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Super Secret Land of the Pot-smoking Faeries
Member Since
Pornagraphic Connoisseur
Real Name
Hugh G. Rection hee hee
I don't achieve
Anime Fan Since
before you were born
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Hellsing, Outlaw Star, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi, and FLCL
Be killed in an awesome way. Like die by the hands of Gackt and his kung fu skills
Blood, Sugar, Magik
I can lick the back of my neck.
Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Since it is highly unlikely I will be able to tell you this on the 18th, its my birthday in 9 days biatch!
Guess how old I will be. Go ahead. Guess.
Alright so, Everyone is doing this survey shit so, Why not join in?
Now... Quizzes
 You're a loner. There's nothing wrong with being a loner, it just means that you like your own company better than someone else's. However, you do enjoy animals and you are really a very nice person.
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
True dat
 .:You live your life: ~disturbingly~:.
You are utterly sad. You see only darkness but you are aware of a light that lights the people around you and you long for it as you long for a break from life itself. There is only one thing for you.. snap out of it because once its too late, there's no turning back. You will never have true friends.
How do you live your life? (with pics! ^.~) brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah, I guess Im deppressed
Your the crazy one. You like to have fun and do outragous things. It's pretty outragous to die your hair green,not like I have a proble. You're funny,wild,silly and a joker. It seems you make the wildest ideas.Hey,keep it up.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
I would probly kill myslef if I had green hair
1.) Who are you?
2.) Are we friends?
3.) When and how did we meet?
4.) Describe me in one word.
5.) What was your first impression of me?
6.) Do you still think that way of me now?
7.) Give me and nickname, and tell why you chose it.
8.) What reminds you of me?
9.) If you could give me anything, what would it be?
10.) How well do you know me?
11.) Are you going to put this on your site and see what I say about you?
12.) What song are you listening to right now?
13.) Who do I remind you of?
14.) How do you picture me? (if you've never seen me)
15.) What would you do if you saw me tommorow?
16.) What would you do if I hugged you?
17.) Do you love me? |
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