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Apache, Oklahoma
Member Since
college student
Real Name
Angel Tisdale
I have achieved the unachievable, and by achieving the unachievable I have achieved a great achievement, and that achievement is... heh heh, "achieve" is a funny word, isn't it?
Anime Fan Since
Ugh! Do I remember... 2000? 2001? 2002? Somewhere in that vicinity. It's only been a few years, but I am deeply in love.
Favorite Anime
Just one? I love InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, Bleach, Dragonball Z & GT someness, LOVE Cowboy Bebop...there may be others, but they reside in very remote areas in my heart.
Surviving college... one day at a time... X___X
Watching anime, obviously, reading, drawing, and occasionaly writing whatever story I've got my mind on. And singing!! I love to sing! lalalalalaaa!!
Talents...uh, same as my hobbies? Wait, reading isn't a talent. But I also am good at eating chocolate and making ppl laugh....are those talents?
| Lego Vasavouchi
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
What's this? Me? Posting?? NO WAY!! heh heh... Well, YES WAY! ^.^ I've been busy, miserable, blah blah blah. If anyone has switched over to DA while I was gone... tell me. Cuz over there, I'll remember to visit you.
Okay, well I went to a couple sites! If I missed commenting on yours and you love me, then let me know and I'll drop by. I also deleted a few ppl off my list, cuz they hadn't update in 5 months or more... I may have accidentally deleted someone else unintentionally though. I kinda zoned out while hittin the little 'X' button. x3
Umm... not much to say. I didn't think anyone missed me, then I got the PM from Jaguar and felt so loved that I decided to actually post. x3 But if ya didn't miss me, that's okay! I need to clean up my friend's list anyways... assuming I remember to visit again. You don't hafta comment if ya don't wanna. I'ma just go... submit some art. It's art I have up on the DA already... so yeah. Here I go! Buh bye muh loves!!! *huggles*
Luv 2 ya
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Saturday, October 14, 2006

I'm too drained to post properly... and guh!! Hiked this morning!! And as for my week?? @__@ I bought some mangas.. I rode a cardboard box down the stairs... Igot clothes at Hot Topic... I went to the Battle of the Bands in Dallas... and at one point in the week I'd been awake for 36 hours. Tadaa!! That's me week. XDD I'm sorry, I don't really feel like doing an extensive post, and I've been rather frequenting the DA. Yes, that's right. I got a DeviantArt account. I really like the way they notify you as to you friend's art and posts, cuz on here I can miss out on art really easy! O.o
So I'm sorry if I don't spend a whole lot of time over here!! I'll try to get to you guys, but I keep getting busier, and next week my night class is starting, which'll reeeeally kill me dead. X__X
I still can't get new art up yet, can't go home to scan, though I do have stuff... TT____TT Sowwies... I'm boring right now. But at least you get a short post!! Oh. Do you guys think I should go back to by old setups, with my old bg & the mission impossible music? Jus wondering... well, guess I'll see ya 'round 'er sumtin. If you're on the DA & haven't already found me (I think most of you have.. x3 Then this is me!!
I'm easy to find, that's my name that no one else can steal cuz I totally made it up... x3
How you guys been? Good? Bad?? Severely mangled? Lemme know! *huggles* I'll ttyl!!
Luv 2 ya
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
*sigh* No energy left... barely... typing... guh

Well as you can see, I didn't actually die on the hiking trip today. But we got out like, two and a half hours early. My feet were sore... and I was tired... and my left arm and the left side of my neck got a little burnt... and today was the EASY day. *sigh* So I mean, I'll be able to handle these, I'm sure, but I'll have killer blisters at the end of the day. TT___TT Cuz I'm wearing an old pair of tennie for this... I may actually buy hiking boots, but it bothers me to buy shoes for a four day ordeal.... so if I can find hiking boots that will work with my everyday clothes, I might survive... *sigh* But whateva!!
I need to do my art homework soon... as a matter of fact, I haven't even finished the in-class assigment... she said we could photograph the still life so we could finish our drawings outside of class, but I didn't get up in time, so now I'll have to wing it. *mutters curses* And the homework is gonna take so freakin long it is soooo not funny. But I'll have Quincy-chan to keep me company. =3 Yes. That is what I named my fish. If you don't like the name, that's too bad. You should have said something when I asked for suggestions! But nooo, I had to go and give it a stupid name all by myself!! XDD But it's okay.
I wonder if anyone will see this post go up? O.o Hmm... so should I get a Deviant account? Everyone's freakin getting one, and though I'd like to stick with just theO, I think some ppl are actually abondoning this site for DA... and I miss them. TT___TT I could try and juggle the two... I'm tellin ya, I'll get bored one day while stuck at the dorms, and I'll just up and make the account. And resubmit all me arts, hoping for more inputs I spose. lol I wanna scan that napkin!! TToTT I drew on a napkin in Arby's, and it turned out really funny and I wanna post it!!! XD But *sigh* alas!! Still no scanner!! Oh well. Guess I'll actually do a short post. If anyone drops by and isn't all scraping for time, you could skim over my last post or so, just to see what you missed, cuz stuff has happened... just... not important. To anyone 'cept me. *hugs self* And Ishida! Cuz I give him cookies. =3 And that moose over there. X3 *throws moose at Lolly* Catch!! =D
Okay yeah. So here's your Bleach gif of the day:

Rukia... after Renji kicked 'er in da butt. XDD Yush. Okay. I'll go now. ttyl though!! Luff you alls, and I tink I even visited you alls!! *throws more mooses in the air to celebrate* O.o That's gonna hurt when they come down.... *hits the deck* Bye bye now!!! *huggles*
Luv 2 ya
Comments (4) |
Friday, October 6, 2006
Okay, I Get It Now...

I understand!! Posting mid-week is forbidden. I know most of you guys are way too busy with school to bother with theO during the week, cuz I had some lonely posts up. It's just that, although my classes take up a bit of time, the rest of my time is spent either doing nothing or being online... so I end up posting. TT___TT I shall no longer do this, I suppose. But anyways.
Due to some unfortunate circumstances at home, I am stuck at the dorms. All week long, every week, until the demon residing there goes back to Hell where he belongs. So Angel is unhappy with this situation. *sigh* Also, I have resigned myself to death, because tomorrow is my first of four hiking classes. You make think I'm some sub-species of pathetic wimp, but listen to this. The class starts at 10:00 am. The class ends at 4:00 pm. You know what that means?? Yes. I am going to be hiking for six hours, that's what that means. And Saturday is supposed to be in the nineties. Which wouldn't bother me if I were sitting all comfy in my dorm. But nooooo, I'ma be HIKING in it!! I'm telling you, students are going to be dropping like flies tomorrow!! And I'll be one of the first to drop. So wish me luck, and you are all invited to my funeral. X__X
On a happier note, I got a fish today!! X3 *cuddles him* He's a Betta fish, one of those one's that dont' live in moving water, and don't do much except sit there and look beautiful. Mine's all bluey-purple with really pretty extra colorful fins. He has sexy fins. And I'm debating on a name... heh heh *evil plotting*
Ishida- Don't you DARE name that fish after me!! I know what you're thinking!!
*gasp* I'm hurt!! Am I really that predictable?? *curses inwardly* XDD I mean, it IS a sexy fish!! lol But yeah, I need a good name for him, cuz belive me, I talk to him a lot. I figured since I'm going to be stuck in my dorms all day every day all week every week until home is once again a sanctuary, I'm gonna need some company. U__U Any ideas?
Ooh, and guess what? Did you guys see that article Adam put up about the new Art of Otaku thing? If not, it was said that it is "not a sequel to our highly acclaimed book; it's an innovative and top-secret re-imagining." Okay? And artists were wanted, to apply just email and give link to one's portfolio. I emailed him, and he actually said that I'm qualified, and that I will receive information on the first project within a week!! aogoxfjlfsamjgiajgZOMG!!!! I'm like, reeeeally excited, but I'm also super nervous, cuz what if I can't do what I'm assigned or whatever?? Or I don't do it good enough?? Or miss a deadline!!! *spazz fit*
Ishida- Crap, she's hyperventilating!! STOP!! Guh!!!
Spiraling!! Spiraling!! Spiraling! Sp-
>.O Ouch. Thanks Ishida... spiraling... over...
Ishida- Heh heh. I've been looking for an excuse to do that... >=)
Well anyways, yeah. There's that. Also. I have actually drawn several fanarts, but the scanner is at home, where I fear to tread... XD (Get it? That quote? "For fools rush where angels fear to tread?" And my name's Angel? Hahahah..ha.... *sigh* Okay, it wasn't that good) So although I have some stuff stacking up, I won't be able to post for a while... I'ma look for a scanner somewhere on campus that I can use, but prospects don't look too good. So yeah.
I guess that's all I'll do for now. OH!!! But what do you guys think of my new bg & the music? If you can't hear it, turn your volume on!! XDD And if the bg doesn't load... I am sorry. U_U I did this with the LAST post, but it was loneleh, so I figgered I'd ask you's opinion now that you're around. =3 Like? I needed a change when I found this song; it's from Cowboy Bebop, but it isn't the opening or closing.... *wiggles* Anyone recognize it??
Okay, now I'm going!! Here's your random Bleach gif of the day!!

There!! Now I shall go around to other sites... *huggles all* Loves ya bunches!! Ja!
Luv 2 ya
Ps. XDDD Look how weird!! Putting the little pic in my Title actually turned my entire last post into a link... to my site! XDDDDDDDDD *dies laughing at the weirdness of it*
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Back Again? Wha??

Dude, what the heck? TT___TT My last post went largely unnoticed. lol Well when you're done with this one you better go to that one cuz I put funny stuffs in it! lol Well I'll try to keep this one short then. New layout, obviously. I know the other one was cool, but I found this song!! So if you don't have your volume on, turn it on and refresh the page so the song will start over!! Cowboy Bebop fans will recognize it. It's so pretty, and I finally found it, so I had to share it!! And I figured I'd need a different bg to go with it... this one doesn't quite fit, but it's okay. Plus I wanted to use it. =3 Hanataro got cut off at the edge though. U_U Sorry man!
I have a funny story, but I don't feel like telling it, just cuz it'll make this post longer and no one will bother with the last one. Will you even bother anyways? You turd. But the funny story does involve me drawing a new fanart, so it'll be up... O.o Actually, I dunno. I've got some explaining to do!! Okay, so this weekend I missed some posts, and I'm sorry, but our computer was taken away by one of my older brother's friends... and had it's memory wiped. So aaaaaaaallllll my files are gone. Thank goodness I emailed most of my pics to myself ahead of time. But there are other files. U_U And our internet connection- gone. Disconnected. My bro plans on getting DSL... but not right away. Which means come the weekend, when everybody is posting, I won't be able to get on! And in my town, there is nowhere to get online. Believe me. So I'm sorry!!! I love you all and I missed you this weekend.
I don't have too much else to say, I guess, so just go read my other post and look at my new art! I have other art I wanna put up, but Photoshop was wiped along with my files... and the lack on internet means I'll have to scan at home, then save to a disk and bring it to school to upload. A bit of a hassle, but I'ma do it! Just so you guys can look at it and go... O.o What were you thinking when you drew this? XD Cuz the random one involves candy corn and Bleach chibis. lol So just... head on over to the next post now! And look at my art when you're done! Oh, and here's your random Bleach gif of the day: Kon!

Okay, now go! Pleeease!! I love you all, yes I does. *huggles* NEXT POST!! =3 'Cept for you three, of course. *extra huggles for Shelby, Lolly, and Gabby-chan* ttyl!!
Luv 2 ya
Btw... WHAT COLOR FONT SHOULD I USE??? NOTHING WORKS!!! I have tried pretty much everything. Seriuosly. Pink, Black, Red, White, Bright Green, Yellow, pastelly crap... U__U Help.
Comments (2) |
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Back again?? WHA??
Heh heh... why post again? Cuz I feel like it, I guess. So I guess I'll talk about my day! Whee!! I actually got up around noon, so I did stuff.. went shopping, really. Went with my mom... Sutherlands, for some screen... then the bread store, for bread (ooh, never would have guessed!) and pretzels... then I actually got food at Subway, which is weird, cuz I don't really like Subway! XD But I was craving that chicken sub with olives and ranch dressing... which is also weird, cuz I don't like ranch dressing EITHER. U_U XD Then... to the commisary... where at the checkout line, this woman was like, Girl! You should get a modeling contract! And I was like... O.O Wha?? It was weird... caught me by surprise, needless to say, cuz I wasn't looking my best today... and she's all, You never thought of that before? I said nooo, not really. And she insists I'd make it big. *twitch* I sincerely doubt that. I'm no size zero. But I thanked her anyways. lol Then... well, went home after that!! I drove, actually... I like taking fast turns, but my mom doesn't like it when I do that. Heh heh...
Okay! Not much today, huh? I actually am about to put up art! *gasp* lol But it's nothing really good, I just drew it today cuz I felt like getting something drawn... and then... I colored it in Photoshop. I have THE most primitive Photoshop skills!! So don't laugh when you look at it, kay? lol
So... just real fast, I will... Put up the lyrics to that addictive song from!! Buahahaa!!! I dunno what language it is though, and like Lolly says, it sounds like she's doing a bit of scat singing in there, so.. who knows. here's the lyrics I got though:
Ia tsu-tsa, parivikkai vailan, Tikkai villan titstandum! L'laa dipi depi della ruppathi rupiran, Kuriikan kukkaja kirikango! Hra-tsa-tsa, ia ripi-dapi dilla Barits tad dillan deh lando. Aba rippadta parip parii Ba ribi, ribi, ribiriz den teahlando. Ia barillaz dillan deiallou, Ara va reve-reve revydyv dyvjavuo: Bariz dah l'llavz dei lando, Dabaoke dagae dagae due due dei ia do.
Weird, huh? Yup. Okay, I actually gots nuthin to post about, so I'ma put up this random conversation, kay? Okay!!
Ishida- *glaring down at the button on his jeans* I reeeeally truly do hate you. You know that, right?
Ichigo- *randomly walking by* *glance* Hey, Ishida. Who're you talking to? *notices Ishida glaring at his pants*
Ishida- *glowering at Ichigo over his glasses* Speaking of things that I hate...
Ichigo- ..things you... *twitch* Hey man, maybe this is none of my business, but what-
Ishida- That's right, Kurosaki, this IS none of your business. So if you'll just move along and let me carry on my conversation with this particular inanimate object, I would appreciate it.
Ichigo- Inanimate object? >.o Come on Ishida, you shouldn't say that! It's a part of you, and there's nothing so bad about it!
Ishida- It is NOT a part of me! I could rip this stupid thing off any time I wanted! But I'd end up having to sew it back on because my pants wouldn't fit right without it...
Ichigo- *backing away* You're freaking nuts!! What's your problem?!?
Ishida- It just seems really inconvenient to me, okay? I would much prefer having a-
Ichigo- WOAH woah woah!! *waving arms frantically* You're right, SO not my business!! I'll just go, okay? You stay here and work out your problems with you... your... *glances nervously at Ishida's pants* with your uh...
Ishida- My BUTTON?
Ichigo- *takes huge step back* Hey, whatever you wanna call it man, it has nothing to do with me! So just... *violent twitching* I'll go now. *turns and runs like hell*
Tadaa!! Do not inquire as to the origins of the random conversation, cuz I'm not...exactly... sure. O.o Hmm. Heh. ^.^ That's all I have for now, I guess! How 'bouts another Bleach avi then? One of Ichigo... which is what most of the are, but I try to vary... So yes. Here.

My brother said he looks like a fish there... and I agree. lol So that's all fo now!! Please keep an eye out for that new "art" of mine. XD ttyl!!! *huggles all*
Luv 2 ya
Comments (3) |
Friday, September 29, 2006
...why am I posting again?
lol Meh, just posting to get up a post, I guess! lol Not much to say, but I'm sure I can think of something. My stupid Bleach volume 13 STILL isn't in yet!! I ordered it who knows how many weeks ago, and AAAALLL the others are in! Grr!! It's infuriating. Hey, wanna hear something funny? My mom was going through my stack of mangas, just looking at the pics on the cover cuz she was commenting on the picture of Shiba Kuukaku... and her ridiculous proportions. XDD But after she made that comment, she kept going through the stack, and when she came to the one with Aizen on the cover, she was all, Ooh, who's that hunk? XDDDD I thought it was so funny! Just cuz it's not something my mom would usually say about an anime character. I didn't say anything about the... spoilers involving him. O+O I can't even mention the spoilers here so I don't ruin anything for anyone else.... JENNA!! You know what I mean, since you've seen most of the episodes!! The UNEXPECTEDNESS of it all!! *falls over* lol Okay, I'm done with that.
Curse you Ayama!! That site you gave me? XDDD I'm hooked, darnit!! The day I first tried it, I ended up spinning for an hour and seven minutes before I had to forcefully tear myself away. Heh. So naturally, I must share this with everyone else. So! You guys!! Go to!! That song is ADDICTIVE!!!
Wow, I really don't have much to post about, do I? Umm... I skipped my art class Thursday cuz I fell asleep, and then didn't feel like walking in half an hour late... uummm.... I have a weird art assignment where I have to choose some sort of tool and then draw it three times from different views along with something that shows the use of the tool... like if I drew a hammer, I would draw it with nails, etc. Yeeeaaah... I dun wanna. U__U AND I need to start taking hour long walks to prepare for my hiking class!! Cuz apparently, for those who aren't in good physical condition (and I'm waaaaay too lazy to be called in-shape, even if I'm not fat or anything), it is advised that they take hour long walks three times a week to build up our stamina for this class.... AUGH!! I dread it much.
Hmm.... oh, I got some money! lol Some scholarship goodies came in... but I'm still confused!! Cuz the scholarship I got is supposed to cover my dorms. It would cover it ALL if I were in the cheap dorms, but I'm not... so doesn't that mean that it should cover as much as it would if I were in the cheap dorms, and then I pick up the difference? Cuz so far, it has NOT covered ANYTHING concerning my dorms. The first month my mom wrote a check, and I paid her back when my grant came in, and this month I used another check to cover it... money that I could have used somewhere else!! This is really infuriating and confuzzling... So I don't know if I should randomly splurge my spare cash that this scholarship awarded me, or put it towards the rooms that I shouldn't really be paying for in the first place.... *sigh* It's bad.
Okay, now I guess I'll stop. Ooh, I do have a litte random thing for you. I found a few fun Bleach gifs that would make good avis... but I dun wanna get rid of my sock one. lol So I'll give ya one a day till I'm out of them... just cuz, okay? lol Today's is Rukia! YAY!

BOHAHAHAHAHA!! XDD Yeah... that site annoyed me though, cuz it had NO gifs of Ishida!! Guh!! The nerve!! lol So most of these are gonna be Ichigo. Oh well. Kay, now I'm done!! I guess I'll ttyl! Love you all bunches!! *huggles all around* Bye!
Luv 2 ya
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
ZOMG!!!! *dies laughing*
OMG, Lolly, that is freaking hilarious!! *huggles you while guffawing obnoxiously*
Okay, I know not everybody got to my last post, prolly mostly cuz the school week and all, and that's totally fine!! I prolly won't post again after this one till the weekend, so you guys have a chance to drop by at your leisure. BUT!! I wanted to share with you all a very funny story, one involving me, Lolly, my obsession, and a little girl who has security issues. Kay? Okay then.
Last night I was chatting with Lolly, and she came across this site on theO of a girl who is obsessed with Ishida... obsessed in the kinda sad sort of way, not the... cool way that I am.. XDD
Ishida- *snorts* What's cool about the way you obsess?
*death glare* I'm just trying to make this story fun, okay? Be quite or I'll take away your special thread and lace!
Ishida- O.o ... yes ma'am. *sits in corner*
Anyways!! I admit I spazzed, looking through her site... though I have all the pics she has up there and MORE... but I just thought I'd... prove a point, but in a very mature fashion, with no flaming involved. =3 Well she just happened to have two hug counters up; one for herself, and one for dear Ishida. She herself had like, what? 20 hugs? Ishida, when I arrived at the site, had... 11 or 13. And by the time I was done with the site, he had 1013. Lolly helped me some too. *huggles Lolly* Oh, and Jenna you added some hugs too, didn't you? *huggles Jenna* And then I commented on her last post, something like this:
"Don't mind me, I just dropped by to hug my dear Ishida a *few* times. Although I'm quite sure he enjoyed it all. *pats his head*"
And that was it. So today, Lolly had PMed me, alerting me to this child's actions. Apparently she spazzed, cuz in her post she put up these "rules" and one of them is, DON'T TOUCH ISHIDA, HE'S MINE!! And then she was all... That reminds me, I need to take the hug counter down. And she deleted my comment on her post. Then she came to my site and commented on my last post. So... when you're done with this post, just check out the comments on the last one right quick, just so you can have a good laugh. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
That totally made my day, it's hilarious how mad she got over that!! All I did was hug my baby several hundred times, and she totally flips! *huggles Ishida* Guess she's really insecure about her claim on this hunk of Quincy.
Ishida- I reeeeally don't know whether I should be extremely flattered by all this, or just... afraid for my life.
>;3 So yeah! I find it hilarious, and all in all, it's actually put me in quite a good mood! Plus Ishida was in ANOTHER dream of mine, which is weird cuz usually no matter how much I obsess over something, my dreams never reflect it in such a ...comrehensible form. Not that the dream made sense; Ishida nearly drowned in mud,, that's all. XD Anyways, if you haven't read my last post, please do so, and check out that girl's comment. That's all I have for today!! *huggles all* ...*huggles Ishida some more* Gotta stake out my claim! XDD (I bet most of you are rolling your eyes at the foaming fangirl competition, but I'd just like to point out that I was not rude about the whole thing!! XDDD) Love you all bunches! Oh, and Lolly, I dunno if I'll be on msn tonight or not, cuz we were thinking of having a LOTR marathon tonight, and of course we're gonna watch America's Next Top Model... DON'T LAUGH! I enjoy that show and all it's drama. XD So don't get your hopes up, though I will try if I can. Luff you my sweet! *huggles* See ya all laters!!
Luv 2 ya
Ps. IMPORTANT!!! Although I did find this entire incident amusing, please do not insult IshidaUryuuLover in any way, as we have already discussed the finer details of our escapade while the cause of the misunderstanding was tied up in the bathtub. SO! Don't like, drop by her site to say anything mean! *shakes finger* I'm laughing at myself in this incident too! I mean, what the hell kind of freak sits there and hits the hug button until it's up to 1013? XD So seriously... no flaming. We worked it out, there was no malice intended from the start, kay? Ja!
Comments (8) |
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I ate Quincy for Breakfast this morning...
Yay!! I actually went around theO today and commented on ppl's sites!! I got a few older posts I'd missed too, so I feel all good... *hugs self* lol If I've missed a post, just be like.... You didn't comment on my post you dirty whore!! And I'll be like... OKAY! THEN I WILL!! XD It's that easy. lol
So what have I been doing while not posting, you may ask? A lot of nuthin, I would answer. Seriously... I mean, I'm busy, but I'm not really busy DOING something... classes, of course.. and EVERY week I have a weird homework assignment for art. I'll end up showing you guys most of the stuff I do in that class, cuz I actually have to take digital photos of my work to make a little portfolio thing for a final grade at the end of the course... *shudder* I dread it all. But when I take the pics, I'll link 'em to myO. OoO ZOMG!!! Speaking of links!! I have something for you!! It's this hilarious video filled with random randomness! YES!! Lolly knows what I'm talking about, I gave her the link while we were chatting, and she agrees with me, at HILARIOUS!! And... GUH! Darn... I forgot the code to actually make the link, so just copy and past this in your address bar: And... let it load. Doesn't take too long, I think. And it's GOOD!! lol Let me know what you think.
Aside from that, I don't do much. I started watching Bleach over again... and I've read all the mangas 'cept fro No. 13, cuz it still hasnt' come in yet... I ordered it foreva ago, and all the other's are in!! Grr!! lol But you know what's funneh? Okay... well two of my brothers are reading my mangas... AND my nine year old sister... AND, that sister actually let our neighbor borrow the first volume (without my permission, I might add!! >:o)... so I'm like... spreading Bleach all over the place!! lol And... I'm gonna have my sister's boyfriend reading them too. As soon as I get Vol. 1 back from the neighbor. *rolls eyes*
Ah, you guys may have noticed, but I've been having separation issues with Ishida, so... he was in nearly every comment I made today. XD He's really fun to have around though!! And I'm working on a few pieces with him... and me. O.o You guys are probably rolling your eyes on your side of the monitor, but I am already away of my obsession issues, and I'm telling you they ARE healthy!! Cuz when I'm not obsessing madly over something, I get really depressed, it's pretty pathetic. So be glad I'm obsessing right now! It means I'm still feeling good. *does dance on Ishida's head* He has a very sturdy neck. =)
Ishida- @__@ I need a chiropractor... *walking around with neck bent to one side*
So... not much else... I wanna say one thing though. I feel dumb. XDDD No, seriously!! I had just gotten out of my art class today, and I was going up the stairs in my dorm, and there was a dude in front of me, and he held the door open for me at the top of the stairs. So I all hurried up the last few steps so he doesn't have to stand there too long... and I tripped. -__-U I fell right smack on my butt right there on the stairs, with the dude holding the door open... >|( I'm just thankful he didn't laugh in my face. Instead he was all, You okay? Though he totally knew I was fine, considering I yelled out, "GOD!" And then just sat there for a second fighting down a highly embarrassed blush. Grr, stupid flip-flops; they will be the downfall of me!! *trips and is skewered by flip-flops* So yeah... lol That's the most exciting thing that's happened to me in a while. And I could have done without it.
Guess that's all for now! I'll have some art up eventually; got some stuffs partially done, plus a new idea very much in the planning stages... so meh. No telling!! Be patient with me and my inability to visit sites regularly and stuf... and is there anyone who wanted Bleach songs that I have forgotten to send them to yet? If so, speak up!!! I wish to share all this joy!! If not... okay, guess I'll talk to ya all laterz!! Love you guys bunches, doncha know! And... I'll try to be on MSN late Wednesday afternoon/evening, so... if anyone's gonna be on!! *stares at Lolly* lol Me and Ishida should be waiting! *huggles*
Luv 2 ya
Comments (5) |
Saturday, September 23, 2006
A Survey
Screw posting. Read this survey instead. Lolly... I emailed it back to ya, you don't have to read it here if ya don't wanna....
>---------------LAST PERSON WHO-------------- x.
Slept in your bed: uh, me? who else?!
>x. Saw you cry:, that's.. hmm... it's not that I haven't cried in forever, I just don't let ppl see me usually, so uuuuhhhh... crap, I can't remember! I think it was my mom, waaaay back in May
>x. Made you cry: the school system... XD It was really pathetic.... don't ask. lol Unless you really wanna know so you can laugh at me. -_-
>x. You shared a drink with: Elladan. my cat. He was drinking my milk last night...
>x. You went to the movies: movies..... movies.... when DID I last go? I think it WAS POTC II... with Shayla. ^.^
>x. You went to the mall with: Chrissy, Pablo, & Shayla
>x. Yelled at you: Umm... in actual anger... it's been... a long time, since my father's been gone, but I think me and Pablo were having a shouting contest pretty recently, with no real malice included....
>x. Sent you an email: Umm... me. XD ASIDE from me though, I think it was muh sweet lil' Lolly. ^.^
>-----------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------
>x. Have you ever liked someone who hadn't like you?: Duuuh! (that means yes)
>x. Said "I Love You" and meant it? Yup!! ^0^
>x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: Yeah, pretty sure I have several times, but the cat just thought it was a game... >.<
>x. Been to California: Been to California? Hell, I used to LIVE in
>x. Been to Hawaii: Yes... no wait.... no.
>x. Been to Mexico: O.o why would I wanna?
>x. Been to China: you actually think I could afford a trip like that??
>x. Been to Canada: See above question about mexico
>x. Danced naked: well... sometimes i do a little dance in the shower... -^.^-
>x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: Umm, no. Actually. And thank God, cuz my dreams defy all laws of science, logic, gravity, and... hell, they don't even make sense to ME!
>x. Do you have a crush on someone: Uhm, does obsession count? *cuddles Ishida-kun*
>x. What book are you reading now: Okay, umm...sort of readin I forgot which book number in the wheel of time series... (cuz i haven't read it in like... a few months) and... other than that, I'll prolly be reading my Bleach mangas over again and again in random order (depending on whether or not it has a lot of studly pics of ishida in it)
>x. Worst feeling in the world: Wanting and loving what you can never have.
>x. Future daughter's name: XDDDD What a hilarious question!! It's.. HAHAH... it's like you think that I!! gonna even HAVE a daughter! XDDDD
>x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Heck yes!! *squeezes Froggy madly* I can't sleep without 'im. ^_^
>x. What's under your bed: Well, a lot of boxes, enough lint to feed a herd of turtles, and a tri-colony of fleas with a very complex matriarchal-based system of government. (it gets a little noisy during their town meetings. *rolls eyes*)
>x. Favorite sport to watch: Ishida walking
>x. Siblings: three brothers (two older, one younger) and three sisters (two older, one younger)
>x. Location: Oklahoma... where the buffalo roam and all that rot
>x. College plans: Umm.. *is in college* to not drop out?
>x. boyfriend/Girlfriend: well, seein' as how Ishida is more like an unwilling prisoner, I'd have to say... WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT ONE OF THOSE??? I'VE SEEN WHAT THEY DO TO YOU!!!!! It's not pretty either.... *shakes head sadly* Heh heh... :3
>------------------------EXTRA STUFF----------------------
>x. Do you do drugs: No... though I do really like those candy-coated Advils.. XD Only when I have a headache though!
>x. Do you drink: Umm, well considering that the intake of liquids is necessary to survival, I'd have to say yeaaaah, but if you are trying to specify alcohol, THEN I would tell you to not mention such a revolting beverage in my presence, as my bowels are very jumpy lately.
>x. What are you most scared of: Of Ishida bein killed of in the manga!! *shakes* But seriously... um... I dunno.. I guess, considering what goes on in my mind when my imagination goes wild, I'm afraid of ppl around me dying... >.< Stupid imagination.
>x. Where do you want to get married: As if I could find a male in this wide world who I could actually handle living with 24/7. I don't want to get married anywhere, not in a box, not with a fox, and DEFINITELY not with a human being... unless someone brings manga characters back to life.. then I might give it some careful thought.
>x. Who do you really hate: Aww, but hate is such a strong word... I DESPISE and DEPLORE .. fake ppl, ppl who lie like there's nothing to it and at times actually believe their own lies, ppl who think they are so great, ppl who are racist, judemental ppl, and close-minded ppl. And many more, I'm sure, this is just... off the top of my head. But at the same time, I know that pretty much everyone at one point has been fake, has told a lie (and maybe even bought their own lie), has felt like they're so much better (if only for a few moments), has formed opinions or made jokes about race, has judged someone without really knowing the facts, and has been close-minded. Can't human beings be such tiring things?
>***Hint Hint***
>x. Do you drive: O.o Umm... sorta... I mean... I can... but ... I don't? lol
>x. Do you have a job: U__U
>x. Do you like being around people: Sometimes, yeah
>x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: Yes.
>x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go for?: actually I don't think so... I mean, I know I have good taste in anime men, but... when it comes to me looking around at guys and saying "hey he's cute"... I can't really specify a type.... @_@ yeah, I know, lame answer. Shutup and go to the next question already.
>x. Are you lonely right now: Well... no. Froggy's on my lap and I'm listening to Ishida sing, so I think I'm pretty good, even with the lack of human comfort.
>x. Song thats sticks in your head a lot: Umm, Ishida-kun's songs have been stickin in my head a LOT lately... mostly Suigintou no Yoru...
>x. Do you want to get married: I think I pretty much already covered this question, so I'll answer simply: no.
>x. Do you want kids: Are you really that dumb? *sigh* I'll say it again: No.
>x. Room in house: the bathroom! XD No, not really... meh... I like my room okay cuz I can close the doors, but I also like the living room.. and the kitchen, cuz it's where we sit and talk a lot...
>x. music: I think this question is outdated, cuz almost everyone will say that they listen to a lot of everything. I really like oldies, I like a lot of country, I don't know much in the way of anything current, I like orchestrated music, like John Williams, and I listen to just about ANYTHING that comes from whatever anime I happen to be into at the time (right now it's Bleach, and w00t!!! AWESOME SONGS!!! *dies*
>x. Band(s): Bah humbug. As if I really remember band names. lol
>x. Color: umm... *looks at self* I'm white. XDDD Yeah, I know what you meant. And I don't think I really have a favorite anymore... cuz I like blues and greens, but don't wear many, while I wear a lot of browns... yellow... and black... O.o I like colors. Most of them. Except for something like... diarrhea yellow or crap green and stuff like that.
>x. Perfume or cologne?: Umm... I like Victoria Secret's Very Sexy perfume... ;3
>x. Month: Umm... either September or April... as in, when summer's finally ending cuz I'm sick of it, or when winter's finally ending cuz I'm sick of it... I like the month's where I look forward to the change, but I don't like being in the middle of the two extremem seasons...
>x. Stone: crushed gravel. XDD No, just kidding... um, I dunno, actually. Something sparkley.
>--------------IN THE LAST WEEK, HAVE YOU---------------
>x. Cried: uh, no... I mean, they were tears coming out of my eyes, but I was throwing up, so i don't think that counts. XDDD (I bet you just went, Ew!!! Too much info!! muaahahahaaa!!)
>x. Bought something: The fourth Bleach manga. ^_^ It has Ishida's sexy waist on da cover!! *licks cover*
>x. Gotten sick: *snorts* Yes. -_-U All monday and some tuesday too. Hence the puking?
>x. Sang: Not a day goes by when i don't sing, even if it is just me muttering along with a CD.
>x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: Umm... noooo, I don't think so... if I WANTED to say it, that means I probably did.
>x. Met someone new: Yeah, several random ppl who's names I mostly forgot.. 'cept that dude Nick, he helped Shayla change a tire... and Charlie, he tried to help Shayla change a tire. XD
>x. Missed someone: *sniffles* Yes... *stares at messenger longingly*
>x. Hugged someone: Yush
>x. Kissed someone: Umm, well i kiss my mama g'night every night that I'm home, but other than that nooooooo.
>----------- I N F O R M A T I O N ------------
>Name: Angel
>Status: *checks pulse* Alive.
>Sex: Yes please. No wait... *shifty eyes* Depends on who's offering.... ah, screw that. Never mind. No thanks.
>Birthday: June 3
>Sign: Well, according to the month I was born, I'm a Gemini, but considering the fact that the entire cosmos has shifted since all this crap began... then... uh, I'm something else that I forgot.... I'd need to consult my psychology book. Let's just stick with Gemini
>Hair color: naturally, blonde; currently, black
>eyeolor: green.. i guess
>Height: 5" 6' or 7'
>---------- F A S H I O N | S T U F F --------------
>Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: Umm, Ross? cuz it's cheap? And from that Alloy catalog when they have a sale... XD
>Favorite designer?: Ishida... he just oozes fashion sense (dude, did you just say ooze? XDD No one will get that unless they've seen Bleach episode 15... during the preview for th next episode... XDDDD *sigh* it was good)
>What is your sexiest outfit?: lol I actually do have a sexy outfit, I wear it sometimes when I want to feel good about myself. XD It's cool dark dark purpley-maroon skirt with cool designs and a black shirt that works almost like a corset and y'know it sounds reeeeeally lame when I describe it!!! It looks kinda gothy... but sexy. i'm not saying that to be stuck up, I just know cuz I walked through the PX in that oufit and like, every GI in the place was checkin me out. I didn't know whether to feel good or freaked out.. XD So I settled for both!
>What is your most comfortable outfit?: A really big baggy shirt... and then my understuffs. :D
>What do you usually wear?: skirts.. and shirts, obviously...
>-------------- S P E C I F I C S -------------------
>What kind of shampoo do you use?: Selsun Blue... cuz it gets rid of my dandruff... U__U And then other random shampoos and conditioners, whatever is in the shower usually. lol
>What are you listening to right now: my Bleach CD... right now it's the song "Life" by Yui *doesn't know the words to this one yet*
>Who is the last person that called you?: No one calls me anymore
>How many buddies are online right now?: *checks* None. Still. *sigh*
>------------- F A V O R I T E S -----------------
>Foods: I likes chicken... basically anything my mom cooks... fast food, like pizza and steak nacho cheese chalupas with no tomatos... and.. .yeah. donuts. Stuff that... tastes... good.
>girls name: Misty
>Boys names: Amadeo
>Subjects in school: Art
>Animals: cats
>---------------- H A V E | Y O U | E V E R -------------
>Given anyone a bath? Yeah.. my little sister, when she was a baby... and I washed Shayla's hair in teh sink.. XD
>Smoked?: Ew! No!
>Bungee jumped?: No... I will... eventually... unless I die or forget... lol
>Made yourself throw up?: Umm... by thinking about eating when I was already feeling pukey mebbe... but not like, in the eating disorder sort of way.
>Ever been in love?: Well, since everyone will tell me that anime doesn't count, and this is not taking into account the natural family love and few reeeally good friends... then nope. Don't think I will either. =D yay! I'm heartless!! XD
>Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Umm... I think so... actually I dunno, don't think it'd have worked.
>Cried when someone died? Umm.. this'll sound bad, but I haven't cried over someone I know dying, but I've cried over someone dying in tv shows... and over pets.
>Fallen for your best friend?: my best friend is a girl. So no...I'd say not.
>Done something you regret?: That's a stupid question, of course!
>------------- fave ---------------------
>Music: It varies, but right now I'm totally hooked on my Bleach CD
>Smell: lilacs... the smell of morning... fresh cut grass... wood chips...and... bacon. lol
>Desktop picture: Tokyo.... at night.
>DVD in player: Uhh... *checks* Nuttin
>--------------- A R E | Y O U ---------------------
>Understanding: Umm.. I think so.
>Open-minded: Yeah... yeah I usually am.
>Arrogant: every once in a while, I think, but not very often.
>Insecure: I gave up caring what others think a LOOONG time ago.
>Random: Yes! No!! Peanut butter!! muahahaaa!!! You'll never guess!!! I'm actually a broom!
>Hungry: Not really, no.
>Smart: So they say...... *__*
>Organized: lol Nope. You should see my desk in my dorm...
>Healthy: I doubt it; but there's nothing... clinically wrong with me.
>Difficult: .... U_U I'm told as much sometimes..
>Bored easily: Only when I'm bein difficult. lol Naw, I can be, but I usually end up drawing or daydreaming
>Obsessed: Heh heh... what would give you that idea? lol Well, it's either obsession or depression! Guess which I prefer.
>Angry: Nope, can't say I am.
>Sad: ...*thinks* Nope.
>Happy: *pokes self* Nope, not that either.
>Hyper: Umm... *frowns* I think I'm kinda blank right now.. O.o
>Trusting: Sadly yes...I'm a little too trusting sometimes...v__v *sigh*
>--------- W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A --------
>Kill?: no one at the moment, don't give me the time to think cuz I don't feel like going to hell.... lol
>Slap?: Well I'd like to slap some sense into a few ppl, but out of malice I wouldn't SLAP anyone, I'd... prolly kick 'em.
>Get really wasted with?: Oh, right, let's all go get wasted and have a really great night that we'll never be able to remember because we're too freakin smashed and half our brain cells were just murdered through our intoxication. Sounds like a blast, but I think I'll pass on that.
>Sex it up with: Muahahaa!! Ishida-kun!! Call me anytime babeh!!! >:3
>------------------ R A N D O M ---------------------
>In the morning I: Go back to sleep. Or drink coffee and go to class. U__U
>All you need is: sleep... anime... and occasionally something to ingest.
>Love is: bogus. It makes it easier for ppl to hurt you. (XD that sounds so angsty)
>I dream about: I think I already mentioned my dreams; they don't have a subject...
>Playing with: I'm not playing... I'm... listening to music and... filling out this survey... and looking at Ishida. *swoons*
>What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: Oh shut up with this question already, no one spots a dude from a distance and picks out just ONE freakin feature; first, she see's his overall appearace, does he have a nice face, how does he carry himself, does he dress decently. Then as he gets a little closer she'll notice things like his hair, his build, then closer (passing by him mebbe) she'll see his face, take in his smile and his eyes... and then mebbe if he was really great looking she'll take a peek after he's passed her to see if he's got a nice tushie too. ^.^
>------- W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ---------------
>Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi! Neither. I don't drink soda much, mostly ice tea, but I like Dr. Pepper.
>Flowers or candy: Meh, as a really nice gift, neither... cuz one of them you eat, and THEN what happens to it? The other... just dies. Soo... lol I like them both, looking at pretty flowers and smelling them, and eating yummy candy, but they don't make much in the way of an extremely thoughtful gift.
>Tall or short: How should I know? Most girls always think to end up with a guy taller than them, but if she finds the perfect man, and he's short, what's she gonna do? Say, WHO CARES how short he is! So I can't really say. Tall is nice, but short would be fine too.
>--------------- W H O ---------------
>Makes you laugh the most: Oh, sheesh... Shayla makes me laugh, Mat makes me laugh, Chrissy can make me laugh, Lolly makes me laugh... but I laugh a lot. I also make myself laugh, and then so does Ishida, in the manga and anime and whatnot...
>Makes you smile: I smile a lot. It's just a polite thing to do; I smile at strangers, so that's a pretty.. general question.
>-------------- D O | Y O U | E V E R -----------------
>Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: No, cuz Lolly doesn't get on after midnight. I stop waitin for her then. U__U lol
>Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Ew. Nope. Sometimes I can't stand being a woman, but I wouldn't wanna trade it for being a man.
>Wish you were younger: Nah. Age is inescapable, but just cuz I grow old doesn't mean i have to grow up.
>Cried because someone said something to you?: Yeah, but usually I hide so the person never knows they even made me cry. *rolls eyes at self* Genius, I know.
>----------------- N U M B E R --------------
>Of scars on my body: Well... I have like, one big scar from stitches, but other than that I have like a bazillion little ones from cats and climbing trees and tripping over stuffs...
WTF kind of ending was this?!
What, that's all? Okay then. Guess I'll go. Come on Ishida! *grabs his shirt collar and drags him away*
Ishida- someone please help me. TT__TT
Okay, I'm done. Love ya all. *huggles* ttyl!
Luv 2 ya
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