Birthday 1988-03-06 Gender
Male Location Columbus Member Since 2006-05-17 Occupation Hoodlum Real Name Legacyof
Achievements Reborn Anime Fan Since birth Favorite Anime Akira, Big O, Gundam Wing, Gungrave Goals Murder...with good intentions Hobbies Play Music Talents Play Guitar, Violin, Drums, and Bass, Drawing, Legacyof
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Were did stealing get you?
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Iced Earth - Pure Evil
I like this AMV.
YEsterday I went to class, and hung at the cmapus for a bit. I walked home and finish typing up my paper for the night. After that I just listen to music and play alittle guitar and went back to the campus and went to class. After Class, I went to Gamestop and turn in a job application. GOd if your out there blessing someone else and not me, could you please help me get this job. pleezzz. After that I went home and played Dirge of Cereberus, I'm pretty close to beating the game name. The story is pretty cool. Check it out.
I hope no one thinks I hold a grudge on Japan. I really don't.
my answers
1. Drawing, writing is fun too, but I like drawing better.
2. a few, lets see: FAmily, Friends, and JESUS! for real.
3. I wanna say "Reefer MAdness", but I have yet to see the movie. Soo, i'm going to say "Life Aquatic."
I noticed I got a couple of comments that my post are tooo long. Well, I guess I need to make them longer *) j/k. I guess, since people are visiting I might entertain them as they come. Give them something to read. Maybe they'll learn something interesting.
I was thinking about this idea lately. I was thinking about making a section in my post, maybe once a week. I was thinking about haveing a segment about games that are coming to America. I have a very good source, but I'm still thinking about it. Give me you opinions.
I see theres some that want the PS3 like me, but the money sucks right now. I want MGS4 and FF13 badly. and FFVII remake, yes remake! they're makeing a remake, said to be a test, but its real. MUahaha, I love knowing it before others ( I knew about it like...two months ago)
Well, I guess I'll keep this post short,
1. What's one place in Europe you'll like to visit?
2. Who is Terry Bogard?!
3. Does anyone like Gundam Wing?