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I come free in a can of Pepsi
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To Breathe
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This iz mi 2nd site. I have also.... *stares* I guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
Ever! I'll die an anime fan too!
Favorite Anime
Naruto, stuff like that. Hellsing, Inu Yasha, yeah, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, FMA, the works
..... I'll find one.
Drawing, hugging, music, telly vishen, computadora,
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Otaku and Time
Hello, one and all! ^o^ I'm sorry! Just to fill you in, I live at my mum's house and her computer doesn't really work, and when it does, it doesn't work very well.^^; It may be a while, but I'm gonna catch up again. Don't think I refuse to sign your gb or add you. I didn't forget about all of you out there!! *knocks on yer computer screen* For all who did....

Grey Areas:

The 3rd Inu Yasha movie was on last weekend @ 11 o clock on saturday. Sorry ya missed it if ya did! I wished you couldv'e watched it instead of me!! *so modest* I really don't care for anime movies. I like anime episodes. I'm starting to think Inu Yasha has gone soft, just like the Scott's towels. Sesshoumaru-dono is my favorite character on there now. All right. Just to say.
Here's a few comicks. I hope they put a smile on your face!!!!!!!!^o^

Tehe^^ This one is cute!

L E M O N B A -NOT AGAIN!!!^o^
*C H O M P ! ! !*
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
I need to interact a little more with my fellow Otaku friends
Here's some questions!!!
What would you do for a Klondike bar???
What is your favorite smell???
Which is worse? Old people? Or little kids?
Pepsi? *Yay!* Or Coca Cola?
I would just eat the Klondike bar. I don't want to do anything for it!! Nya!
My favorite smell is the smell of a freezer when ya stick your head inside of it.
Little kids by far!
Looking forward to what you comment!^^
L E M O- *C H O M P!!!*
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
~*~*~*~*~*~ This would make a pretty border- anywayz...
My site is short and simple right now. I would really like to know how to get a background like the ones that don't move when you scroll down. I have no clue in getting music for my site either. If you know how....can ya help plz?? *innocent face* <3
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Super Signing
I feel like going on a super signing! Who knows? I might sign your guestbook! Signing for me, it's short. But fun. I like to visit the people.
Lemon Bar-
*C H O M P!*
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Swiri Chair
Ummm.... uhtay. I have been playing solitare for a year or so and here's my current score:
Losses: 1545
Iv'e also have been having errors with my avvie. I've been trying to change it to another one I found and it's been turning back into this. Argh. Too hard. *scratches head* I'm puzzled. How long does it take to change an avvie?
Lemon Bar- *CHOMP*
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
So, I was just sitting in my swirli chair...
...I realized mi friend William is gone to Japan for two weeks. She won... like... a contest or something. William Whatanassiam is mi buddy from the bus and we usually wave to people passing by in their cars. We're only lucky if they wave back to us. These days, no one finds us fun to wave at anymore. Now, people just flip us off- even old people. This school year is going to be different though. I'm going to flip them off back. I'm tired of getting flipped off by them so I'm going to show them how it feels! I'll whisper sorry though after I do it because I'm not that mean.
Lemon Bar,
aten now currently.
Damn. Lemon Bars are good. *Licks lips*
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