Gender
Male Location Columbus Member Since 2006-05-17 Occupation Hoodlum Real Name Legacyof
Achievements Reborn Anime Fan Since birth Favorite Anime Akira, Big O, Gundam Wing, Gungrave Goals Murder...with good intentions Hobbies Play Music Talents Play Guitar, Violin, Drums, and Bass, Drawing, Legacyof
Friday, September 1, 2006
Get a Clue Blues Clue!......I love that .....a .......plunger.........and...a....pickle......I ...don't...know......
Pearl Jam - Last Kiss
I seem to love this song a lot, even though I sorta dislike PEarl Jam. This song is just to great.
Nice to meet you again! How's it going today? thats good to hear....oh I'm sorry to hear that. WHat?!!?! Really? uh huh? uh huh? What tooth did you lose again? You need to stop eating rocks, I believe thats pretty UNHEALTHY. Oh Crap my jam is on! come HEADBANG with me! *HEADBANGS SOO HARD Legacyof gets a MaJOR(TOM..sorry David Bowie reference) HEadAChE* * Legacyof sings along*"You are my SunShine! MY ONLY SUNSHINE! ARGHH!! YOU MAKE ME HAPPPPPPPEEEYY!! WHEN SKY's ARE FILLED WITH BLOOD!"
HEy sing along, come on! oh ok, your to embarASSed? oh come on, don't be a puss. Your going to do it?! SWEeT, let's hear it!
*You sang with such a heavenly voice LEgacyof's eardrums exploded with causeing him to good deaf!* MY Ears! AHH! THANK YOU! no I can't hear crappy EmO songs anymore....but what can I listen to now..*whispering voice* " can listen to nothing now...."
What?! I can't hear you!
HEy gUys
YEsterday I went to my classes (8 and 6 oclock), and I just stayed on the campus all day, I brought my brother's Nintendo DS with me, and I just played "Trauma Center" and "MArio Kart" the whole time. Trauma Center was actually fun, I didn't get to play it when my brother bought it, I was to busy. I thought it was cool I had to operate on people and help, but you gotta do it fast. I'm stuck on this level, I just couldn't do it fast enough, so I got mad and popped in Mario KArt, and PWNed the CPU's, PEach is my favorite driver, I do better as her. Before that, when I woke up my little dog Chihuahua made a big mess, and poopy mess, on my bed...and my feet were covered in his feces, no joing here, I wanted to throw him, but I guess its not all his fault, but I wish he didn't DOO(hehe) that. back to my school life! .. I also took a 10 minute nap, it felt like I didn't sleep at all. After my LAst class I went to Hobby Lobby to buy my Art supplies, thanks Edge for the suggestion on were to buy supplies. Well before I went to Hobby Lobby I had to stop my house and I saw my neighbor's next door doiung there yard, and to be a good neighbor I said "HI", and I got no reply, so I said "HOW'S IT GOING?!" pretty loud, and there son got startled and I had to laugh.
When I got out the house my brother asked me were I was going, so I decided to weird out my neighbors, heres what I said.
Leg's Bro "Where are you going?!"
Sexy Legacyof "To KILL MYSELF!"
LEg's Bro "No really where are you going?!"
Ugly Legacyof "Hobby Lobby, got to buy Art Supplies"
Leg's Bro "Can I come?!"
Retarded LEgacyof "NO! SATAN'S THERE!"
My neighbors were staring at my confused and I sinced a hint of ...scared.... MUAHHAHAA my Confusioning powers rulzz(I know thats not a word).
To answer my pitiful questions that shattered my weak weak baldder.
1. I hate what I write, I think its retarded.
j/k I like what I write.
2. I could never love a monsterman, but maybe a monsterwoman! ex. Sexy Vamps, or that frankstein lady.
3. The most precious thing I have is my "Little Nemo" VHS movie, I watched and loved that movie since I was a kid. I'm getting the dvd that was finally released last year, I just wasn't able to get it.
4. I figured out thanks to:
!!!!darkhuntress15 !!!!
!!JD Person!!
! kitsune-lass !
May Cookies Rain upon you all!
Also thanks for the nice comments saying you like my weird stuff I type on here. You have secured my manhood, now I don't have to get a sex change.
1. What's the coolest thing you have ever done?
2. Do you like Snowcones? HUH?!!
I guess I'll play Dirge of Cereberus again, or play ADA Missions on RESident Evil 4.
Combichrist "Get Your Body Beat" Music Video
this is a band from German, one of the places I would love to visit, because its INDUSTRIAL MUSIC nation!!!