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Super Secret Land of the Pot-smoking Faeries
Member Since
Pornagraphic Connoisseur
Real Name
Hugh G. Rection hee hee
I don't achieve
Anime Fan Since
before you were born
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Hellsing, Outlaw Star, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi, and FLCL
Be killed in an awesome way. Like die by the hands of Gackt and his kung fu skills
Blood, Sugar, Magik
I can lick the back of my neck.
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Much Tetris-Style Rip Off Enjoyment!!!
Ok... I lack originality. Who the hell cares?! Time for me to rip off about 75% of the members of the "Otaku Community" With a little thing I call... Ooops My bad. I dont call it anything.
Before the ripp off ness I must rant. Just skip to the BLUE TEXT, ok?
Ai! Why don't you love me anymore?!!
On a... different note, Aya. so sorry my mom won't let you be nice to me. Shes paranoid. She thinks your a rapist. Not my fault, don't hate me becuase the weed has paranoidedededed up my mom.
On a Birthday note!!! Some ppl out there who have bday's tomorrow will probly recieve there gift from me a couple days after their bday. I have no stamps. Or cards. Or gifts. Actually, Im to poor to get you a gift.I planned on mailing you like a card. Maybe one I made myself ^_^ Such is the life of a poor deranged little girl. You know if you change your mind about the whole presents thing, ya know the necklace and plushie and all, my address wil be on the envelope.
W00t! Glad I got that out of the way. I always put things up like 3 weeks after thinking of them. :::looks at the Laruj\ku concert sons of bitches thin::: Anyway I promised ripp off fun, and her it is, my "Blank of the Day stuff" :::Applause, whoops and cheers:::
Say Anything by X Japan. This is the song of the day cuz it came on the WinAmp playlis when I was typing all the BS ^-^
"My thinking is this, if it's empty, fill it with cream"
Gabe, Penny Arcade
 Die is a sweetie! You take good care of him!
Which Dir en Grey member would be your ideal boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla
RANDONESS OF THE DAY: (As if it wasn't all random)

hope you enjoyed my random, rip offness. I know I didn't. Bye now, befor I put more insane annoying pointless crap ^-^ |
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
This is what happens when you sill random members put your aim name right on your silly site!
InfernalHitsuzen: Eh?
SpaceMonkyPunk: Know who I am?
InfernalHitsuzen: An terribly annoying person?
SpaceMonkyPunk: Yes!!
SpaceMonkyPunk: So you don't know my true identity?
SpaceMonkyPunk: I am the underpant gnome!! Step 1- collect underpants
SpaceMonkyPunk: Step 2-....
SpaceMonkyPunk: Step 3- Profit
InfernalHitsuzen: Tweeg?
InfernalHitsuzen: A person who watches South Park?
SpaceMonkyPunk: You can just call me Nny, k?
InfernalHitsuzen: Why?
InfernalHitsuzen: Why do I have to call you anything?
SpaceMonkyPunk: Cuz... I raped a monkey
SpaceMonkyPunk: You like AFI... I like AFI... We like AFI... We like eachother
InfernalHitsuzen: Claire?
SpaceMonkyPunk: No, Nny |
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
I've been meaning to put this for a while now, but I always forget. Some ppl went to see L'Arc~en~Ciel in concert when I didn't get to...
....And they are SONS OF BITCHES |
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Ppl! I am here to clear something up. On the previous post it says the Cell is freaky. What I meant was the Cell is f**ked up. My bad ^-^ |
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Ah its good to be home. My computer takes about 90 seconds to load a page at the least, and everything is huge again ^_^ I missed you crap!
On some pointless notes, Have you ever seen that movie The Cell? Thats some freaky sh*t. Ok, as you should know, if you had been listening to me whine, my computer is crap, but I can watch my brother play kickass games. Like Doom3. That crap is messed.... Have you played it yet? If no, dont feel bad, your sanity probly couldn't take it anyway, I know mine couldn't ::eye twitches::
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Im at my cousins house, and his computers funked up....
The resolutions all high, and he has broadband and there are no viruses and Im not used to not having a piece of s**t computer!! But its cool. I'll learn to live with it. But ppl. My site just looks weird.... |
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Tee hee. I have a new background pic. It used to be Die ripping his heart out. Now it's a guy with a mustache. Seeing a pattern? You should be if you know me at all. HA! That guy with a mustache is so silly! |
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Damn. Interacting with humans sucks. I'll just stay here in my room with alluminium covering the windows and 5 locks on the door. Go to Hell human race |
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