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Princess of Heart
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My Violin progress and my beloved cosplays!
Anime Fan Since
a while
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Witch Hunter Robin, Le Portrait de Pittet Cosette, Chrono Crusaide, DN angel, Fruits Basket, Princess Ai, Saikano, and others that I can't think of.
Soccer, Violin, Video games, cosplay!
Yuna and other character voice impersonations ^_^
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Oh my goodness, tomorrow is the first day of the anime convention. I am so excited. *breathe in breathe out* AHHHH!!!!!!! I can't wait to wear my cosplay it's soooooooo beautiful. For those of you who don't know I will be cosplaying Yuna from Final Fantasy X as if my site didn't pretty much explain that already. I know that every one has cosplayed her, but I absolutely love mine soooooo much. And I haven't cosplayed her yet, so yay me!
*screams* I will add pictures as soon as I learn how and actually take pictures.

Last night was the first night of soccer practice. It was hard, I am so sore. My behind muscles are really aching. *sigh* I am not that out of shape. Oh well, now the hard part is over. "The first cut is the deepest", you know. I am really excited for our game next Saturday, I am not sure that we will be ready, but I will do my best. Wish me luck. Unless you're on the other team, in which case I wish you the best of luck.

OH, I think that I am finally coming out of my one-year writer’s block. I started a poem, but I am not done yet. Just a heads up for some reason all the poetry that I write is sorrowful, so just a heads up. It's supposed to be how I thought that Yuna would feel after X but before X-2, if that makes since. You don't have to read it, if you don't wish to.
Once you left things changed but
you won't see a single tear
a silent sob
you'd never hear
A scream of loneliness
fall upon deaf ears
no protection
only meaningless fears
Every song
has empty notes
trying to ignore everyone’s
regretful gloats
Every poem
has suffering words
my wings have broken
like those of birds
my heart is nothing
but a December snow
a fallen candles
absent glow
I am a paper crane
human made
just like the rest
forgotten and frayed
My life is a spiral
every turn has fears
like images
in broken mirrors
I am eternally lost
in your eyes
deep ocean blue
and rid of lies
I am without
proper direction
abandoned, alone
and without your affection
This feeling
no one can find
you must understand
I didn't have this in mind
There are so many things
I wanted to do
and everyone knows
lovers makes two
And it's gone, I lost the inspiration. *sigh*

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