Birthday 1988-03-06 Gender
Male Location Columbus Member Since 2006-05-17 Occupation Hoodlum Real Name Legacyof
Achievements Reborn Anime Fan Since birth Favorite Anime Akira, Big O, Gundam Wing, Gungrave Goals Murder...with good intentions Hobbies Play Music Talents Play Guitar, Violin, Drums, and Bass, Drawing, Legacyof
Sunday, September 24, 2006
My Grandma fell in the toilet because I forgot to put the site down!
Well to start this off.
Friday - I basically went to Class, the Professor didn't have our grades just yet, so I don't know my grade yet. After that I hung with Edge and friends, and I went to study abstract art, and at least start on my ARt assignment.
I went home and hung with my girlfriend and just watched tv. Later on I went to practice driving, I feel bad, because I'm 18 and I don't have a liencse yet. Oh well, no gas money for me *).
Saturday - Well I went to my Drawing Class, and I got there late. The alarm clock was lazy this morning, so was I./ When I got to class, they were putting Alpha Grays in our Sketch book, and we had to color a page PURE BLack. That was messy for me, I practically was covered with black chalk. My face was black halfway. Then I had to use an Eraser to make a picture. We had to copy a picture of David holding the Giants head. Heres the pic of it.
The pic is in yesterdays post, also with pics of my dog and my new Leather Jacket if you want to see.
After I got home at 3:30, I went to get my hair cut, I just got it slightly trimmed and thinned out, since my hair is pretty thick. I like it,also I was thinking about getting highlights, but then again, I love my NATURAL black hair.
Thats about it.
I saw Trinity Blood, and some of Bleach. I was enjoying Trinity Blood because something about it that attracted me to it. besides the vampires, dark feeling, and Catholics.
I have this cool song Idea in my head. I basically play to chords over and over. Over my playing on guitar I'll add a sample of old b-movies. Maybe sci-fi or Horror. I friend got us a sample from a old b-movie. The sample is some guy saying
"Satan is an Acid-head"
The movie was about hippies taht worshipped satan and love to eat people. Plus they loved ACID. Well, I was thinking about using the movie "2001: A Space oddessey." I might get a sample of The Robot "Hal" and the astronaut(forgot his name) talking. If I use horror b-movies, I'll get a scene of people beiing killed and have their screams sorta faint in the background. Hopefully it'll have a haunting a spooky sound.
my Answers to my crappy questions
1.I say " ". also "SWEET!" or "Thank God!" or "Hailz Yeah"
2. Well, I guess everyones paradise molded into one. I saw some great paradises, especially Lordsesshomarus.
3. Well....Thank you everyone for the help. Heres a cookie.
What some said/
1.EternalSorrow - "hey man you need to check out the song Rain by Yoko Kanno [the Steve Conte version pwns the Mai Yamane version]"
me - Sure, I'll check out. Thanks for the recommendation.
2. Yensid - "Are those pics of you? You're really cute er, hot I mean. ^_^ Ok, that's kinda creepy I guess I said that. But you're a great looking guy or the guy in the pics is...ok I'll shut up now."
me - Um....thanks. Its not creepy, don;t worry.
3. KyuubiKhaos - "ha, a bargain shopper! people all over the country could learn a thing or two from your examples!!!"
me - yes the world can learn a thing or two from me. *cough*music taste*cough*
4. Mystic~angel - "Hey thanks for what you said and the quote^^ It actually made me feel better about wanting to be a writer^^ Thanks So Much!!"
me - I'm glad you feel better. It's nice to help out a friend. Sure you can join me in the Lords Prayer, anyone can do it.
Questions that were asked
1. EternalSorrow - "btw nice cube. who izzat?"
Yensid - "Are those pics of you?"
me - yup its me.
2. KyuubiKhaos - "Who is this band?"
mw - the BAnd is CAKE( and the song is called "Comfort Eagle"
Questions to question
1. Which movie can you think of that I can use for samples?(incase you don;t know samples, its a song you hear someone talking, and the person sounds like he/she was from a movie or show.
2. Is there a friend that you would like to meet again?
3. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?
Heres something I tought was nice, and something EVERYONE should do.
"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."
I forgot to add.
My dad's band is thinking about firing their drummer, because of some problems. Since their going to be drummer less, guess whose the back-up drummer.
Its cool, but I'm nervous about it. I never played infront of many people. Plus I know gotta hear their music. My dad sorta postponed that other music project with me and him.
I guess I'm now part of SPACESEED
Heres a video of what I'm going to be playing with.
I know the quality is bad, I couldn't fix it, the camera guy did it wrong. NEVER use AUTOFOCUS when there a lot of lights.