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myOtaku.com: Legacyof

Sunday, September 24, 2006

   My Grandma fell in the toilet because I forgot to put the site down!

Well to start this off.

Friday - I basically went to Class, the Professor didn't have our grades just yet, so I don't know my grade yet. After that I hung with Edge and friends, and I went to study abstract art, and at least start on my ARt assignment.
I went home and hung with my girlfriend and just watched tv. Later on I went to practice driving, I feel bad, because I'm 18 and I don't have a liencse yet. Oh well, no gas money for me *).

Saturday - Well I went to my Drawing Class, and I got there late. The alarm clock was lazy this morning, so was I./ When I got to class, they were putting Alpha Grays in our Sketch book, and we had to color a page PURE BLack. That was messy for me, I practically was covered with black chalk. My face was black halfway. Then I had to use an Eraser to make a picture. We had to copy a picture of David holding the Giants head. Heres the pic of it.
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The pic is in yesterdays post, also with pics of my dog and my new Leather Jacket if you want to see.
After I got home at 3:30, I went to get my hair cut, I just got it slightly trimmed and thinned out, since my hair is pretty thick. I like it,also I was thinking about getting highlights, but then again, I love my NATURAL black hair.
Thats about it.

I saw Trinity Blood, and some of Bleach. I was enjoying Trinity Blood because something about it that attracted me to it. besides the vampires, dark feeling, and Catholics.

I have this cool song Idea in my head. I basically play to chords over and over. Over my playing on guitar I'll add a sample of old b-movies. Maybe sci-fi or Horror. I friend got us a sample from a old b-movie. The sample is some guy saying
"Satan is an Acid-head"
The movie was about hippies taht worshipped satan and love to eat people. Plus they loved ACID. Well, I was thinking about using the movie "2001: A Space oddessey." I might get a sample of The Robot "Hal" and the astronaut(forgot his name) talking. If I use horror b-movies, I'll get a scene of people beiing killed and have their screams sorta faint in the background. Hopefully it'll have a haunting a spooky sound.

my Answers to my crappy questions
1.I say " Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ". also "SWEET!" or "Thank God!" or "Hailz Yeah"
2. Well, I guess everyones paradise molded into one. I saw some great paradises, especially Lordsesshomarus.
3. Well....Thank you everyone for the help. Heres a cookie.

What some said/
1.EternalSorrow - "hey man you need to check out the song Rain by Yoko Kanno [the Steve Conte version pwns the Mai Yamane version]"
me - Sure, I'll check out. Thanks for the recommendation.

2. Yensid - "Are those pics of you? You're really cute er, hot I mean. ^_^ Ok, that's kinda creepy I guess I said that. But you're a great looking guy or the guy in the pics is...ok I'll shut up now."
me - Um....thanks. Its not creepy, don;t worry.

3. KyuubiKhaos - "ha, a bargain shopper! people all over the country could learn a thing or two from your examples!!!"
me - yes the world can learn a thing or two from me. *cough*music taste*cough*

4. Mystic~angel - "Hey thanks for what you said and the quote^^ It actually made me feel better about wanting to be a writer^^ Thanks So Much!!"
me - I'm glad you feel better. It's nice to help out a friend. Sure you can join me in the Lords Prayer, anyone can do it.

Questions that were asked
1. EternalSorrow - "btw nice cube. who izzat?"
Yensid - "Are those pics of you?"
me - yup its me.

2. KyuubiKhaos - "Who is this band?"
mw - the BAnd is CAKE(www.cakemusic.com) and the song is called "Comfort Eagle"

Questions to question
1. Which movie can you think of that I can use for samples?(incase you don;t know samples, its like...in a song you hear someone talking, and the person sounds like he/she was from a movie or show.
2. Is there a friend that you would like to meet again?
3. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?

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Heres something I tought was nice, and something EVERYONE should do.

"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."

I forgot to add.

My dad's band is thinking about firing their drummer, because of some problems. Since their going to be drummer less, guess whose the back-up drummer.


Its cool, but I'm nervous about it. I never played infront of many people. Plus I know gotta hear their music. My dad sorta postponed that other music project with me and him.

I guess I'm now part of SPACESEED
Heres a video of what I'm going to be playing with.

I know the quality is bad, I couldn't fix it, the camera guy did it wrong. NEVER use AUTOFOCUS when there a lot of lights.

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