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Princess of Heart
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My Violin progress and my beloved cosplays!
Anime Fan Since
a while
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Inuyasha, Witch Hunter Robin, Le Portrait de Pittet Cosette, Chrono Crusaide, DN angel, Fruits Basket, Princess Ai, Saikano, and others that I can't think of.
Soccer, Violin, Video games, cosplay!
Yuna and other character voice impersonations ^_^
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/21/06:
It's not strange!!!!!!
Which Kingdom Hearts II Girl are you? (and what guy are you attraced to)
Result Posted on 12/21/06:
well, of course.
Which Kingdom Hearts 2 character are you?
 You are Kairi. You have a tendency to be stubborn but that won't stop you from getting close to people. There is one person you deeply care for and would do anything just to see that person again. To you, friends are the most important and so is finding someone to love. No worries though, even though you are sort of one of the girly girls, you have your own strength. Your character qoute is... "Close your eyes, you'll understand." Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/11/05:
Result Posted on 06/06/05:
That sound pretty accurate.
Result Posted on 06/06/05:
Your Hidden Power Is WaterYou have a rather calm soul, but when tempted will get pissed off at those who bug you. You do whatever you can in your powers to help those of your allies and have a okay taste for human kind, but you find them rather annoying on occasions. Gem Stone: Saphire, Eye Color:Ice Blue, Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long that goes to your waist. Quote:If you wait for me
Then I'll come for you. Although I've travelled far, I always hold a place for you
In my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll return and fill that space in your heart
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
Result Posted on 05/14/05:
Result Posted on 05/14/05:
Result Posted on 05/14/05:
of course I am Yuna!
Result Posted on 05/14/05:
 Your element is Water. The Element of Water governs the Western quarter of the circle. Its ruler is Niksa who oversees the Nymphs, Undines, Mer-people, and the little ones of the springs, lakes, ponds and rivers. Its color is pure blue; it is cold and moist. The positive associations of Water are: sunset, Fall, the chalice and cauldron, any form of helpful water, compassion, peacefulness, forgiveness, love and intuition. Negative associations are: floods, rain storms, whirlpools, any kind of harmful water, laziness, indifference, instability, lack of emotional control, and insecurity.
Finding Your Element brought to you by Quizilla
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