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myOtaku.com: Legacyof

Friday, September 22, 2006

   Work it harder, do it faster our work is never over..*(
Hey Crew

Well lets start this off by Saluting Jimi Hendrix. If you haven't noticed the statue of him, its in my intro.


YEsterday I went to my Tech Apps class in the morning. I emailed myself the homework from my home so I can turn it in. Well, the email didn;t go through. SO I had to tell my Professor I couldn't turn it in today. She told me to email it to her. After that I got up and left, she said it was ok to leave if our work was checked. I sat around outside the Library and watched people walk on by. I enjoy looking at the many people that walk past me. Watching their way of walking, their facial expressions, how they interact. I was just studying people, and I was enojoying watching others. Don't worry, no stalking for me, thas just creepy. I walked him to finish writing the essay I didn't, I'm so glad my English Comp. was at 6 pm. When I got to class, I turned in my work and the Professor said it was ok to leave. I got to leave early there too. Well, I sat around waiting for my ride, and called up Edge. Before my mom came I was taking pictures of myself on my cellphone. When my mom came, she told me we were going to TJ MAx. I was walking around the store for cheap clothing, so I can do whatever I want with it. Well I was walking, and something caught my eye. It was a leather jacket that Rockers wear. I had to have it. If I can figure out my digital camera I'll let you guys see it. Also I bought a military looking hat for 4 dollars. HaHA, cheaper than SPencers and Hottopic! Now I gotta find a cool band patch, and it'll be complete.
Well thats about it.

I want to check out Trinity Blood. I heard good things about it. Also I heard the good guys are Catholic. Major turn on for me. excuse me as I do the Lord's prayer.

I found a Fat Boy Slim remix of Queens "We will rock you". I'll post it on the site soon. But Im in the mood for Trumpets. So heres one of my personal favorite bands. Try to guess who they are!

my answers
1. Fianl Fantasy VII Advent Children, I was teary at the end(for real). I had such a strong attachment to the FFVII, and I didn't want FFVIIAC to end. Also I did that to Dirge of Cereberus.
2. The Baby, because I would jump in and bust a cap in the rhinos head. Well, I guess I'm the victor.
3. What I feel about school? I like it, I hate it, I feel like I need it, I feel like I don;t need it. yeah. Well, deep downside I love to learn. I just hate being piled.

Thank you lilvalchan for words of advice.

"Devil May Cry 4? Cool. As far as I'm concerned, it'll be the 3rd game in the series. The abomination known as "Devil May Cry 2" never existed. *shifty eyes*"
HAHA, I have to agree with you lordsesshomaru.

lovely emo girl
"wow your life it seems so great and wonderful"
Really? never saw it that way.

" it's okay... well not really, if I had the choice I would just take the classes that I want or just not go to school at all and just do what I love to do but my family and the world wont let me do that without making me feel stupid and/or bad..."
Really? Well, Do what you feel like you should do. Don't let your family or the world stop you from doing what you want to do. Its all up to you, not anyone else. To quote the great Nacho from Nacho libre, "I'm the gatekeeper of my destiny." Hope that makes you live life the way you want without feeling bad. *)

"One of my friends is trying to get me in her band, but none of them don't even know how to play yet, and I'm still learning. So I'm not planning on forming anything yet."
Well, I would join to learn how to play with other people, thats a very important thing to learn. You can be the best player in the world, but if you can't play with anyone else, well you can guess the outcome. BEfore you join, learn the basics of the Bass. LEarn Scales, they'll keep you in tune with your friend. Good luck learning. Maybe one day we can play together.
"BTW, thanks for cheering me up. ^^"
Your Welcome, I'm glad that feel better now. Anything for a friend.

1. What's one thing you say when something good happens to you?
2. What's your Paradise?
3. Do you know how to get pictures off your phone to teh computer?

HEres something did for my MAMA
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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