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Super Secret Land of the Pot-smoking Faeries
Member Since
Pornagraphic Connoisseur
Real Name
Hugh G. Rection hee hee
I don't achieve
Anime Fan Since
before you were born
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Hellsing, Outlaw Star, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi, and FLCL
Be killed in an awesome way. Like die by the hands of Gackt and his kung fu skills
Blood, Sugar, Magik
I can lick the back of my neck.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Odd.... I always thought I was asexual, but this is accurate I guess...
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
W00t!! 200 visits bitches!! Fear my 200th visit Kangaroo Rats!!
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Ok everyone, I just had a near death experience...
I was curious as to what would go good with grapes, so I got down the jar of peanut butter. I dipped a grape in it and it was ok, but hardly craemy and smooth enough so I microwaved it.Little did I know Peanut butter has the same effect in the microwave as a fork. So I walked over to the fridge to look for chocolate syrup and I turned around to see the microwave sparking like crazy! So I took the pewanut butter out put it in a bowl of grapes, and put coffee, right out of the can on top for flavor. It taste like mocha nutty ass. |
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Silly Zachy...
Heartburn 2 86: Tee hee, Zachie poo, tee hee.
Antiuniverse 0: Your profile is more than enough to block you right this instant.
Heartburn 2 86: what is it?
Antiuniverse 0: You should be able to find out for yourself! Lazy ass! GOOD BYE!
Heartburn 2 86: Zachy... its me
Heartburn 2 86: Your sister
Antiuniverse 0: I'm well aware
Heartburn 2 86: Talk to me
Heartburn 2 86: Its ok
Antiuniverse 0: If you want me to talk to you, you come talk to me. You don't type at me in an irritating red font.
Heartburn 2 86: Does my profile say I heart bondage clad femme boys?
Antiuniverse 0: Sure does.
Heartburn 2 86: yay! |
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
For those of you confused... Excluding me... is a link to my site which you should visit for two reasons.
A) Because my randomness decided Happy Poodles and JRock would be a good name, and honestly, can you think of something that brings as many smiles to childrens faces ans dogs and bondage-clad femme-boys?
2) Because I made it and I know you want to see my mad designing skillz.
...I put pics up on a couple pages... Thats about it... But i doubt you could do better!!! |
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Friday, August 13, 2004
:::Walks out in black cat costume:::
Its friday the 13th!!! Time to celebrat all the fun fun superstitions, or whatever that word is!!
:::Runs underneath a row of latters:::
Whee!! Come prance with me my cat brethren! HAHAHAHA!!
ahem.... sorry... |
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
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I feel like crap. That got hit by a car. I feel like I'm vomiting knives. How are you today? |
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Ladies and Gentleman!! I have a site!! A real one, not a pansy ass blog!... No offense Adam, you're doin a great job ^^;; Right now I am crying as I listen to Eyes On Me from Final Fantasy 8. That game is the shit, and anyoe who disaggrees just couldn't handle it's raw sexiness. Gotta get back to site making, I dunno if it works yet, butI have done nothing yet but put up a pic of robert smith and that I heart scooy thing Gabe made me. I plan on putting more... |
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Did all y'alls notice? I'm totally gettin my html on. For those of you who have been with me through the tough times of my last site, the awkward ones of this site, and now, thank you. ^-^ |
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